Monday, December 24, 2012

Art. X is Completely Bass Ackwards!!!

Cuomo's Art X process is completely ass backwards.  NY communities through home rule and other enabling laws  are given home rule powers to decide their zoning and land use futures and visions.  So towns like ours take that power and form our own zoning laws including regulations on wind power.

Then along comes Cuomo and the State with a corporate backed scheme and says NO, we won't allow you do that with wind power, we can now preempt your laws and you have to come to us begging and and justifying  why we and our corporate buddies should abide by your laws.

What's wrong with this picture????

Well I tell ya about since we as communities have home rule power and have been given the power to zone with home rule...and in fact ironically we even have the power to not even have a zoning law if we don't want about we execise that full power and form our zoning laws for what we want, then tell the State to go to HELL!   If  they want wind power then they can bring their Art X siting board people here.  Then they can make an argument before us as to why WE should modify our zoning for THEM and their green agenda and the agenda of their corporate buddies.

Then we will make that final decision in our community, and not let some detached unelected bureaucrats in Albany control our destiny in a community most of them probably couldn't even find on a NY map unless some flunky staffer point it out for them!

Sounds good to me!

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