Monday, April 23, 2012

A Meeting With Jefferson County DA Cindy Intschert About The Cape Vincent Wind Ethics Mess

Now before some of my critics get their underwear all in a bunch over this letter and confidentiality and that I am revealing some big secret...this is now a public document that I would think could be FOILED by anybody, from the County.

The letter above was sent to our Jefferson County, NY DA, Cindy Intschert and likely was a step in the AG’s ethics investigation that has evaporated. .  I sent out a general email through WPEG to ask if anybody was interested in signing with me on this letter.  I received about 70 names via email from people in several local towns giving  permission to include their names.  Once again I felt WPEG was not addressing the real ethics problems.  Some in WPEG wanted to play nice and would not address the conflict issue head on since it would be an ugly issue.  I didn’t care after what I saw happening to our community, and how blatant it was and I was not willing to let our conflicted town officers any more slack.  I already had doubts about WPEG, since they didn’t seem to want to take a truly public NO wind stance.  I guess you could say the events around this letter were where I really split with them and Mr. Hirschey on approaches.

Now many say I am an ego freak and want all the glory.  Whatever!   Well let me say something real positive about the people who signed this letter and helped.  I don’t think this letter would ever had any impact at the DA’s office if they had not been brave enough to put their names out there and back me. You have to understand that this was a different time when the wind issue was really hot and getting hotter.  It was not fashionable for any person or wind opposition group to say your were against wind  energy, the green mantra, or renewables.  It’s not like today where everybody has attacked the ethics issue and it is or was mainstream like before the 2011 elections, and people can look around and see everybody else is against the ethics mess so now it is OK.

Yet these people had real guts when it counted and signed their names and stood up when the going was really tough, and they knew this could be a public document that could have consequences for them.

They did not sign on this letter ANONYMOUS!!!   I thank them all for the support!

Later in May of 2008 Mrs.  Intschert called me in AZ.  Again I was a little surprised since I had gone after her in the WDT for sitting on the side lines as the blatant CV ethics issues became worse. She actually told me she was well aware of my WDT letters and had read each one as well as others letters. She asked for a meeting, and we set a time after I would arrive in CV.  It was in June.  In the mean time I put all the research I had into a document that as I remember was about 3/4 of an inch thick. Town records, case law, the town and State ethics codes, info on wind power and what it would do to Jefferson County and CV. on and on.

I immediately told WPEG of this call and meeting and tried to get some of them to go with me.  I had two volunteers (no names) and it helped. If you are reading you know who you are and thank you.  Now let me say some positive things about Mrs. Intschert, before I go on.  I gave her my document which she graciously accepted, and assured me she would read.  She spent more than two hours with us in her office.  She never seemed distracted or bored with our discussion, and was very attentive. She took copious notes and asked sharp detailed and probing questions.  If she didn’t understand something she would ask me or the others to go back and clarify it.  She indicated a DA has broad authority to pick the cases they would pursue.   She indicated she was in contact with the AG’s office on these matters and with Franklin County DA Derrick Champaign who actually had pursued wind corruption near Malone.
And interestingly enough WPEG’s best lawyer had been an asst. DA with Champaign, if I remember correctly, but they put him off…Go figure!!! Why is this important?  Because Champaign had actually gone after wind corruption AND helped develop the AG’s Wind Ethics Code for Cuomo.  Geee I don’t know do ya think that could be an asset in the CV wind ethics battle????   But WPEG kept going to for environmental lawyers and SEQR lawyers figuring they were going to win that battle. If you are going to fight a battle on the wind developers and politicians turf you might want to consider who and what the best weapons are!!! So what are we doing now…we are running around with appeasement wind laws in FEAR of the wind developers and Cuomo’s Article X.  You know…one more time…let’s study it to death!!! Forget the birds and bat! If we don’t stand up to this BS at some point WE are going to become the endangered species!!!!

Anyhow Mrs. Intschert never tackled the CV wind ethics mess, but she did forward my document to Cuomo’s AG office, and I know that because it showed up in the hands of some AG investigators I talked to.  So I will credit her for that.  Unlike the current CV zoning committee which refused to look at any input I give them…Oh well.

Now here is what you don’t know and won’t hear other places. If you go back through my posts you will see one not long ago that addresses which political party is to blame for the wind issue or ignores it.  The CV blogs and die hard CV Republicans would like you to believe it is ALL the Democrats…Oh really!!!  Well my experience says otherwise.  You would be real surprised which Republicans refused to sign the letter to Intschert right in the face of the worst ethics scandal CV is likely to ever face.They would not back the 70 names sticking their neck out on the line.   In fact it turned into an ugly argument over the issue.  Some Republicans were even invited to attend the meeting with DA Intschert and refused, and Mrs. Intschert is a Republican too.

 Yet here we sit right today with two CV planning board members with wind conflicts. 

Also whether it means anything or not, and it may not,  Mrs. Intschert’s name  shows up as a campaign donor to former Rep. Sen. James Wright who was on the NY Sen. Energy Committee, ( a rather powerful position) and he has a list of donors from industrial wind interests as long as your arm, including AES/ Acciona!!!   These campaign lists are FASCINATING -  Democrat or Republican when you start  digging around!!.

Some  really interesting names pop on Aubertine’s donors list too. I will get into that story in a later post. 

Two documents going at once.  My wife helping me organize research for a document for a meeting with Jefferson County DA Cindy Intschert. And this picture doesn't show the deep pile of crap behind the camera on a desk! If it wasn't for this wonderful loving intelligent person and some very close personal friends I would have lost my mind long ago in the CV wind  battle. This document  would ultimately go to Cuomo's AG investigators. Also spread on the floor are the pages for a thick document to be given to the Jefferson County Legislators about the impacts of wind power, and studies from around the world to document how industrial wind could negatively impact our whole beautiful region.  It include my own and wind company visual  studies.  A friend with a business volunteered to make all the copies...thank you and that saved me a fortune.  One copy was made for each legislator and Jeff. Cty Legislator Mike Docteur said he would pass them out to each. 
Thank you Mike! 

I show this picture for two points... and it ain't ego!!!

Now is this picture ego as some accuse me of?  Is it all about me?  Well do you really think this is the way I have wanted to spend much of the last 7 years of my life and beautiful CV summers?   Do you really think I am doing this endless shit in CV and AZ just to boost my ego? Get Real!!! This is not my idea of fun.

Secondly, some people work very hard, like the CV blogs and their commenters  and supporters at trying to convince you that my and other's prohibit turbines approach is based on nothing more than radical hysteria, and we are marginal voices who haven't thought it through with any science or research or work.  We are just "loose cannons, and crazy!  Wiley at JLL once said we were just having a NO WIND HISSY FIT and K at Pandora's had a coffee cup posted on her blog that said  "Never under estimate the power of a HISSY FIT."     That was because she was using a video visual study of mine and never gave even credit and then blocking and marginalizing my voice and I got sick of it. You can see copies of the still pictures from the video it at the lower left by the brief case that would go to the Jeff. Cty Legislators.  I don't care if they attack me, but would you say based on the picture that marginalizing me by saying all I am doing is having a hissy fit is an accurate?  Be careful what you read!   Funny isn't it how Wiley and K seem to conveniently take on the same marginalizing mantra at the same time.  Wonder why that is?

Well take a look at that floor, I don't think that qualifies as a lack of research and a HISSY FIT!  So why  work so hard to marginalize me and other voices and keep you from the truth????

So if you want another side of the story, I hope you will keep reading and make up your own mind.


  1. You done good with this post. We want to know more about who helped launch the investigation. We want to know who to thank. Are Rollie and Dave the others who help get our town investigated? WPEG is no good for this anyway. So was it them?

    How can we help you shut done those committees and write your law? We don't need all the other zoning stuff. Just a rule for no turbines. Can you help sue to stop the zoning?

  2. It is obvious from your writing that you have been conducting a movement since 2006 to ban wind in Cape Vincent. To enact a law prejudicial against an established industry.

    If the Cape Vincent Town Plan and Zoning laws adopt or associate any of your "efforts" to enact an industrial wind ban into their planning, it would be a gold mine for wind lawyers arguing in the courts at such time that they would challenge a ban through local or state siting efforts.

    Overly burdensome is written into your New York State law which was approved with only three nay votes. Albiet those votes came from your area.

    If nothing else, your claims of being "marginalized" in your wind ban thinking can certainly be used by Town of Cape Vincent planners and zoners to prove to the courts that they were sticking to their guns by following the 2003 Plan which is now being revised and hopefully, in the new version does not provide a "wind ban after the fact" of two legitimate applications. Incomplete, yes, but they followed established procedures within present town law.

    It is obvious from your writings and admission to being "marginalized" that your have no support for your "theories". I believe that will work to the advantage of town planners.

    I would also be very careful about blogging any details, inciting, or leading any assumptions about who in Cape Vincent might be lodging complaints to the FBI, District Attorney, or NY AG. Some of those people might not want to be publicly scrutinized. As I understand, you are "safe" in Arizona, visit Cape Vincent for only a few weeks while others are living year round in a community rife with discontent. A community which I believe many would love to heal.

    My best advice to those acting with authority from the Town of Cape Vincent would be to stay as far away from you and your layman legal guidance as they can.

    Good luck to Cape Vincent

  3. Thanks for the tip, Art. We always wondered how we could find out who was making all the complaints.
    Even though you have covered them up You have said we could foil your letter to Cindy Inschert. That will help us find out who helped you bring this unnecessary investigation down on the people on the town board you accuse but have never ever been proven to have done anything wrong.

    Thanks very much for this reveling info. We thought we were at a dead end until you started this blog. Harold Wiley was right about you.

  4. I read someplace that Butch Cullen said that a ban would eliminate the need for zoning laws. But, he was opposed to it. So isn't the hole Hirschey-picked suck up committee. Remember Art said Pandora rock lady husband is on the committee and rock lady is covering for Hirschey.
    Art is right. Don't waste time and screw up our town with all these laws. Cullen and the committee are dead wrong. Just a simple paragraph with a wind ban is all we need. Help Art put down the new zoning law and show up at the hearings. Tell the town board that even the smartest and wisest of the anti-wind, Art Pundt recommends that the town not do restrictive laws instead do a ban in both the plan and just add to present zoning.

  5. Art is right when he said he expected better from this town board. It was all a big mistake. Hirschey, Bragdon, Bryne, and Schneider was a mistake. You antis should have listened to Art then about not voting if they don't ban. Ha, Ha, with Art's great wisdom and reseach diviluged you are now going to lose it all and Bp is going to own you help this community out. Finally the real story of the anties and their vicious attack on the town is being told by Art. Ho hum.


    Support Art at the public hearings!

  6. Good job Art. You just set yourself up for a civil lawsuit should any harm come to the individuals who signed the DA letter or participated in the AG investigation.
    Remember these people live here year round and unlike you are at risk for retaliation. You were told before that discretion is the better part of valor and it would serve you well to listen to that advice.
    You might just get someone killed or seriously injured with the loose cannon you have attached to your face.
    I for one hope the committees do not take any advice from you. It would be a huge mistake. The wind lawyers would have a field day with you and your theories.

  7. Yikes!!!! 4:20.

    What kind of convoluted thinking are you doing? Write a zoning law. Ya think? That would only invite 300 more turbines from Bp. You need your head adjusted and your mother wears Army boots. You have no courage along with all the other blanket following no mind Hirscheyites in Hirscheyville with their heads in the sand.

    A one paragraph wind ban will do it. Bp and New Yorks State will run to shelter with the tails between their legs. I was in this wind battle and leading the charge when you were hiding behind close doors. I know the real story. Yes a few good people helped me out a bit while hiding behind anonymity. I will tell more of that story in later posts. Stories that you will never hear on the other blogs.

  8. Art

    Thanks for this blog and the real truth about WPEG.

    We hear that I lot of people donated to the WPEG legal funds suing the town and publishing your advertisements. Could you publish a list of those people for us. The other blogs never gave us that
    information because unlike you they weren't in on the real stories.

    Can you tell us more about why you quit WPEG?

    How do I get their membership list or get on their email?

  9. Artie said,

    "Wiley at JLL once said we were just having a NO WIND HISSY FIT and K at Pandoras had a coffee cup posted on her blog that said "Never under estimate the power of a HISSY FIT." That was because she was using a video visual study of mine and never gave even credit and then blocking and marginalizing my voice and I got sick of it."

    What a hypocrite Art Punt is.

    One night I was reading a post from his blog. It had a cartoon with a copyright watermark right in the middle of it. Now any blogger or webmaster knows what that means, but Art used it anyway. But in the comment section, there was a post reminding Art that he had to pay for the use of the clipart and could do so at their website.

  10. Art....just my opinion....but consider exactly how all this information that you feel compelled to share from your own personal point of view can be used by the prowind group. Divide and conquer has worked very well throughout history. You are entitled to your solution to the CV wind problem. However, consider this: the Wall Street Journal today reviews a new book about the Compromuise of 1850. The reviewer reminds us of a lesson the book presents: In periods of political stalemate, compromise-even imperfect compromise-is preferable to a mulish adherence to long-held views. Page A13 - interesting food for thought.

    Your case of being "marginalized" is, in my opinion, based on your style of writing, as much if not more than your message. You clearly believe the ONLY solution is a complete ban of wind turbines. And it has made me stop reading your long winded vicious (my opinion) rants in the past. Our current town government is looking at town/village development overall. Our zoning laws needed updated for many reasons, including wind, not just wind. For all your reading of NYS Law you are overlooking the expectation that Comprehensive Plans should be reviewed every 5 years - which has not been done in CV. These committe members volunteered. Give themm some credit for doing a thorough review of our zoning laws and comprehensive plan. This includes, but is not limited to wind issues.

    Have you thought about what would have happened to our town if the other side had won....White, Mason and Mason? Without other choices-including you or any of your full ban only supporters, that would have been the fate of our town. Yes, a ban might be great, but it must come within the context of our political government. I know you know that.

    K's husband is on the ZBA, not the Planning Board.

    Your history is interesting when you stick to the facts. And based on what I have read on Pandora and JLL, they too have a large pile of research. Also, there are other people in town with large piles of their own research. The combined results of all these efforts has been a major factor in people's choice of who to vote for the the last election. Casting everyone who voted for our current board members into one category of "blind to the whatever group" is just too much simple prowind type of reasoning for me! Yes, I said prowind. I think their reasoning is simple and blind following of what they are told. I have never thought that about people who voted Hirshey, Byrne and Schneider - in fact, many people I spoke to about this campaign were very selective in deciding who to vote for. And it was not all wind and ethics.

    So if you and other readers are really interested in dialogue, this comment is my food for thought and I am not fully agreeing with you or any other person...just adding to the dialog.

  11. Art I follow your Arizona blog and I follow the two Cape Blogs. Your blog bothers me in so much that when I read it I see a man in self-destruct mode who marginalized himself. When you were commenting on the Cape blogs and in the WDT you were over bearing and insulting to anyone who dare reply to you. It was no wonder that at some point they cut off your repetitive message that again insulted anyone who dare join in. Yes, you blog is different, you are spilling your guts and telling on your former freinds and it is your story no one disputes that and the anti-wind will love it as you insult everybody from afar. JLL and Pandora have maintained their professionalism, have moved along with the issues of the day. Pandora has become highly respected as the keeper of the records and the rational writer of the history. You once encouraged people to donate money and effort and you turned on them. You have to ask why your opinion is now not listened to?

  12. Art self destructed a while ago, now he is just in hissy fit mode.

    His actions will do nothing more than dismantle all of the hard work others have done to this point.

    Of course, Art would love to see the current boards actions fail and have turbines in the area, just so he could say see I told you so.

    And to that end, he is doing everything he can to see the current actions fail.

    He may well be the biggest bonehead ever, he even makes Dumb Donny look smart.

  13. Please people; stop responding to this little twit. He is just an attention seeking little brat, always has been and all will be. I guess it must have something to do with being an only child. Art has been a spoiled little shit for as long as I have known him and that’s a long time.

  14. I guess Mr. Pundt has stuck a nerve with the truth and the depth of his work, leadership and knowledge. Keep up the good work Mr. Pundt.

    RM Hull

  15. I think you are right 12:56

    I apparently have struch a raw nerve. Some peolple are working overtime to make sure I and this information get marginalized. Since this blog has opened these last fews posts have had the most comments.

    Think back in history...what happens when people who have facts that don't match the status quo or agenda and get a little too close to the truth. They have to attack the messenger as quickly as possible. Make sure everybody thinks he or she is a NUT case.

    Think...why would a letter that was written to attack the conflcits directly and effectively as possible be so controversial. Especially after last fall's election was ALL about ethics and conflicts. You would think that some people would bepleased that a group of people early on went after the truth and took action. You don't see much of thta addressed here do you. I am guessing that some of the people bitching here are probably the ones or associated with the ones who refused to sign the letter back in 2008.

    Somebody implied I was trying to destroy all the current town boards good work...Really? How would that be? How would a letter that was attemting to expose the deep ethics cesspool in CV be detrimental to their work? After all they are sitting in office almost entirely because that ethics mess was finally exposed and they could capitalize on it in the last election. Even people who were pro wind might have voted for them on this ground..

    Just more hysteria.

  16. A response to 12:42. This is a manufactured comment. Why do I say that? This person claims to have known me a long long time...really? If that were the case, and you really knew me, you like all my close friends, would know I am NOT an only child.

    So after knowing me all this long long time as you claim you are either really stupid, or you are an outright liar.

    People say I have a rough approach. I don't deny that. If you go back through my comments and posts and comments I have left on other CV blogs, yes my approach can be tough, but they are almost always backed by facts to show how off base someone might be in a comment or post.

    Now 12:42's comments do not address anything in my post like some other commenters did. That is what happens when you have limited brain power. This person just decided to try to get very personal with an attack because apparently that is all their minicule intellect is caspable of...and they could't even do that right since as I said I am not an only child. Geee whiz...if you are going to attack me at least get your freakin facts right!!! Interesting how the hypocrits who attack me for a strong or (visious as one commenter put it) never seem to have a problem when they use that approach. I think you call that being a hypocrit.

    And how about you go back and look at both CV blogs and their approach, particularly K at Pandora's Box of Rocks. She repeatedly attacked and ripped people apart in her defense of the Repblican candidates prior to the elections and so did Wiley at JLL. Her approach was not exactly what one could define as the "high road".

    Did you ever see the Republican candidates publicly say to Pandora or JLL " Hey let's keep this civil, and tone it down? Nope never happened.

    I guess that was no problem as long as it was not their favorite candidates that were picked on.
