Friday, April 27, 2012

Let's Ban Everything ! My First Order Of Business - Ban Fishing Poles In Cape Vincent, They Are Much To Industrial!!!

The  mantra Wiley at JLL and some of his commenters want you to swallow is that myself and others who have been opposed to industrial wind want to ban "everything".  JLL and his commenters have to outright LIE to make their point apparently because they have nothing else to fall back on.  Let's see, do we know of any other folks who have used that tactic?  Oh that's right it was the wind industry and BP!!!  Of course I understand that Wiley has to keep things stirred up with lies and distortions like a tabloid so he doesn't lose any readers to that "other new blog in town". 

So why is Wiley and his supporters stooping to that BS propaganda.  Are they really that desperate?  Find one place in all of my commentary going back 7 years where I have EVER said I wanted to BAN everything, or even everything industrial.  I don't think some industrial uses are appropriate for CV and our beautiful region, especially if they need huge subsidies to make them viable like wind and solar where nearly 80% of their capacity aren't even be available... Yeah, that is a brilliant decision and now that is apparently what Wiley is backing.

If Wiley and his supporters are so ga ga about renewables why don't they put about $50.000 worth of solar panels on there roofs right now, or buy renewable energy credits from National Grid that adds $$$ to their electric bills so the state can support solar. That would not crap up CV and it would supposedly work toward a climate energy solution. Or build a passive solar house like I did. If you think solar is great as an industry then shut up and lead by example to show your support.  They won't likely do that because they won't actually put their "environmental money" where their mouths are.

My advice whether you agree with me or my approach is to be really careful what you read or believe over at "Marginalization and Distortion Central head quarters"

Now I think there are some  light industrial uses that could be allowed.  Ones that acceptably mitigated, and don't distract from the natural beauty of the area.  Or is Wiley promoting the idea now that we should shift from a beautiful  tourism second and residential area with compatible business development, to an industrial zone.

And how stupid can some people be???  BP takes off it's wind hat, and puts on their solar hat and now suddenly all is forgiven, and they are now some nice  benevolent little green solar company out to save the planet with a new shiny ethical business model?  So what has changed????  You have got to be kidding me!!!  If we didn't want a PILOT give away for wind because it is a bogus power source that solves nothing and requires HUGE subsidies...then why the hell do we want to engineer the same give away to the very same BP that screwed our community over with wind. It's like BP is saying "OK we failed to screw you with about solar...can we sucker you with that shell game???

 I believe there is a plan and agenda here, and i think Wiley is endorsing it. Wake up people!!! People wrongly accuse me of going over to help the pro wind side...well this sucking up to BP and solar is asinine!!!

Now about this industrial thing.  It's not me...Wiley needs to get a grip that it is your Comp Plan and zoning that up till now said that big invasive  industrial uses are not compatible with CV.  Of course I am betting that is all going to change coming soon.

 Talk about solar? Somebody is blowing sunshine up somebody else's skirt on this one!!! That's about all the solar you are gonna get in CV!

You know this CV energy battle is getting real interesting.  I'm talking to some pro wind people on my blog, even though I don't agree with them, and Wiley with his so called anti  wind rabid Republican blog is turning into a screaming Liberal backing BP's useless renewables like solar that is really no better than wind in actual production. He goes after Bill Owens for supporting wind and the subsidies, and then starts looking like he will back BP's solar.  Wow...and people think I am nuts and crazy, and  irrational?  Whoa...go figure!!!

My whole world has gone bizzaro!!!


  1. Thanks for the links to the other Cape Vincent blogs. They are both very informative regarding their industrial local wind issue. If not for the world's bloggers the pitfalls of industrial wind would have never become public.

    But I do want to comment about your very negative posts about their opinions. If you were having the same kind of hissy fits on their blogs as you are having here on you own it is no wonder they kicked you off.

  2. You obviously can choose to read whatever you want. I guess you didn't read the post I put up that had all kinds of first hand information about the CV solar debate. If you are foolish enough to want to accept everything you read on the other blogs which definitely have an agenda of their own, even Wiley saud that) ...and will distort and lie to make their point about some of us...then good luck with that, you have the perfect right in America to walk around with your head filled with whatever misinformation you think makes you feel better.

  3. There may have been some comments on the other blogs that you consider lies, but you shouldn't say the "other bloggers" lied about you unless you can prove it.
