Monday, December 24, 2012


The Town wrote a letter to the PSC  outlining the flaws and holes in  BP’s Public Information Plan (PIP).  Gee I guess they want to help BP make its PIP better????  Why???   Now I say the “Town” but based on the approach I think Cape Vincent Councilman Clif Schneider is the driving force behind these letters.

You can see the letter at this link.

Some of you might say…Ok Pundt, what is wrong with this approach?  Well I would say… Why are we helping BP improve their PIP by carefully pointing all the flaws, so they can have a better more adequate PIP to use against US!!!

The Town ( and or Clif) has shown the PSC and particularly BP where the flaws are.  Now BP and the PSC can say THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!  for helping us out by pointing out the flaws and we will correct them. 

And when and if BP does correct it’s PIP to the liking of the Town and they and BP and the PSC consider it adequate …then what?    Unless you want to look foolish, you will have no more complaints because you just helped BP makes it’s PIP “completely adequate.” 

The Town with this approach just assisted BP in beating us at the Art X game.  Why in the hell, are we suggesting to the PSC or BP how to improve the BP PIP?  Are we nuts???    If it is flawed then good leave it alone!  Do we actually want to make BP’s PIP better?  And guess what happens when it is improved?   BP ends up with a  much more effective tool we assisted them with to make a stronger case for their wind farm.

This isn’t just my opinion, it is the opinion of some very sharp environmental lawyers that have won (at least temporarily at the time until they smartened up  ) numerous environmental battles just like CV’s battle against BP. 

 Look at the videoINKED  below and scroll the time bar to 5:30…and listen to about 8:55.  The lawyer Tom Linzey from The Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund ( CELDF0 will explain how this approach the Town is taking by getting into this point by point detail analysis with BP and the PSC is itself flawed because it actually helps BP.

If Clif is the driving force behind these letters and approach, he is a scientist and he will be bound and determined to argue the data and the details etc.  He will try to analyze and paper work this thing to death, and it will come back to bight him and the Town.  And that is too bad because this approach came back to bight him before in a law suit against the old planning board.

Once you have analyzed it to death and helped BP improve their PIP so you and everyone thinks it is adequate…then what?  Well, you just helped BP in the process to make their PIP more effective and they will now move on and make their application to the Art X board with their new shiny adequate PIP … which we helped them improve!!!


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