Friday, April 20, 2012

"Hey Kid...You Wanna Go For A Ride?"

Suppose you‘re  a kid walking down the main drag in Cape Vincent and you see a really cool brand new sports car coming down the street and it’s all tricked out. WOW!!! There are a couple really cool guys in the car.  The driver yells out “Hey kid you wanna go for a ride and help us out, and we will even pay you ?”  The kid is ecstatic because this is the coolest car and the coolest guys he has ever seen in his little town  What he doesn’t know is these guys are about to rob his community of something far more valuable than money that they may never be able to replace, and he is along for the ride, and he is getting paid. He doesn't know he is now an accomplice in a real bad scam.  For these guys riding around with this local kid who he says are ok and his new cool freinds this  now gives them cover and credibility and makes them look respectable. Who would know?

Hey kid...Ya wanna go for a ride?????
Come on kid...who could it hurt...are ya chicken?

Does this story remind you of anybody?… Read on!

Like I said in a previous post, I like to go through my old wind research files just for fun or for review to see what is still relevant.   That is when I found this old WDT editorial letter from Bryan Stumpf going back to the summer of 2006. As many of you know Stumpf is a local young man that was hired by Acciona.  He was essentially  a poster boy for Acciona to look all warm and fuzzy and community oriented by hiring some local to go get coffee at Aubreys for the Acciona big wigs while they were trying to screw over CV with their industrial wind disaster.  I say this is because most times I asked Brian a technical question about the wind farm he couldn’t answer it, and would have to refer it to some Acciona hotshot.  The story surrounding this letter by Stumpf  is an absolute hoot!

It was early summer 2006 and the wind debate was really heating up in Cape Vincent.  Many of us had done a lot of research by that time that indicated the wind companies were lying to us with their open house, coffee and sandwich meeting BS.  By this time I was already anti wind based on what I and others had researched.   I decided to write my first editorial to the WDT to counter this nonsense and suggest that people do some research to seek the truth on wind energy that we weren’t being told by the developers and by our badly wind conflicted  town officials. Stumpf being a local wind company shill I am sure was finally told to do something instead of get coffee for the Acciona big boys.  I’m betting they told him to get busy, and get this under control and start attacking the messenger.  Note that Stumpf never addresses any of the facts I had put in my editorial.  He simply attacks my research.  The sad part about this is it’s so predictable and lame, and any intelligent reader could see that Stumpf was trying desperately to divert some of the first public opposition by attacking their credibility to protect the wind company lies that his new crisp Acciona paycheck depended on.

But here is where it becomes absurd and an absolute crackup. Stumpf goes after me because he thinks all I ever used in my research was Websites ending in .org or .com. and he claimed all those sites were not credible and in fact had an agenda or something to sell and they could not be trusted.  Oh really Bryan????  In fact I did use sites like that as well as pro wind sites and sites that ended in .edu and .gov. plus visits to actual wind farms like Maple Ridge and others.    But here is Stumpf’s absurdity, and it told me arguing against these pro wind people like Stumpf,  Paul Mason and Harvey White etc etc was going to be like shooting fish in a barrel if Stumpf’s  letter was any indication of the logic they were going to use.  For example.  the American Wind Energy Assoc. (AWEA) has a Website, and guess how the Web address ends???  DOT ORG!!!  The British Wind Energy Assoc. site ends in DOT COM.  So does BP Wind, GE Wind, and a host of very pro wind sites etc etc. So what Stumpf was doing is discrediting some of the biggest pro wind sites on the Web that were making his case for him  since they ended in DOT COM and DOT ORG.  He was saying they weren’t credible.  Of course I do agree with that. But AWEA is the big U.S. wind lobby fighting for tax subsidies for wind that would actually help makes Stumpf’s Acciona paycheck possible!!!!  Talk about biting the hand that feeds you!!!

But the best and most absurd one of ALL was when Stumpf’s own wind company Acciona  a couple weeks later opened a Website for their CV St Lawrence Wind Farm and Bryan was all ga ga about it.  Guess what the Web address on that site was?… stlawrencewind  DOT COM!!!!!!    By Stumpf’s very own logic about not trusting dot com and dot org sites he was discrediting his very own company Acciona…and also BP the other wind developer in town.  He would say that this site of course was different  and was strictly informational and educational about wind and Acciona’s wind farm, and had nothing to sell or no agenda.  You have go to be kidding me right????  NO AGENDA or ANYTHING TO SELL.  YIKES!!!!!!   Acciona and the wind industry has had a big agenda and been selling CV unadulterated bullshit from the day their wind thug salesmen set foot in town!   Well actually their open house coffee and sandwiches were pretty good though…and those WERE FREE!

I went right back into the paper and pointed this out, upon which Stumpf tried to counter while he looked like a fool stepping all over himself trying to explain it away.  Stumpf had claimed he taught how to do credible Internet research at a couple universities, so in my WDT letter I asked him if he also took a course in logic while he was there?

Wonder what happened to Bryan since Acciona is gone ?  Did BP buy him out too along with the other Acciona assets.  If they did my suggestion to BP would be too keep him out of any editorial debates in the paper and do like Acciona did.  Have him go for coffee and sandwiches.

In fairness I feel a little sorry for Bryan because despite his university credentials I think he got taken for a big ride and used by Acciona just like a lot of other people in CV did and like Acciona and BP do to people around the globe then discard them when they have no more use for them.  And actually every time I spoke to Bryan despite our differences he was pleasant. He just seemed like a nice kid on the wrong track that Acciona had gotten their hooks into and figured they could use and take advantage of.  They are gone  on to rape some other community and it’s gullible residents and could care less about Bryan or any of their lease holders in CV.  They are just like Christmas wrapping paper.  Makes everything look good for a while no matter how useless the gift might be underneath.  And when your are done with the paper, and it has served its purpose of disguise, then you just rip it up and discard it in the trash!  This post is not really to pick on Bryan Stumpf. I sometimes think I wish I had met Bryan under different circumstances other than when Acciona turned him into a wind zomby.  He actually seemed like a nice kid.  It is intended to show just how far the wind developers will go and the insidious vile methods they will go to, to assure their greed and profits.  When they get bored with us, we are just so much trash to be discarded.
Now tell me once again why we should be accommodating wind in CV in any industrial form, or the Article X BS that will force it down our throats???!!!

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