Monday, June 25, 2012


The other day the humidity here was about 5%.  Wildland fires are burning in AZ and in many of the states all around us. We have been lucky so far in Flagstaff.   This region lives and dies by water. When we leave for CV everything that has meaning or importance in our lives is packed in a place it can be moved on a monents notice to a safe area in case of a forest fire evactuation.  It is an interestig exercise to go through your house and belongings and choose what really matters to you and what doesn't.  What can't you live without?  Most of it comes down to the emotional stuff like pictures momentos  Maybe we should all take that approach in CV.  What can we live without...what can't we live without.  Maybe that is what our Comp Plan attempts to do.  But CV is far to big to pack up and move on a moments notice from the path of BP's destructive  wind proposals. There is no getting out of the way.   We will all be stuck with it for a long long time.  I have evacuated people in the path of a devistating forest fires several times. I have seen the look on their faces and in their eyes. The fear and the terror.

I hope I never have to see that look in the eyes of the people in CV as BP's destructive path controls our futures!!!

 Living in the arid desert SW I have developed a much deeper appreciation for water...large expanses of water. Fresh water where you can't see the other side.

In AZ there is a saying...If you see a dry wash...we call that a creek.  If there is water in it then we call it a flood!  We are now about 60 days with out rainfall.  The record is 90 days. 

I love is endlessly fascinating to me.  Living here even makes that lust for water worse.


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