Friday, April 13, 2012

Wind Energy - Who's to Blame? - The Democrats or the Republicans? You Can Believe a Political Fantasy, or You Can Believe the Truth

   Newt Gingrich signs a giant wind turbine blade in Iowa in support of wind energy.  Photo  NY Times

See the story at the link below:

Let me start this post by clarifying one thing.  Except to vote in Cape Vincent in 2011,
I have not been registered with any political party.  I try to use common sense as a guide. 

I only registered Republican in Jefferson County to support the Hirschey candidates.  But that was NOT because I thought they would somehow prohibit wind development in CV. It was because the alternative was unacceptable and disgusting. It was also because I thought that if there would be any chance of convincing officials to prohibit turbines and look at that alternative, it might be the Rep. candidates, but sadly that has not been the case. They won’t even consider the NO wind option or take that input.  I believe voting strict blind  party line politics, and sucking up the hoopla of one party against another is absurd.  I am about to prove to you in this post exactly what I mean, and particularly on the wind issue, and how dangerous it can be to look at this issue with partisan blinders on.  It’s all research you can verify yourself.

And once again this is truth you will not find on the other CV blogs JLL and Pandora’s Box of Rocks who lean rabid blind Republican.  They want you to swallow that all our wind problems are a direct result of the Democrats.  Well in the micro world  of CV with the Wiley/ King green shirt faction that may be true, but we need to look at the much bigger picture as to why we are in this wind  mess. Who created that?  I will warn you that if you are a political party hound, particularly Republican, this will be an uncomfortable read. Just like Al Gore said, it will be an inconvenient truth!

Keep in mind I am not defending Democrats on the wind issue, but trying to get at the truth.  There is plenty of blame to put  on both parties and particularly when the Republicans try to hype you into making the wind battle a partisan battle.  THAT is exactly why we are in this wind mess, because we put partisan blinders on and refuse to see who the real enemy is!

Consider some information by Robert Bryce an expert energy analyst who wrote the book   “Gusher of Lies – The Dangerous Delusions of Energy Independence.” This is a book I highly recommend that everyone should read.  He is non-partisan and even has solar panels on his home.  He points out that every president Rep. and Dem. has been promoting energy independence and renewables since Nixon.  He points out how my REPUBLICAN AZ Sen. John McCain was against ethanol until he ran for president and visited the corn state of Iowa where he was suddenly FOR ethanol. 

Now if you listen to most Hirschey supporters or some other CV Republicans they are going to try to sell you the slick party propaganda that the industrial wind mess we are in is entirely the fault of those terrible socialist Democrats trying to run your life.  Wiley is at the top of this propaganda scheme locally in CV with his JLL blog.

So what is the real root cause of this industrial wind renewable energy fiasco in CV and NYS?  Why NYS…why are the wind developers here?  Well one BIG reason, maybe the KEY reason is that NYS by policy forces utilities to accept renewable wind energy and has set ridiculous % goals for renewable development by certain dates.  That is done through a policy called the Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS).   Look on your National Grid electric bill and you should see a charge called SBC/RPS. As physicist and environmental advocate and anti wind friend John Droz who spoke in CV will tell you this is a terrible idea by govt to pick winners and losers in the energy business.  You know, just like the Republicans are accusing Obama of doing right now. . Oh that bad, bad Democrat!

And speaking of anti wind activist John Droz…some of us in WPEG tried to get him to speak in CV, but Mr. Hirshey a Republican  was against it.  He apparently thought Droz was too radical and controversial since he was anti wind, yet had excellent facts and documentation to back his argument.  John Droz who is a Republican by the way.  We finally overrode Hirschey’s objection and John came to speak in CV and got tremendous applause. John has also been recognized as an expert on this matter and is among the top people in the national anti wind fight, and has testified before various levels of govt, and public groups. Can’t figure out what Mr. Hirschey’s problem was with John, unless he was not anti wind and didn’t like that message.

  Look at this link to Nat. Grid about your bill and scroll down for the explanation of RPS. 

“SBC/RPS (System Benefits Charge/Renewable Portfolio Surcharge)—These charges reflect costs associated with mandated public policy programs - low income assistance, energy efficiency programs, and certain research and development programs including the advancement of renewable energy resources.”

You might hate industrial wind, but you are paying right out of your pocket every month to support it because of the RPS.  Now whose brilliant idea was this! Probably some damn socialist Democrat right!  Well  hold on there just a minute cowboy…it was a REPUBLICAN…a very high visibility Republican…former NY Gov. George Pataki! That’s right.  Rep. Pataki’s RPS is the KEY reason we are in this mess, because as soon as this was policy the wind developers started flocking to NYS….AND CV because he opened the door wide and made it so attractive by picking winners and losers in the energy business just like Obama.  If you want to blame somebody for our wind messy, blame REPUBLICAN George Pataki because he gave the wind developers a golden invitation to rape NYS! 

Here are some links you can visit to see for yourself.

“Governor Pataki also established the Albany Nanotech Center for Excellence and the nation's most innovative renewable portfolio standard to ensure that New York rate payers were supplied with the most cost-effective renewable energy.”
“A second major initiative is the Renewable Portfolio Standard proposed by Gov. Pataki and adopted last year by the PSC requiring that 25 percent of the state's electricity come from renewable sources by 2013.”
And $ 4 million for Ehtanol?????

Now how about we come closer to home. Former Sen. Darryl Aubertine is obviously the culprit in this wind mess right?  It’s ALL his fault.  Well I would agree locally he was a big player in the wind BS. But  you Rep’s should swallow hard because here comes the hammer of truth.   Remember former NYS Sen. Jim Wright from our local NY senate district 48 who now sits at the head of  DANC?  Another staunch Republican with many many local ties and supporters.  He also sat on the NY Senate Energy Committee.  He was a big influential player in the NY energy scene and well beyond, and the giant energy corps knew it, including wind developers.  You know what they say about politics and influence…follow the money.  OK so let’s do that.  Let’s look at  the money and Wright’s campaign donations from 2000 to 2008 right in the heart of the heat of the wind fiasco.  There is a link to the NY Board of Election where you can look up campaign donations on Wright from 2000 - 2008.  Unfortuneatly it is a long web addres that doesn't fit well on the page.  So just in case you missed it, here are some of Wright’s donors.

Right near the top, this name ought to ring a bell.

AES/ACCIONA WIND LLC…Imagine that, and shucky darn fellas… a Republican taking a donation from a big foreign wind developer with designs to develop right in his district and in our little town.  Well who else, and do they have any relationship to the CV wind disaster?

American Wind Energy Assoc. national wind energy lobby fighting for the tax incentives for wind developers.
Enron!!! Houston, TX   Go figure! who the hell would take a donation from Enron!!!
GE Wind Energy
Bernie and Carr – The CV town engineers.
Whiteman, Osterman &Hanna !-  The former big Albany pro wind lawyers that tried to skirt our ethics codes.  You can bet Edsall did not just “find” these lawyers in NYC all by himself just on a fluke!!!
Nixon Peabody LawyersLaw firm that argued against the WPEG utilities law suit.
Cindy IntschertCindy is Jeff, Cnty DA.  who refused to do anything about the CV wind corruption.
Hugh Gilbert – Judge who has heard all WPEG laws suits and tossed out the latest one.
Flat Rock Wind Power – Now Maple Ridge Wind Farm.
Greenberg and Taurig law firm.Name Greenberg ring a bell???  This is an interesting one.  He is the Cuomo top AG counsel that called me for a meeting that started the ball rolling on the CV AG investigation.    He worked for Dem. Cuomo, and his firm is donating to Rep. Wright.  Anybody who thinks this is a Dem Rep. issue is deluded!
Patty Ritchie and Friends of Patty Ritchie
Kevin McCauliffe – Lawyer from Syracuse that arranged all the Maple Ridge town PILOTS. 
Alliance for Clean Energy- Big renewable NY (wind ) lobby for clean energy. Remember Carol Murphy the one Wiley at JLL keeps ripping.  Well one of her staff Laura Lyman at ACE worked with Republican Wright on energy issues.  See the link below.

“Having worked previously with former New York State Senator James W. Wright, Chair of the Senate Energy and Telecommunications Committee, she has first-hand experience with New York's energy issues and the legislative landscape.”

Independent Power Producers of NY-  Wind farms are IPP’s not utilities despite what our ZBA thinks. 
Reliant Energy, Houston, TX  (wind related)
Duke Energy Houston TX (wind related)
CH Energy (wind)
Florida Light and PowerLargest wind developer in N. America
Energy Action Fund – Clean energy lobby.

And these are just the ones I recognized.  Who knows what’s hidden in the Republican Committee donations.

Any other names you might recognize?

Urban Hirschey, our town supervisor.
Rochne Burns, who was on the CV Wind Economic and has been appointed to the Planning Board despite that he may still have a conflict with a wind lease.

It’s up to you to figure out whether those last names have any relevance or connection. I’m just reporting that they are there…I didn’t create that fact.
Isn’t Jim Wright an influential consultant or associate with the JCIDA???

What does the JCIDA say about renewable energy in it’s 2008 Annual Report

“Using the old adage of playing to our strengths, our area is blessed with natural resources suitable for energy development. Wind, hydro and bio-mass lead the menu of potential energy sources suited for regional development but photovoltaic, geo-thermal along with others should also be included in this development.”
Geee…. did a  wind developer write this for the JCIDA, or was it Carol Murphy at ACE!

 And you know that awful Article X, that, that terrible Commie Democrat Cuomo forced on us and we are all running around in a tizzy about?  Well guess who was a big supporter of the original past Article X….Yup… it was our very own REPUBLICAN Sen. Wright. Now why would a REPUBLICAN want to support a bill that would take away local home rule and self determination.  I though the REPUBLICANS were against big govt control of our lives. And a lot of Republicans got right in bed with Cuomo and the wind developers on the new Article X that will allow wind developers to FORCE themselves on communities and preempt local laws.

So be very careful of buying into the mantra that this is all the Democrat’s fault like the Republican partisan propaganda you are being spoon fed at the blogs JLL and Pandora’s Box of Rocks.  They do some good work and research at times, but they are leading you astray on this partisan BS, and sadly it will blind you as to where the real problem is and how to fight it.  Both parties are up to their eye balls in the renewable scam.  Wake up from the Republican fantasy land and open your eyes and start doing some critical thinking before it’s too late.

Gee, now all this makes me wonder why our current REPUBLICAN dominated Town Board will not pass a resolution to oppose Article X. Or a resolution to oppose  wind development in the Lake.  Or why they won’t outright prohibit wind development in CV. Or why people like me and others who want to prohibit wind development outright are targeted and marginalized so strongly by Wiley and our new Board and committees?

There is more to this story, but we will save that for another time!

1 comment:

  1. The debate on which party is more involved with the wind energy scam continues. check out the Blog comments from Sat. April 14, WDT article on galoo island project giving up on the underground transmission line.

    By aviary Sat., Apr. 14 at 8:16 am

    Just for the record, Impeachhim, I am a dyed in the wool liberal and I am dead-set against these wasteful, anti-environmental monstrosities. Do not equate liberal with green shirts. I and my colleagues are very much in support of clean energy, but only if it works. Wind is dead.

    By Impeachhim Sat., Apr. 14 at 6:30 am

    They are never concerned about the tax payer expense. How many birds are liberals willing to sacrfice for energy that will only work 25% of the time that is 10x's more expensive than coal or natural gas?
