Tuesday, December 18, 2012

How Does Pandora's Box of Rocks Know???

The NY PSC has responded to the town concerns about BP's donating to local organizations, and potential conflicts of interest within the PSC with BP.

K at Pandora's Box of Rocks blog is claiming this about that letter from the PSC:

"Unfortunately the PSC’s response does not adequately address the concerns expressed by the Town of Cape Vincent board members." 

My simple question would be ... how does she know the board will find this response inadequate?  

I think you may be jumping the gun here a little K!  How about we let the board answer that question!

Is K on one of the town's boards?  I haven't seen any official response from the town to this letter. How does she know the town will react by saying the PSC letter's explanation is inadequate? 

But K's comment raises a very  interesting discussion.  She has been a staunch supporter of this board and her husband is in the CV govt.  Ok...that's fine. She is free obviously to support anyone she pleases and be married to anyone she pleases.  Kinda like the Harris relationship.  But does that bias HER thinking?   BUT what if the board finds this PSC explanation adequate, or a "reasonable"  answer to the "assurances" of no conflicts at the PSC the board wanted from the PSC?  After all the PSC explanation is very technical quoting laws and regulations etc to make their point...that many people (not me or many of us) might find adequate and reasonable!

So what then if the board she  (and JLL) supports so strongly suddenly decides this is a completely adequate response and then charges ahead down Art X road anyhow when it appears she is not comfortable with the PSC BP Art X relationship. 

What do you do then K.?  Just follow along your favorite board without question even though you apparently think by your comments that the PSC's response is inadequate.  Are you going to advise your board that the response is inadequate as you claim here?  Are we going to wait for an adequate response, and what would that be?

And BTW what if the board DOES think the response is inadequate.  Now do we still charge on down the Art X road anyhow and you and JLL charge with them knowing it s badly rigged and their response did not ease your fears that the system is stacked to BP's favor?  What do you suggest next?   Would you suggest they suspend all Art X activity since it is so rigged and now we know it?   Do they send ANOTHER letter.  And if they do what does that change since the PSC or BP answer is not going to change.

Kind of a real  interesting dilemma for you, JLL, your board and its supporters!

Can't wait to see what the board says.

This board has been tunnel visioned and overly committed to this Art X direction to the exclusion of everything else. Will they now exclude this new information that is so blatant as to how the system is rigged.  Do they think they can stll outsmart the State and Cuomo?   Now they just got a slap in the face to
 the realities. 

In fact K one, CV govt official I emailed knowing all the new serious  PSC BP issues indicated a few days ago after the WDT article (before this letter from the PSC) they ARE  NOT changing directions on Art X and it was too late to turn around now. So I guess they would have to say they will think this PSC response IS adequate! If you are charging ahead with Art X I guess you would have to accept the PSC explanation.  And knowing what they know now, why would you complain to the PSC at all if you were so committed to go with Art X regardless of the PSC explanation and issues?

It will be interesting to see what the town says now and how many supporters  think their explanation is adequate if they continue with Art X an accept the PSC explanation.

And it will be completely unacceptable if the board does not respond to this PSC letter hoping it will all quietly go away, then charge on down the Art X road anyhow.

This board put itself  and the community in a terrible political dilemma by trying to play these "reasonable" games with the State instead of just opposing both BP and the Art X process completely.


  1. I don't believe Pandora claimed that she was speaking for the town,just herself. don't read into peoples comments.

  2. OK let's say that Pandora is just speaking for herself. I would interpret her comments to mean she is not please with the PSC comments...that she finds them inadequate. I don't hink that is reading into her comments.

    But like I said what does she do with her favorite boardd if they suddenly find the response adequate? What do all the board supporters do if like Pandora they find the comments inadequte but the town doesn't? Do they just roll over and go along?

    Like I said...nice little dilemma! The boardd expressed pointed concerns about the Art X process, yet they are driven to stay on the Art X path. It seems to me in order to stay rabidly committed to that path then they would have accept the PSC explanation as adequate or if they charge ahead KNOWING the PSC explanantion is inadequate...do they just blow it off and say " Oh well that is just the way it is in Albany, and expose our community to this process anyhow?????

    The real issue isn't what Pandora thinks but what our board thinks and does now. And that will be real interestng to watch as our community hangs in the Art X balance.

  3. So why don't you wait to see what the boards response is before you hang them out to dry? What if they honestly feel the PSC explanation is adequate? Who are you to judge their decision making? You use the word "rabidly committed" as if its a crime for the board to have resolve in their plan of action.

  4. Ok do you think the PSC explanantion is adequate?

    I'll tell you what instead of arguing here why don't you go and look at the most rescent post above about PSC Comm. Brown MORE Albany connections and then tell me how smart it is to accept the PSC explanantion and continue down this Art X road.

    Once again I will say this town has a REAL dilemma on it's hands.

    Just go read the newest post. I think it is reckless for this board to charge forward and drag this community into this Art x process...we are going to get creamed!!!

  5. Tell ya what. Go read my latest post above about PSC Comm Garry Brown and all his connestions then tell me how smart it is to buy the PSC explanantion and drag this community into this Art X system.

    Start doing a little research into the Art X sytem the town is dragging us head long into and the siting board and their connections and where their heads are at on this whole wind renewable thing in NYS. We are going to get creamed if we stay on this track.

    Why don't I wait...well I have been waiting for 5 or 6 years with our side and they are all consistent...all they can see is one tunnel visioned direction that a wind law is THE answer, and now giving it to the State to arbitrate with BP and Art X is THE answer.

    Go read my last post then tell me how YOU think this is going to work out for CV!!!
