Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Heal The Community Meeting???

Saw this comments on the blog JLL.

"Was anyone reading this invited to the Heal the Community meeting a week or so ago at Aubrey' s?"

Anybody have any details on this, or if there actually was one?  I thought Aubreys was closed.


  1. Can't be positive Art. but pretty certain, you can assume that comment was made with tongue in cheek. Aubrey's is not closed, just for sale.

  2. Aubrey' s is not serving meals again until May. The bar is open 3 nights a week. I heard 3rd hand about such a meeting but got no details.

  3. 4:29 I am not going to assume the comment is tongue in cheek. I am going to ask around to get more info before I blow this off. Also Aubrey' s announced on Facebook they were closing until May.

  4. Thanks...let me know what you find out.

  5. Must be Hirschey attended this meeting, he's trying to "heal the community" by putting Paul Mason on the zoning review committee.

    Seems more like pouring acid on an open wound, than any kind of healing!

  6. Why would he put someone on a zoning committee who had such a financial interest that could sway him zone against the best interests of the community?

    Much of what Hirschey does seems contrary. Like calling the Art. 10 process fair and even handed.

  7. Nothing to report about a mysterious "heal the community" meeting, but it is true that Aubrey's restaurant is closed for the season, and may well be just a seasonal business for the foreseeable future.

    Economics is the main culprit, with business having decreased to unmanageable levels. The boycotting of local businesses is an insane action, one sure to only hasten the demise of the township's well being. community members on both sides of the wind issue would be wise to acknowledge the lunacy of such a childish reaction to a difference of opinion and policy. What will be left of the community if all the local businesses fail?

  8. 9:32

    Good question... but you should ask that question of the wind developers that have terrorized our community for almost a decade creating much of its demise. Ask Cuomo too why he chose to remove our home rule rights on this issue leading to more demise in our community.

    In 2006 I stood before WPEG after doing some research on industrial wind development in other localities and told them this was going to be a disaster for our community and we should stand vehemently against the coming onslaught wind would bring on our community. They did not seem to comprehend what had already happened to our community even then, and how nasty it was going to get. They decided they didn't want to be anti wind, but take a softer approach of wind laws and setbacks hoping to somehow appease the community overall.

    So look at the community now. We have a wind law that allows some industrial wind development which actually violates the intent of our comp plan.. We have the State process that has removed our home rule rights on energy siting and left us defenseless, and the current govt decides to go along even calling that process fair and even handed while BP and Art. 10 leave us twisting in the wind.

    Now in large part because of this wind mess businesses are folding up and real estate has become stagnant.

    I have come to CV seasonally for 63 years. As long as I can remember Aubrey's has been the central business of the community.

    What a sad state of affairs...all courtesy of your favorite wind developers, who are now running away from the community and leaving a disaster behind...just as predicted in 2006!

  9. I completely disagree that wind has anything to do with Aubrey's closing.

  10. You would be wrong Andy, talk to the owners of any business in the Cape. you will get an eye opener!

  11. Hi Andy. Thanks for your comment. I would like to hear more of what your analysis is of the CV business situation. Since the original post here was about healing the community I would welcome your view on if and how we might accomplish that.
    Try not to freeze back there!!!

