Monday, January 27, 2014

Watertown Daily Times - ARE YOU KIDDING????

Using the link below you can read an article in the WDT about FORMER NY Sen. Darrell Aubertine and his son Paul, who was just elected to the Cape Vincent Town Board.

 Geeees…WDT are you kidding.  Where did serious journalism go????

But first.....

I think from what I have” observed and experienced” that my readers would be very naïve to believe this WDT article and its negative statements about the blogs is  just a Democratic fluff piece. 

Without a lot of detail....let me put it this way … I think there are plenty of Cape Vincent Republican town officials I am betting are not exactly happy with blogs right now, but this statement just happens to be coming out of the mouths of Democrats at the moment. 

After reading it this piece I had to wipe off all the marshmallow fluff all over me and my computer screen.

And I noticed as the WDT reporter Ted Booker was reporting on Darrell Aubertine’s glowing job history of public service  that Booker failed to mention WHY the senior Aubertine was working as the AG. Commissioner, and now for  the Comptroller’s Office.  That would be because the NNY voters had enough of Darrell Aubertine’s wind ethics and related shenanigans, and booted him out of office!

Then there is this statement by the senior Aubertine which should be an extreme embarrassment to both the paper and the Aubertines.

“Unlike the newspaper, you can’t silence any opposition or differences in opinion” in blogs, added Darrel. “It’s counterproductive and takes away from the legitimacy of a counterargument to try and find common ground.”

Makes you wonder what prompted this nonsense.  Has the WDT and other newspapers actually been silencing opposing opinions on Darrell’s behalf?????  And I would really like to hear what both Aubertines “common ground” is.  What do they think would actually make the community less divisive. Somehow I’m betting that would be give us a lot of wind turbines, or some absurd compromise!

The fact that this would come out of the mouth of a person who would claim to publicly represent people for a career, and may attempt to represent people in a federal office, is just mind boggling.  And it is just as mind boggling the paper would print it without question.

Do the Aubertines both have any fundamental grasp on American history for God’s sake!!!

And this statement isn’t even remotely accurate on two accounts.  On my blog I have posted lots of opposing opinions from both sides of the wind issue. There have been plenty of attacks on the blogs includinh a law suit.  The other blogs have also in the past posted opposing opinions. 

However, where this statement also fails is that the other blogs DO silence opinions on a regular basis lately…mine and others who question our current town govt.

And if Booker really had any brass as a reporter at all, why didn’t he question Aubertine on the investigation that then NYAG Cuomo did of Cape Vincent officials where the senior Aubertine’s letter condoning the CV officials conflicts of interest was an included document and his wind ethics was up for discussion?   An investigation that conveniently disappeared as Cuomo appointed Darrell Aubertine as his Ag. Commissioner.

I called Deanna Nelson the local Assist. AG in Watertown and even she didn’t have a clue what happened to it.  Said she would get back to me.  That was Oct. 2013!

But to Mr. Booker…. Now there is something to report on if you really want to do some serious journalism. 

As to how the son Paul Aubertine will perform, in fairness we will get to see how that plays out.

And are my readers aware that from reliable CV Republican  sources I was told that both Hirschey and Bragdon at one time entertained plans to appoint Paul Aubertine to a council seat when Mickey Orvis stepped down!  And that would have been when Michelle Oswald was available as well. Nobody in the Hirschey govt. has explained that one yet!

Actually I was told they thought it would be fair!!!

If you think the CV wind battle is as simple as Republican vs. Democrat, so you can be shuffled along to one side or the other for the convenience of not having to think…then you are really missing the point!  Especially the stuff you just don’t see!


When in the newspaper business they talk about a “scoop”, it shouldn’t be spoon feeding your readers this type of marshmallow fluff!!!!






  1. I don't know what Darrell is talking about , both JLL and Pandora,silence opposition to their preferred policies, on a continual basis. Whenever they recognize they have no adequate response to a difference of opinion, or a complaint about the policies of the present administration, they simply remove a comment or just don't ever post it.

    Although admittedly this seriously limits or squashes any open debate on an issue,it certainly is the perogative of a blog administrator. His (or her ) blog is his private domain, not a public forum.

    Paul, and Darrell should open their own blog to present their ideas. It would be curious to see if they conducted it as an open forum without censorship.

  2. Just for a hoot, I posted this same comment on JLL's blog to test Aubrtine's assertion that you can't silence opposition to an issue or idea on a blog.

    contrary to Darrell's claim the comment was removed in a matter of minutes, much like many other comments that JLL and Pandora object to are censored.

  3. Yup...that's about right. And these are the same blogs that are all about supporting open govt...

    ...just as long as you don't actually say anything in the open about the govt!!!!
