Sunday, July 21, 2013

Cape Vincent Wind Development Regulation Theory

If  you go by all the supporters of the current town board. they have been trying to convince us this board won an anti wind victory in CV.  It was a NO referendum on wind development. Wind is going away etc. etc. etc.  So if this is the case let's look at their zoning law theory to make wind go away.

Keeping in mind our law to make wind go away by the very words of our zoning committee and town board was to allow wind development.  WTF!!!  Apparently some is OK!  But in whispers we are told "ssshhhhh  they are anti wind!!!"

Now let's say you want to develop a law, any law, to prevent something in your community.  Say like speeding cars in your town.  So the law makers get together and say... "Ok people in order to stop speeding in our town we are going to  have to pass a law to allow some speeding in town ...OK...get it?"

Or  maybe we want to stop bank robberies and the town boards says..." Ok but keep in mind to stop bank robberies we will have to pass a law to allow bank robberies.  After all we have to be reasonable.

Or maybe you want to stop trash dumping on town streets.  Well keep in mind to stop trash dumping on our streets we have to pass a law to allow it.  We have to be fair!

Or maybe we want a law to stop people walking dogs from letting their dogs poop on the sidewalks.  But watch where you step, because to stop dogs from pooping on the sidewalks we have to pass a law to allow some pooping on our sidewalks! We can't be too burdensome on dog owners.

This is CV zoning theory on invasive industrial wind development!!!  In order to stop it you have to allow it!!!  And I thought the wind salesman were the only ones selling snake oil!

Thank God  our town board doesn't control nuclear weapons!

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