Thursday, April 25, 2013

One Question

Since the Town officials made the statement that they thought the Art X rules were fair and impartial, my anger over that statement is obvious.  So without my usual hard edged commentarty and the reaction it brings back, let's not lose focus.  Let's just get down to the fundamental and I believe very critical question that now I think everyone in this community should weigh in on.  It is important because I believe  it goes directly to the heart of the philosophy of how we fight BP and whether we will be successful.

Do you  think, as our Town Board and most other town Cape Vincent officials have stated in a letter to the NYPSC, that the Article X process and rules, that were lobbied by powerful corprorate and political interests, to strip away one of our most important community rights to land use decisions...are fair and impartial?

If you are not willing to publicly answer that question, and I won't hold my breath that anyone least very seriously ponder it for a while in the context of what BP and the Art. X process has already done to our community and then discuss it with our town officials!!!


  1. Of course not, but since the town decided to participate in ART.X instead of challenging it, they are obligated to play their hand as best they can. Buttering up the PSC, by making outlandish declarations such as " ART. X rules are fair and impartial" or this jewel of obvious naivete- "Surely Governor Cuomo did not envision Article X as a device to force a wind project on a community where it is thoroughly unwelcome ", could have a desired effect of creating some perceived integrity in the system,which might make it more difficult for the PSC to simply ignore.

    This sucking up to the State might just be working too. Just two weeks ago the town was notified it would receive funding for the controversial water district 6, whereas just a month earlier we were informed it had again failed the criteria for funding.

    A co-incidence or Merry Xmas in April? !
