Sunday, January 12, 2014

From a July 2, 2011 Article in the WDT After Rich Edsall Resigned as Cape Vincent Planning Board Chairman

 "We should step back for a second and develop a wind zoning law that is prudent but not overly restrictive"

                                                                                                                  Richard Macsherry


  1. I know Richard Macsherry of the Thousands Islands region and he is a fine man.
    And, what he said here makes sense. Why does one from Arizona have such a problem?

  2. Really? First of all the one from AZ has property in CV and spends 4 to 5 months in CV, and has been a seasonal resident of CV for 63 years!!! I have been in the wind battle since it started and dedicated 1000s of hours and 1000s of $$$ fighting against it. I was instrumental in getting the NYAG to investigate our former community leaders with conflicts of interest. And that would be about the same time Macsherry was cozying up to the same conflicted pro wind side and actually ran for office and campaigned with them as a Dem. GO FIGURE!

    THAT is why the one from AZ has a problem!!!

    You think Macsherry's statement makes sense? Really?

    First of all it is completely contrary to the existing law that is extremely restrictive, and would be in violation of the CV comp plan intent of the old comp plan back then and the new comp plan now.

    Then as soon as you can tell me what the hell not to overly restrictive actually means...then maybe come back here and we can have a discussion that is vague generalizations about turbine siting for political expediency!

    Now this quote admittedly is from 2011. But back then Macsherry failed to outline where those non restrictive turbines were going to go and who would suffer the consequences. You can damn well bet they weren't going anywhere near his house! as such a supposed smart man after looking at all the severe negative impacts industrial wind would bring to this town and region do you come to the conclusion that you need a law that is not too restrictive?

    The bottom line is wind is a complete financial energy and environmental disaster that solves nothing about our energy or climate issues...and as a result it should have been BANNED in this community, and it boggles my mind that Macsherry could not have figured this out a long long time ago.

  3. There is no paranoia. And talking about true paranoia why won't you put your name on your comment. That is true paranoia. What are you afraid of.

    About JLL. You can't be serious or must not have been around the CV wind battle because over the years I have put many many comments on the JLL bog and the Pandora blog. Many people in CV can testify to that fact. If you can't find those comments then they have for some reason been removed or you aren't searching right. I have also noted that there seems no way to reference the JLL or Pandora archives. How convenient. There were in a few times in the past when JLL even posted some of my comments as posts. I in fact have in my documentation a number of past comments on JLL and the Pandora blog and some of the responses back.

    And when these two blog got their rears ends in trouble in a law suit I donated money to their defense fund as well. And don't tell me that didn't happen or is paranoia because I have the canceled check!

    It's too bad these blogs especially JLL became the PR arm of the Hirschey govt.

    You are spewing out a lot of nonsense with very little actual fact to back it up on go on.

  4. When did you lose interest in the wind fight and dedicate your entire thinking to getting even with everyone in Cape Vincent associated with the Hirschey government? I became a big fan of JLL when I heard you blast it on the WDT. I had to go see. I found that it and the Pandora was truly concerned about the wind development in the region and are providing a host of very valuable information. You on the other hand are only concerned with making yourself right and everybody else wrong. I learned that by reading what you spew. This issue is not about you. But, I wanted to find out your real motives and I have. Good bye, and If it will give you peace you may remove all of my comments.

  5. First...I am not going to remove your comments. You expressed your opinion, and you did use outright lies and distortions to do it. You took me to task and I have no problem with that. Of course once again like so many who take me to task, their is no name on the comment.

    Now I will respond later. Right now I am very busy with my SAT team.

  6. That should have read...I will respond later. I am very busy with my SAR team right now.


  7. Then again with a little checking I find out you are the same person whose comments I removed above since you were lying about me and how you claim I altered your comments...nice try!!! I thought you didn't like me or my blog, so why are you still here????

    Now since you were a bit more reasonable in your above comment, I may answer you, but it will be later since I am very busy with my SAR team right now.

    But in the mean time if you are so convinced JLL and Pandy are all anti wind along with their favorite supervisor Hirschey.

    Maybe you should explain to all of us what Hirschey says in this video. Sounds to me like he likes wind development. And no one so far when I post this TV video has come back with an explanation why a supposed so anti wind govt has a leader saying he is not against wind development nor anti wind!!!

    You think this will be an attack...yet I am posting simply facts coming right from the source...on TV in front of all the wordls no less.

  8. 4:49

    Let me see if I get this straight. You claim you don't even live in CV, but your friends fill you in. You say you looked at the zoning fiasco this govt created and didn't think it was that bad. You've seen some comments in the WDT. And you are a big fan of the JLL rabidly pro Hirschey blog. So you information comes rom a tight little censored bubble rabidly in support of Hirschey, and this somehow makes you a great thinker about me and the issue here? I now understand why you are having such a problem with the challenge my blog presents to your one dimensional thinking! Sorry I can't help you with that. Go to Wiley's blog and he will pat you on the head and hold your hand with the information you want to hear.

    Wow you are really connected to what is going on in CV!

    How many town meetings have you been to, how many town records have you sifted through on the various matters I show concern over, and how many videos have you looked at documenting the town meetings? How many NY town laws have you looked and and the case law on these issues. How long have you know or been in contact with the people I choose to question and how much personal history do you have with them where you have had a real opportunity to see first hand how they think outside the public view of meetings and news media? How long have you been involved in the CV wind issue?

    I would make a good bet that the answer to my questions here is just about zero on all accounts if you re not lying about where you live, and that is probably suspect too.

    So you have virtually no connection to what is going on then suddenly you are some kind of expert on me and my concerns and CV issues?????

    I love where you said you don't live in CV but have friends there so now you are some kind of expert on the matter and on me. Actually maybe you aren't a liar, you are just so grossly misinformed you don't know any better or what the hell you are talking about!

    You have friends in the Cape? Oh yeah ...well I had a friend in high school who knew a guy who had a sister who was in the Girls Scouts. So that makes me an expert on cookies??????

    I and I seriously doubt you don't live in the Cape, and I'm betting you may have a direct connection to the Hirschey govt in some way. You seem to be rabidly intent on making everybody question me and my message.

    If you didn't live in the Cape what the hell motivation would you have to be creeping around this blog to marginalize my message.

    Top to bottom, no matter which way you cut it you are not credible by any measure!
