Saturday, June 9, 2012

The Cape Vincent Republicans Have Some Explaining To Do!!!!

A few weeks back I posted comments on who was politically to blame for the wind fiasco.  Was it those damn liberal Democrats like Obama or was it the responsible fiscally prudent conservative Republicans?  I pointed out that former Republican NY Gov. Pataki brought this wind disaster to NY via NY's Renewable Portfolio Standard that opened up NY to wind developers like kids in a candy store.

My point was that people are deluding themselves if they think this is a partisan Dem. Rep. issue and you can't design an effective fight against it if you think in these ridiculous partisan terms like a bunch of sheep. To blindly follow the Republicans was the CV blog mantra in last fall's elections in CV.  This is a engineered big power and big money agenda, and with all such things it is not controlled by partisan politics, it is controlled by giant corporate money...this time it's energy money!

The other day a friend who reads my blog sent me an email that confirms what I have been saying. Now apparently conservative Republican Karl Rove is right on board with that terrible liberal Obama on the wind issue by supporting the life blood of the wind developers...the tax subsidy called the Production Tax Credit.

I'm not sure if there could be any worse of a defection against supposed principles than Rove picking the pocket and suckering  his Republican sheep like this.  What a scam. And he is saying this tax give away is a PRIORITY.

And just who the hell  is this Karl Rove fella?  Is he some little obscure nut case Republican that we can marginalize off to the edges of the political debate ?  Well no, not exactly.  He is only THE most prominent Republican strategist on the scene today.  When he says jump, the Republicans all line up like good little soldiers and say "how high Karl????  So are our rabid CV Republicans going to line up as well and start support the PTC for wind? 

Jeees!!!! the whole world has gone bizarro.  Wiley that staunch Rep. and the Cape Reps. has been telling us the Reps are the only savior against the wind disaster and the PTC that supports it. Then suddenly a few weeks ago he was supporting solar which needs the same PTC, and now the CV zoning is promoting solar which need those PTC to survive.  WTF!!!! I get repeated emails from Cape and other Reps. about how terrible Obama is especially in his support on the renewable energy tax scam.  Then here is the supreme high Kahuna of the Rep. party getting right on the wind, solar tax gravey train with AWEA.  How about you Rep. Birthers that send me all this junk crap email about Obama not being born in American, blah, blah blah and other stuff start sending me some emails explaining Karl Rove and this BS!!!! That should be interesting.

Now this is probably creating a rather interesting dilemma for those staunch Republicans now that Rove has defected over to the renewable gravy train. Especially the ones in CV that tried to convince us the Rep vote was the ONLY way to defend afgainst this wind fiasco.  I guess you will have to start thinking for yourself.  Now the sheep have nohwere to go since the head shepard just defected!

The only time in my life I register with ANY party, no less Rep so I can support the Rep candidates in CV, and Wiley at JLL and K at Pandoras told us it was the ONLY way to vote on the wind issue...and this is what we get?  Patty Richie their favorite has defected too apparently, and now Rove, and the CV Rep. board is supporting solar which needs the same Production Tax Credit.  So what's next, and are these people really the best source of political advice????
There is another very important implication here for CV. Over and over in the past weeks I have been told I absolutely have to write a letter to whomever in Congress against the PTC subsidy.  I am told things were looking good.  The CV bogs and many of their commenters were convinced that the PTC was dead, and wind was dead, and it was all looking up. I just laughed inside. So why does BP buy up useless Acciona leases if wind and the PTC is DEAD.  Something doesn't add up. BP is not that stupid.  They are one of the largest corporations in the world.  They didn't get there being that stupid! They probably know something we don't and Rove probably just confirmed it. You people weren't paying attention.  The other day JLL ran the results of a poll that the said a vast majority of people responding were against subsidies like the PTC.  Well I guess that poll was slightly out of touch, if the defacto head of the Rep. party is willing to cozy up with the Dems on the renewable subsidies.  Rove knows votes...I would follow HIS POLL if you want the truth on where this is all likely going.

 My bet is the PTC is going to pass Congress probably late in the year as part of some last minute election hoopla designed to convince you this is all bipartisan and  responsible and it will bring lots of JOBS to a sagging economy!!!! Now if you are a good loyal Republican you have to stay with your party and get right on board!!!  Which means you are crawling right in bed with the Obama/Rove renewable agenda. Good luck with that! a post a few weeks back and in numerous CV blog comments i tried to warn you!!!

Now I distinctly remember on both CV blogs people telling me I was out of touch with the CV political scene because I was reluctant to support the Republican candidates.  That guy from AZ couldn't possibly know what is going on.  Really...well at least I was willing to ask some questions and didn't get completely suckered by the Grand Pubba of the Republican party!!!

Now let's see other blogs to explain this one for us!!!

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