Monday, April 16, 2012

More Brilliant Loigc From The Cape Vincent "Anti - Wind " Blogs

There is a very recent post on the Cape Vincent blog site Pandora’s Box of Rocks from the work of John Droz who has been a national leader in the anti wind energy battle.  Remember that anti wind part for later. John is a friend and he first contacted me way back in 2007.   I think it was to complement an anti wind editorial letter I had written to the Watertown Daily Times on the Cape Vincent wind issue.  We finally met at his home in Upstate NY.  I was very impressed with John’s approach to keep it simple and talk about the severe of science and critical thinking behind wind energy. John has even been so kind as to include me in reviewing some of his writings and presentations. He asked for some input on a presentation he was working on back in 2007 to give to various groups and communities faced with the industrial wind issue.  It was such a good presentation I had little to offer but told him it was imperative that he come to Cape Vincent and our area.  I assured him since I was still in the WPEG group that I would promote the idea of getting him to Cape Vincent ASAP and other towns near us battling wind energy. There is NO question where John stands on the wind issue after you see his excellent presentations, some of which he has expanded on.

I pushed very hard with WPEG to have John speak in our area.  A few local people agreed with me, that we should have a truly anti wind presenter.  This idea met with some significant resistance with some WPEG members, particularly Mr. Hirschey who was the head of WPEG at the time.  He apparently did not seem to like John’s very frank straight forward extremely well documented anti wind presentations.  Some in WPEG supported the idea of having John speak and we overrode Mr. Hirschey.  John Droz did come to Cape Vincent at the 1000 Islands High School in the summer and spoke among other presenters that where pro wind or concerned about wind turbine siting.  He was the only true anti wind speaker.

WPEG always felt from day one to uphold some community image that they had to present a fair and balanced presentation and invite pro wind people.  Balanced actually meant that you couldn’t present a truly anti wind message, it was off limits. So where was the actual balance?  It was rare to have someone with a truly straight forward anti wind message to actually get that balance they promoted, and it was time to have John come and present his superb well documented anti wind message.  John is a physicist, scientist and environmental advocate, and he is extremely well researched. This is the famous meeting where pro wind Steve Sullivan and the now famous Marion Trieste were rolling there eyes and sighing at John’s message.  That is because they had nothing else to back them in actual documentation, and their presentation had been so lame.  As John went through his presentation it was obvious the audience was riveted to his message, and all they had left was this idiotic body language in a desperate attempt to distract the message and the messenger. They made complete asses of themselves.  After what I saw the wind developers and lease holders did to our community and realizing where this was going and how bad it would get…my LAST concern was about being fair and giving the wind developers and our conflicted officials one more forum to promote their propaganda and lies.  The wind developers had repeated open houses and we were never invited to show an alternative view. The conflicted officials like Edsall and Rienbeck  made it such that it was almost impossible to present our case against wind as well.  So I felt we had no obligation, and in fact felt it was ridiculous to be presenting ideas in our forums to promote the pro wind side of the argument.  But it was a community image thing for WPEG. We just couldn’t actually be AGAINST wind energy, ironically just like now after 7 years of being beat over the head by the pro wind faction we still can’t be AGAINST wind energy and prohibit it. The same WPEG PR scheme is now running our CV govt.

 When John Droz did finally come to speak, despite Hirschey’s objection, he received a warm long ovation at the end of his speech, and many people told me after they were very impressed.

But here we are today still frightened to death of the anti wind message.  It is like Mr. Droz never came here at all.  He made us feel good for an evening, and then we all went about our lives still panicked about being anti wind.

This is why I am very confused when I see K at Pandora’s posting  John’s  work and message.  I checked with John, he did not send her the info and has no problem with it being posted.  I feel the same, the more of John’s message the better. But she posted it herself as if she is endorsing a strong anti wind message.  The problem I see here (with both blogs actually) is they are talking out of both sides of their mouth.  She will post an very strong anti wind message like John’s, or post a story about another town somewhere in NY or the country that has just BANNED industrial wind turbines, which one would assume means she is endorsing the BAN  message, then is a staunch supporter of the Hirschey govt that won’t even consider for a nanosecond to prohibit wind turbines, but instead feels we have to appease the State  and Article X by being reasonable with a wind law.  A wind law that might actually allow some turbines.   I wonder if K checked with Hirschey because in the past he certainly did not like John Droz’s message and went to lengths to keep it out of CV. Careful K your husband now works for the Hirschey govt!  So what the hell is the message here, or can’t she make up her mind?  Or is she running some type of game on the public no one can make sense of,  her message is garbled and  doesn’t add up with her political allegiances.

She has run numerous times John Droz’s message on her  blog, which anybody who knows John knows it is a VERY anti wind message with superb documentation to back it, or posts about some town BANNING wind power…then turns right a round and endorses and not questions this Hirschey govt, who has absolutely NO intention of banning or prohibiting turbines, and goes out of the way just like Wiley at JLL to marginalize any voice  that is strongly anti wind and for a ban. And Hirschey doesn’t even like Droz or his message, and has said right on TV he (Hirschey) is NOT anti wind.  By marginalizing voices like mine or others who want a tough stance against wind she is  actually marginalizing the very thing she put on her blog when she put Droz’s message out there.  So which way is it????  It looks like one more example of brilliant logic!

 It reminds me of another example of brilliant logic when Rienbeck said turbines were utilities, and that is why we didn’t need a specific wind law, and that was how we would deal with wind turbines…and then in the same breath told Edsall to adopt the old 2006 abandoned wind law as PB siting guidelines for wind turbines, and what did that old 2006 wind law say….YUP you got it!!!


John Droz's Website

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