Thursday, April 12, 2012

Johnson City, NY Assessor Pulls Star Tax Exemption on Cape Vincent Season Resident Who Voted in CV

I received an email from Mary Grogan this AM.  Many of you might remember Mary's plight.  She is the woman who still suffers from the impacts of Roger Alexander's private wind turbine along Cty. Rt. 7 that he placed so close to her house it is a serious hazard, and has probably devalued her property to ZERO.  This was the very same fiasco that was created by our previous zoning officer Alan Wood, and previous PB chairman Edsall.  Thank God at least Mary can take some comfort in the fact that they are GONE, but the turbine still remains and the Town has still taken no action on it.  It's a serious public safety hazard, and that was demonstrated when the brake failed last fall in a  wind storm and the turbine went wild. 

I know Mary because I was one of the first people she contacted about what to do when that turbine went up behind her house.  Clif Schneider, Dave Lamora, and I helped Mary argue her case before the ZBA that got the turbine and permit declared illegal.  Yet it still stands.

However the email from Mary was not about Alexander's turbine.  She  voted as a seasonal voter in CV last fall.  Now apparently the Johnson City, NY assessor has notified her that she will lose her STAR  tax exemption because he claims he got a letter from the town of CV that she is not a permanent resident of Johnson City because of her voter registration.  Now I assume the letter is not from the Town of Cape Vincent but from the Wiley / King / BP cartel thugs who were pulling this nonsense as payback against seasonal voters and the fact they ousted the good ole boy govt.  She was wondering if this would happen to other seasonal voters.

A few minutes ago I received this email from Mary as well:

"I have talked with the Johnson City assessor and they say if I can prove to them that I reside here for more than 6 months, provide proof such as a cable bill etc.  they will reinstate the STAR."

Geee...Is there anything else the community of CV can do to stick it to this poor woman????

We know that the wind developers had to be behind this Wiley / King l Gang Green  thuggery at some point.  So would somebody enlighten me once again as to why we are making ANY accommodations what so ever for these wind thug developers in our zoning laws, and instead just driving this disease out of our community once and for all by prohibiting them!

My suggestion to Mary was she call Councilman Clif Schneider immediately for help.

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