Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Had Enough Yet????

Secret BP wind leases with non disclosure requirements as wind developers sneak into our community – Had enough yet?

60% of our former town govt with conflicts of interest – Had enough yet?

Former wind CV conflicted planning board members vote on critical wind related issues significantly advancing their and the wind developer agenda in CV – Had enough yet.

Former CV  wind conflicted govt. officials fail to officially disclose conflicts of interest for 3 years after signing wind contracts, a violation of town and state ethics codes – Had enough yet?

Local State assemblyman with wind leases telling our local town wind conflicted officials to vote on wind issues despite their conflicts of interest  -  Had enough yet?

Repeated violations of open meetings laws – Had enough yet?

Former wind conflicted CV govt under investigation by NY AG – Had enough yet?

AG investigation never completed by AG and Governor with wind agenda – Had enough yet?

Industry specific AG wind developers ethics code – Had enough yet?

NY senator with CV wind leases voted out of office, but appointed as Ag. Commissioner by Cuomo knowing his wind lease conflict of interest issues – Had enough yet?

Local pro wind conflicted officials passing an illegal law trying to violate your constitutional voting rights – Had enough yet?

Local pro wind group harassing seasonal voters over STAR tax exemptions – Had enough yet?

Former wind conflicted CV govt refusal to pass a wind law – Had enough yet?

Form wind conflicted CV govt officials ignoring the community comp plan and zoning - Had enough yet?

Former wind conflicted  ZEO allows the illegal placement of a private wind turbine – Had enough yet?

Former pro wind supervisor tries to remove a legal camera from a town meeting, his reasoning is a violation of freedom of speech – Had enough yet?

At least $15,000 of CV  tax payer money spent on wind law by former pro wind supervisor. Law was trashed – Had enough yet?

BP and Acciona wind developers destroy the social fabric of our community, not likely to heal for a couple generations - Had enough yet?

Former pro wind supervisor and board refuse to recognize an 800 name petition for a wind development moratorium, not fair to the wind developers! – Had enough yet?

Wolfe Island Wind Farm destroys local CV river and lake  scenery, negatively impacts CV property values.

CV reality market stagnant because of wind issue – Had enough yet?

BP CV Wind Farm lawyer the husband of NYPSC Commissioner – Had enough yet?

NY Art. 10 law  strips away our community home rule rights on wind development siting in local communities – Had enough yet?

Police called to town meetings several times – Had enough yet?

Law suit against local anti wind bloggers trying to suppress their freedom of speech – Had enough yet?

BP and Marion Trieste encouraging pro wind to divide the community on seasonal and local lines – Had enough yet?

11 years of scamming wind developers in our community – Had enough yet?

Tired of Green Shirts at meetings and open houses – Had enough yet?

Waiting for the State to decide if our community will be destroyed or if we as a community get to enforce our own laws – Had enough yet?

Billions of local, state and federal tax money given to wind scammers – Had enough yet?

Billions spent on wind plants that on some days can’t even power a single home – Had enough yet?

Former CV  town clerk embezzling tax payer money – Had enough yet?

Physical confrontations between pro and anti wind factions – Had enough yet?

Excessive bird kills at Wolfe Island Wind Complex - Had enough yet?

Bogus wind turbine noise studies by pro wind noise expert – Had enough yet?


Eleven F*!%*#G years,  1000’s of tax payer dollars spent protecting our community against the wind onslaught, the social fabric of a peaceful small community destroyed, our rights stripped away by the state, a govt. overthrown and more to come…  FOR NOTHING except a destroyed community!!!

 And the pro wind side actually has the audacity to ask the community if WE have...
Had enough yet!!!
Geeees another stroke of absolute PR genius by pro wind!!! 
Maybe VFW ought to sit down and consider the advice Marion Trieste gives them and then ask themselves if they have had enough yet!!!


  1. Yeah, I've had enough, imagine we all have, with the exception of BP. They will have the greatest staying power of all,until there is no financial incentive. Then they will dissappear like a ghost,leaving a ruined town in its trail.

    Good post!

  2. I could have easily gone on an on. But I at some point last night I wanted to go to bed!
