Monday, April 22, 2013

This One Is For the International Hypocrisy Hall Of Fame!!!

Sometimes the things Rick Wiley tries to get away with saying on his JLL blog just floors me! He either is so arrogant to think that we are all really stupid, have no capacity for memory, or maybe we are completely asleep!  Well I certainly have my senior moments but you ain't getting away with this one buddy!

Below is a comment from Wiley's recent post.

"It is very possible that Article 10 legislation WILL turn the beautiful Thousand Islands into a massive industrial wind turbine sacrifice zone. Iberdrola and British Petroleum intend to turn the Towns of Clayton and Cape Vincent into industrial wind turbine sacrifice zones. This is no time to back off, shut up and apologize for being anti wind!"

So let me see if I get this BS straight.  He is admitting that Art X is very likely going to allow the destruction of the Thousand Islands, yet he is a rabid supporter of the very CV govt. that absolutely blindly refuses to do anything other than faithfully follow the very system Wiley apparently is now getting a grip on will most like destroy our community and our region.  What a mastermind of logic!!!
However, the last sentence of Wiley's statement is the one that takes the cake.  Let me repeat that quote because it is just precious and  belongs in the hypocrisy hall of fame!!!

"This is no time to back off, shut up and apologize for being anti wind!"

Really Mr. Wiley?  You have got to be f!!!king kidding me!!!!

And of course you can demonstrate a squeaky clean record on making sure that all those anti wind voices have been heard, right?   You have never done anything to shut up or back off staunch anti wind voices right?   Anyone who is stupid enough to believe that...well I have a good price on a 500 ft. BP wind turbine for you too!!!

So is that why when someone who has been consistently one of the most staunch anti wind voices for 7 years, that you and Pandy on her blog as well have routinely shut those voices up like mine and others by blocking our anti wind comments simply because they don't agree with your favorite new govt and Hirschey??  And other of the Hirschey supporters like you and Pandy have routinely tried to back us off with repeated marginalizations when we commented that we didn't think the Hirschey govt was truly anti wind or anti wind enough.  

So what you meant to say was anti wind voices that agree with YOU and the soft touch anti wind approach!!!
When you try to pass off this bullshit and swallow your foot all the way up to your knee how does that taste!

I distinctly remember a time when YOU directly referred to strong anti wind voices, particularly mine and Dave Lamora's, and others who have been staunchly anti - wind as hysterical whining marginal voices because we didn't agree with the approach of the Hirschey govt, and didn't immediately fall in line like good goose stepping soldiers. Gotta shut those voices up and sweep them off to the margins!!!

The Hirschey WPEG govt by the way who, other than Michelle Oswald before the last election HAS NEVER ONCE THAT I CAN RECALL SAID THEY WERE ANTI WIND!!!!  And just like WPEG who previously and I think right up to this day refuses to say they are anti wind. They apologize and back themselves down and shut up on being anti wind all by themselves!!!

In fact my blogging friend... here once again is your favorite town supervisor spouting off his deep anti wind sentiments!  Seems he is very definitely apologizing to the reporter and a news story trying to label him anti wind!   Oooohhhh Noooo don't want any of that anti wind stuff!!!  Oh No I love wind, just put them over by Lyme and the poor suckers in the CV interior!

Pretty sad when the town supervisor of a town on the brink of a BP and regional environmental wind disaster has to be so politically green correct that he can't even muster the courage to bring himself to say the obvious. 

Maybe Rick, instead of lecturing the rest of us on how we should be anti wind and speak up, maybe you should start with Hirschey and tell him to not shut up, back off or apologize!  maybe you should look in the mirror too.

Maybe it's time to cut the bullshit blogging and tell your govt to get a grip that their direction is going to take this town to it's ultimate destruction with their blind allegience to Cuomo's Art X process.  Well OK, tell them when you spit your foot out of your mouth!  

Oh case you missed it my name Mr. Wiley, it is Art Pundt.  It is the same name I have publicly put on virtually every anti wind message I have put out there for 7 freakin years with NO apology!!!.  

 And that would be the same devoted, consistent anti wind name you and Pandy and some rabid Hirschey supporters have repeatedly tried to back off and shut up!!!

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