Monday, April 23, 2012

Sssshhhh! Please, Please, Don't Tell King George I Signed the Declaration of Independence...He Might Send Troops To Find Me!!!!

The people who signed this little document, that had a great deal to do with the very rights and freedoms we enjoy today didn't give a damn who saw their names or what the consequences might be to them personally.  Particularly John Hancock.  As radicals they had a little know like forming what would  become the most power nation on the planet!  When you run around in panic and fear of what your neighbor might think, or some pro wind nut might think in the CV wind battle, consider these people for a minute. 

When people put their name on a letter to a public official, essentially like a petition, or actually sign a petition, it is not a secret, they know  it is  PUBLIC, that is the whole POINT to make a PUBLIC statement with your name. And if they didn’t know that I made it real clear who the letter was going to and why.  They made an adult choice to stand up, and make a PUBLIC statement, that is how strongly some people feel about this issue. In case you haven’t notice that is how this works!!!  So you are really trying to tell me that if I choose to sign a public petition or letter and somebody assaults me as a result, that I am going to blame the person circulating the petition?  That is ridiculous.  Seems to me you would go after the person who assaulted you. 

You want to see how ridiculous and hysterical these claims are about revealing names?  People think I am hysterical and my thinking is convoluted…consider this.

How many of you registered to vote in the last election?

 How many of you voted Republican to support the Cape Vincent candidates that the media called “anti wind”.  Well by this logic your life is now on the line and in extreme danger!!!

How many of you were seasonals who changed your residence to vote here and where new on that list? 

Well I hate to tell you this but your name is on a VERY PUBLIC LIST.  You made an adult choice to put your name on a VERY PUBLIC list that can be looked at by ANYONE at any time!  WAKE UP.  How do think Gary King and Harold Wiley are able to send letters to the assessors of seasonal people who changed their voting status to try to screw up their STAR tax exemption status. By the screwed up logic in some comments here, you are saying that the County should be sued?  Or the person from WPEG that registered you to vote should be sued for King and Wiley’s actions because you gave them your name and they gave it to the County.  You are going to blame somebody else for the fact YOU knowingly put your name on a list that is PUBLIC.  Have you ever gone to the motor vehicle dept and signed anything???? 

How about we start taking a little personal responsibility for our actions instead of trying to find a scapegoat.  And some of these comments are people both pro and anti wind trying frantically make a case that I am some how aiding and abetting the pro wind side. That us unadulterated horse poop and any intelligent thinker can see right through it.

Now let’s say some pro wind nut gets that  PUBLIC voter list from Jefferson County.  They then decide to find some people on that list that are probably anti wind or voted against their candidate and assault them.  Again by your logic the people at fault would be the County for giving out the list…something they HAD TO DO BY LAW!!! Or you would sue the WPEG candidate or person who came to your house and registered you to vote.  That is NUTS!  You people are so desperate you can’t even think straight.

And about the AG situation etc.  What if  one of us who has the documentation or has been involved are asked to testify in a public hearing or trial.  Those names could be ALL OVER the media. So if those people chose to get involved they had better have figured out way ahead of time that it could be NO secret. And what about all the people who HAVE been public on the blogs and in the paper and at public meetings and hearings.  If I go to a public hearing and sign a PUBLIC list to speak against wind power, and then my name shows up in the PUBLIC minutes, and what I said is in the record, possibly including where I live , would it be the Town’s fault if somebody FOILS that info and later assaults me for my views?  Get real! My suggestion is if you are that paranoid don’t go to any more town meetings. And if you do be very very careful who you associate with or sit next to, it might reveal how you feel about wind power and you could be assaulted later after the meeting. It could on Steve Weed’s video who you sat next to or what you said in the privilege of the floor…so are you going to sue Steve Weed when somebody views the video and it is a public record? 

And what about all the people who HAVE been public on the blogs and in the paper and at public meetings and hearings.

If somebody says something on the other CV blogs and signs their name, is it Rick’s or K’s fault if they get assault ?  We better shut down the blogs immediately then. There are a handful of people who sign their names to the blogs because they are committed to their beliefs, and I highly applaud them whether I agree of disagree with their views.  If they get assaulted is that now Wiley’s or K’s fault. And what about a lot of the really nasty public things those blogs have said about former town officers? Maybe some were not accurate or not true.  What about that????    If that is the case then we all better go hide in a cave in some remote mountains and live in perpetual fear, and stay off all social media sites, and don’t register to vote, and never again sign a petition, or speak your mind on anything.  Just become a complete non person or a vegetable. What about public officers who take a stand and put their names on all kinds of things like LAWS?  In case you haven’t noticed our names and information are EVERYWHERE.

And in FACT, after the first meeting with the AG’s investigators, several of us specifically asked if it should be kept secret. Their exact words were.

 “ No, It doesn’t have to be a secret at all that we were here.”  I had the distinct feeling they may have wanted it to be public knowledge.

And finally we are in this CV wind mess today and it has lasted so long in part because people are so afraid to speak up and take a stand.  And that is what gives the wind companies a HUGE advantage.  It was exactly secrecy that gave them a huge advantage when they slithered into town with secret leases with non disclosure clauses. FEAR is what has ruled us throughout this fight, and we are running in FEAR again of Article X. A few people have had some real guts and taken a beating repeatedly and they still get up and take it.  In fact it’s funny that we tremble in fear and the pro wind side stands right up and says very publicly what they believe and what they want.  They don't give a damn what they say or who it bothers...they are committed.  Somebody even asked if I was going to reveal the secret WPEG member list.  Well I don’t think there is even such a thing…we never had membership cards and secret decoder rings.  But the point is why would WPEG people get on board with that group and then want it all hush hush.  That doesn’t say much for the strength of their beliefs.

When somebody puts their name on the line of an obviously public document, once they do that, I nor anybody can protect them from that choice. It was their choice!

 The founding fathers of our country were radicals and outcasts.  They didn’t sign the Declaration of Independence ANONYMOUSLY, or then slink away and say…. ssshhhhh, don’t tell King George I signed  it!!!!  As the saying goes , they decided to run with the big dogs and not sit on the porch!



  1. Bravo! Bravo! Nathan Hale

    But when you come back to JefCo this summer please do not sit anywhere near me.

    Seriously, tho I actually came here from your WDT comment to check your credibility regarding the wind ban issue and your approach to solutions and rationality in dealing with the people necessary to make the right decision.

    And I have learned enough to know that I should go with your summer home's planning board on this one.

    Over and out....

    PS.. I usually do comment with a well recognized name in the JefCo community. But in this case it appears to be safer to be anon. And I even publish on the net myself. This blog is pure craziness but at least amusing.

  2. Anon. Repeat after me, I AM AN ASS. Over and out...

  3. Well3:21 maybe you ought to wake up that 2 people on our planning baord still have conflcits and one was or is under investigation from the AG's office. You OK with that. Or that there are a number of people on that board who are pro wind. So you are supporting a mostly pro wind board with two wind conflicts on it?

    You are supporting a guy who is supervisor that siad right on TV that he was no against wind. Makes me wonder who should be calling who an ass! So you are well recognized...maybe you should recognize some of this!

    Good luck with all that.

  4. And by the way 3:41 You could see plenty of well researched carefully thought out and documented rational information about why CV should prohibit turbines...that is if some on the zoning committee had not outright refused to read it. Two papers 20 to 30 pages long.

    Kinda hard to work with people rationaly when they have been ignoring and marginalizing that input since at least 2007!

    You imply that it is either my way or the highway...well what about them, they refuse to alter their views as well.

    And do I really have to explain to you WHY Indutrial wind should be prohibited in CV or our incredibly beautiful region. If you can't comprehend that go back and at least look at some of the pictures on this blog of the natural beauty of our region. You really think that beauty should be left in the hands of a CV planning board that may lean pro wind and still has two wind conflicts of interest? The chairman of which has said in public statements towns could miss out on an opportunity if they make their wind laws too restrictive.

    For God's sakes, even NY Assembly Woman Russel and other "important" and "recognized" people are implying tuirbines should be prohibited. The Jefferson Cty leg. has even said they don't want them in the Lake as well as many many towns and counties along the lake. Numerous town's around NY have prohibited turbines. Did you see the movie "Wind Fall" that everybody was so enthused over???? What was the message their? I guess you missed it. That town elected a new govt and then BANNED turbines as did a couple towns around them.

    I'm am sitting right here looking ay the Meredith wind law. No WECS allowed!!!...period. Are they nuts and asses? And if you read further back on this blog you will see a wind law I proposed to prohibit turnines and it would include research and science. And what has the CV zoning committee come up with... a "defacto BAN"

    Many of these people are saying what I have been saying since 2006, way back before it was fashionable to say it because everybody was scared to death to say it, and that is not leadership.

    So you see my "recognized" friend I am in pretty damn good company, and we are sitting around waiting for you to catch up!

    And BTW. If you don't like my approach, and you are so faux faux and "recognized" with such stature... then why are you deciding to call me an "ass"!
