Saturday, June 30, 2012

The "Revolution" Problem - Big Talk Little Substance!!!

Being that the comp plan and new zoning are are but a done deal at this point, in the past few days there have been a few interesting comments of a similar theme.  That is that if or when Article X comes to town there will be a "noisy resistance", or a "revolution" as some  commenters put it if our local laws are prempted. 

I will believe it when I see it.

Really?  And I would love to hear exactly what the plans are for this to take place. 

Since being in Cape Vincent for a few days now I have had the time to speak to a few friends and aquaintances about their perceptions about the wind issue.  It's interesting because I  sense a general reaction from some that with the new zoning and comp plan that it is over and our issues are pretty much settled, and that at this point they just want the wind issue to all go away. On the Pandora blog she is trying to promote or is speculating  that BP has failed in CV and will walk away soon.  I would not so quick to make that judgment.  The wind industry in general has a lot riding on CV.

So it makes me wonder where we really are in the wind process since 2006.   Do we really have this so called resisitence and revolution left in us as some commenters are suggesting if Article X comes to town?  Or are we at a point I once saw on a wind company analysis paper of opposition and resistance where ultimately people after a while just caved in and and didn't care and accept the outcome.  It becomes a default acceptance of the wind development because we so despereately want back to our normal lives and relationships, while the developers just sit us out and wait and win.  Does the efforts to develop a new wind law and comp plan, as good as they are,  give us an excuse now to drift away as if the problem has been solved? Are we in a psychological position from being beaten on for so long that when Article X comes, we will just shrug and accept it as inevitable?

I have serious doubts a serious "resistance" will ever arise over the Article X issue as some suggest since we have spent so much time to this point trying erroneously to appeasing it.

After all we are talking about a community from day one where many many people are not willing to stand up and put their names on their beliefs and comments.  Not exactly the breeding ground for serious resistance. Or will there be a significant resistance as Article X sweeps into town, but it will be anonymous so in reality we won't know when and where it is taking place?  We just won't ut our names on it!!!!

I'll tell you what...if you are serious... how about you start right now and all you "anonymous radicals" out there suggesting revolution and resisitance start right now by demanding our town board pass a definitive resolution in opposition to Article X and declare that Article X will not be accepted or welcome in this community.  That if they come here it will not be for siting of wind turbines, it will be for an ugly political fight.  That we don't recognize Article X in this community!

And finally who is your resistance and revolution going to be against, as your town continues to appease the Article X process and appoint local representative to it's siting board? So who will you have a revolution against then as your local town board becomes part of the problem and enorses and enables the entire Article X process?

This makes the picture rather complicated since nearly no one on the opposition side dares to question our current new board.  You gonna stand against them in their  endorsement of the A-10 process...or once again as the "experts" tell you that is too radical and not the right path you will dutifully follow.

What you supposed revolutionary anonymous radicals commenting on the blogs with your bravado don't get is that if you are going to have a meaningful resistance and revolutionary impact against Artilce X, you absolutely have to have your town board behind you in support for it to be meaningful or effective. And what if they refuse to do that.  You and your revolution will be left twiating in the wind.

Do you honestly think they will support you? That has not been the evidence so far?...I seriously doubt it. I think they will go on right to the end with A-10 appeasement, and accept whatever is dished out to them and the community.  Without the town board support you would ultimately have to take them on too for enabling and endosing the process.

And who or what organization is going to do that?  Is it WPEG. Most of the significant people that ran WPEG at various times are now in the town govt.  Hirschey, Byrne, Schneider, Chase, Bragdon, and others.  WPEG is a ghost of "opposition"  past.  And both blogs are tightly aligned with the new Rep. govt and everything they do.  Do you honestly think they are going to publicly oppose this new govt. as they continue to enable and endorse the A-10 process?  So much for your revolution!!!

So right from the get go you so called Article X revolutionaries have got yourself a nice uncomfortable  little dilema to work your way through.  To have your little A-10 revolution you may to have to end up just like me...having to take on certain aspects of the new town govt, and the old WPEG opposition that is now our town govt. if they continue to endorse the A-10 process and enable it. 

You can't have it both ways.  You can't endorse an enbling of the very process you are trying to have a revolution against.  So where is that revolution going to come from? Is most of the community "opposition" going to suddenlt at the last minute when it's too late going to have an Earth shaking epiphany (including the town board) to resist BP and the State as BP's trucks are rolling into town?

  And that is why I seriously doubt there is going to be any revolution as some blog commenters suggest as A-10 and BP try to  walk away with Cape Vincent.

The new town board and their supporters who are writing letters to the NY PSC and endorsing and passing a setback wind law as attempted appeasement in essence have the entire community on lockdown as to any potential "revolution" against Article X.

We aren't opposing or revolting against anything...we are ALREADY with our new zoning laws and PSC letters far far into the process of endosring and enabling  the A-10 process.  We are giving power to the exact thing you are claiming you want to resist. 

And this is how you are going to start a resistance or revolution???????

Good luck with all that!!!

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