Saturday, June 16, 2012

More Slimy BP Wind Salesmen in Town?

Apparently the wind hucksters are at it again trying to take another bite out of CV.  Both Cape Vincent blogs are reporting that BP has salesmen in town fishing for more suckers to sign up with more leases.  On the Pandora blog this comment was in regards to BP's new local activity.

"Anonymous said...
Maybe the town should contact the AG on what is going on with BP completely ignoring the morotorium and conducting business. Surely the AG would want to look into the blatent disregard for any type of authority."
We might not like it (I certainly don't)  but I think in reality the Town wind development moratorium would have no legal bearing on BP signing up more private leases.  That is private business between BP and the new lease holder which the moratorium would not control. Could be wrong but I think that is the case.  need to keep a sharp eye on County records to see who ends up with a lease attached to their deeds.
BP buys up the Acciona leases right in the face of a zoning law that would be very restrictive to their project proposals, and then is running around signing up more leases, and they are proposing to expand their project from 200MW to 285MW which would mean 190 turbines if the 1.5 MW capacity turbines were used. So are they bluffing or what do they know that we don't know? 

Anybody have an inside track as to where the new leases are being signed up in CV?


  1. You call them slimy, I call them a blessing to the town.

    We don't agree on that. But on all the other things, we do.

    Thanks Art for clearing it up and taking a stand on the bad government and their blogs.

    Bp has every right to sell good neighbors and the phony town board members don't like it.
    Other blogs lie and say they don't.
    Yours is a very good service to us and thanks
    for getting out the word.
    The setbacks and stuff are a fraud. It is not to late for you to do the ban so we all can make the decision more clear and quick and heal the community. Better for both sides that we know. The ban is the way to make the decision more quicker.

  2. Yes, I have an inside track on where the new leases are being signed up in CV.
