Monday, January 13, 2014

Oh Really !!!!

I saw the quote below as part of a title of a post on Wiley's JLL blog and couldn't help but laugh.

Rick Wiley must think we are really stupid...or think no one reads anything other than his little bubble of Hirschey govt.  PR information. 

"Any potential new owner of the BP project in Cape Vincent should take note.  Cape Vincent will vigorously and tirelessly defend its local laws."

Oh really????  And that would be as soon as they figure out how to read it and understand what is in it!!!! 


  1. How about this headline from JLL-

    "BP Wind Energy and New York's Wind Lobby Sought - But Failed - to Have Local Laws Disregarded"

    Seems JLL and some of his readers have convinced themselves that because BP is pulling out of wind development, that ART.10 is a huge success and really functions well for communities.

  2. Who pissed in your shoe?
    I have never read such trash from a personal blog.
    The Times lets you advertise in their comment section, WHY?

  3. 11:25.

    I guess you completely missed the zoning fiasco these town officials created with their very own new zoning law they claim they are going to the point that some members on the CV zoning board of appeals doubted what occurred would even hold up in court, yet they still allowed the fiasco to be approved. It was all reported in the Times since the Times figured out what a screw up they created.

    Go back and do a little fundamental research on what they did. And if you watch the video recordings of the meetings leading up to these decisions you will clearly see how they didn't even understand their own law, and when I called them on it how instead of doing the right thing they chose to basically cover their own rear ends while they hung a CV citizen out to twist in the wind. They even had to call in the town attorney several and basically every other town official to help clean up the mess. And this even embroiled the town supervisor in this zoning mess!

    They turned their brand new zoning law, and zoning process into a laughing stock.

    How the hell do you create a zoning mess, then sit there and admit it was a mess and wrong probably the actions would not even hold up in court and say it ON VIDEO!!!

    Then go ahead and grant the screwed up permit to stand!

    Geees where the hell have you been!

    And here is a news flash for you. If you don't like what you read here and think it is trash then why are you bothering to comment.

    There is a very simple solution for you since you seem to be so one dimensionally minded. Stay off my blog and to the other blogs in town where you can remain comfortable in a nice protected little information bubble concerning the CV govt and how wonderful they all are!

    It's not about my shoes and who might have pissed in them...its about the blinders you are wearing to protect you from reality!

  4. I checked it out. Didn't look like a fiasco to me. Just a sore loser ranting and raving. You are one screwed up guy.

  5. Yeah sure ya did cowboy. I'm sure you sat right down and reviewed the all the videos and went over the details and pages of emails and documentation, documents and letters and permits etc. Probably none of which you have or would understand if you had it and it slapped you right in the face.

    It is undefendable and even the chairman of the ZBA who had to deal with it and a couple of the ZBA members admitted it was a screwed up mess the would not past muster in court. It even looked like a fiasco to them and they as much as admitted it.

    These are all Hirschey appointees and by your own logic they must then be as screwed up as you claim I am, and as well as the WDT who realized what a fiasco it was especially since the town supervisor got his tail caught in it and had to take down his illegal solar project...and these guys all wrote the damn law!!!!

    If this is the conclusion you came to then you are deluded as they where when they created the zoning fiasco and embroiled their supervisor in it.

    You might want to ask the woman whose rights were violated and property values are probably near zero from this mess. You might find she has a different slightly opinion.

    The bottom line here you are blowing a bunch of smoke and don't have a clue what you are talking about!

  6. That is not what I wrote in my comment. You altered it. Took out all the good stuff. What a phony.

  7. 4:02

    You are full BS. You know damn right well the comment you posted above is all there is and it is all that came to my blog. Stop playing stupid games.

    I didn't alter a thing. If you want to post comments that are lies and have no basis in reality just to discredit me then I will in fact remove your comments.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. And like I said 5:20 If you choose to use outright lies to make your case your comments will be removed.

    I did not alter your comments as you claim. The person who needs help is the person who feels a desperate need to blatantly lie.

    Bye Bye

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. 5:41

    I will say it again. I did not alter whatever comment you claim to have sent me. I did not re write it to suit me or anyone else. You are lying. Or you screwed up sending it.

    Now as I said before since you are lying, and using those lies as a way to attempt to marginalize the messenger, then your comments will be removed,

    However we can end this debate one way. Send me in full the original comment, or the best version of it you can remember. And if it is not outright lies I will post it.
    Let's see if you are capable of that.

    What you are doing is attempting to reduce the apparent impact I am having in my posts by trying to claim I am lying so your hopes are my begins to question my message and facts. It is an age old trick.
    And by the way some of the documentation I am referring to is on the town's own Steve Weed videos and in there own records.

    You make a lot of claims, so let's see your proof that I am lying. Put forth your documentation.

  12. And also if you are going to attack me and tell lies or claim I am telling lies why is it you are not capable of putting your name behind your claims?

    Credible...I don't think so and this is the first place where my readers should examine your claims. You are a complete fraud when you talk about credibility since the ultimate credibility would be to put your name behind your claims but apparently you don't have the capacity to do that.

    If we are going to talk about credibility, or who is the liar, and whose facts are credible my readers should carefully consider that you make claims and attacks and then require of yourself that you must run and hide.

    In your desperation you simply hope the readers will believe your lies and then conveniently overlook that fact. I don't think my readers are that stupid!

    I on the other hand put my name behind my beliefs which is in respect to my readers and they therefore have a lot more information to be able to judge my comments.

    You on the other hand give the reader nothing to go on. You talk about documentation???? Hell right from the get go we can't even document who you are or what your agenda might be.

    I find through the wind battle that people like yourself pop right out of the woodwork every time I hit the truth in my comments and it makes the powers that be uncomfortable on either side.

    This cowardly behavior to do nothing but attempt to marginalize me and the message on my blog then run and hide behind the anonymous skirt speaks huge volumes more about you and your credibility than it does mine.

    You have to engineer your debate such that no one can actually examine you or your credibility.

    And essentially that makes everything you say irrelevant. And ironically you need me and my blog to make that game work.

    If you want to defend the town govt, ...then fine...but why don't you show them some respect and support by putting your name behind it? After all they put their names on their govt actions on your behalf.

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. Thank you for proving my point.

  16. In one of your comments I removed you mentioned I don't live in CVin an idiot logic move to discredit me. I do not live in CV full time that is true but so what and what is your idiot point? I don't hide that fact in any way and people in CV already know I am a seasonal resident. In case their are people who still don't get this my wife an I are long time seasonal residents who own property in CV.

    But back to ridiculous point. SO WHAT??? You imply that because I don't live their full time I have no right to comment or have an opinion on the govt. Then you tell us you don't actually live there, but have friends. That's brilliant logic.

    Of course where your logic really goes to hell is where you forget that seasonal people just like me who don't live full time in CV are why this govt is in power at all!!! And this govt had no problem courting that seasonal vote and taking advantage of that voting power.

    Your comment logic flies right in the face of what put this govy in power in the first place and keeps it there. Brilliant logic!!!

    And you claim you are afraid to put your name on your post because you think I might go after you and your argument...well booo hooo hooo is a Kleenex!!!

    You want to come on my blog... tell outrageous lies...and attack me...and booo hooo hooo you think I might fight back.

    Go get a life!!!

  17. Man Art who's cheerios did you piss is?

  18. Hi Andy and Happy New Year. I hope you survived the ice storm and cold weather!

    My wife also says I must have put a terd in somebody's punch bowl!!!

    The answer to your question is that I'm not sure but it is coming from somebody defending the Hirschey side.

    Anyhow thanks for reading and I hope you take a look at our Mojave adventure post. I think you might enjoy it.

