Saturday, June 16, 2012

BP Says - "We Should Be Able To Kill Birds Too" The Don't Want To Miss Out On That Action!!!!

From the best information I can find the BP Gulf oil spill killed about 6000 birds in the initial phases.  That is not considering the long term impacts.  Not long ago here in AZ I sat through a presentation to our county by wind developer Nextera.  They presented information on bird mortalities from industrial wind turbines.  It was the same carbon copy crap we have seen in Cape Vincent.

Their claim was that in the US turbines would kill about 30,000 birds annually, and then of course  that gives the usually BS justification that our cars, cats, windows etc kill birds too.  Now the bird groups around the world disagree with this wind industry number for bird kills and put it a t a much much higher number.

But what the heck, let’s go with the Nextera numbers of 30,000. Keeping in mind that Cape Vincent sits smack dab in a very important bird migratory fly way, let’s put some perspective on those numbers.

BTW I thought I heard from the NYDEC that the distance from the shore to protect that critical flyway was at least 6 miles.  I didn't note that in our new zoning law.

BP and the wind industry are asking you to accept is the equivalent of the impact on birds that is FIVE TIMES the impact of their Gulf oil spill EACH YEAR.  6000 birds in the Gulf oil spill divided by 30,000 = 5 times the bird impact ANNUALLY!!!!.

The absurdity is they are asking us to accept the impact of 5 of their Gulf oil spills IN ONE YEAR, EVERY YEAR on birds in the US.  Of course as more wind turbines go up more birds get killed…keep that in mind.

The justification is that because other sources kill birds and bats they should be able without question get in line with the killing machine too.

Now wait a minute.  If someone else can kill birds, and they can kill birds, and then
somebody else comes along and says that since all these people kill birds we should able to too, where does this goofy BS logic end?  Isn’t that what produces endangered species, and why we have laws to protect them???  Ddduuuuhhhhh!!!!!!!

Of course if you go to the NYDEC or the USFW and get a “taking permit” then hack away at as many endangered species as you want…you have a PERMIT!!!!!

Only government could come up with a scheme that has a permit to kill the very species you are trying not to kill and protect!!!!

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