Anonymous said...
"You have the perfect vehicle to lodge your complaints.
With all your claims of good ideas and the right way to do things you are missing the boat by not hammering away right on the PSC web site comment section for all of New York and the PSC legal staff to see. The PSC comment section is being observed. My guess is, that even you are visiting it and reading it. Insulting the town board and officials and chastising your former friends and people who used to trust you guys and chastising the writer of the blogs calling here Pandy will get you guys no where. You seem to have no solution but to mock others efforts and try to bully like wind does. There is more than one battle in a war but good battle does not happen when you burn bridges behind trying to weaken your allies and your general is a rat who can't be trusted. Your rat fink general would never survive in a fox hole with real soldiers. Think hard about how a war is really won especially when you are not privy to the ground intelligence and your general sells out on his soldiers and mocks them. and targets them in his effort to make it appear he is the only soldier. Doin more harm than good."