Monday, April 22, 2013

Save the River Says Our Grassland Habitat Is Unique and Scarce!!!

Below is a quote from a letter written by Save the River to BP and the NYPSC concerning the BP scoping statement.  Maybe our town officials should read this section on grassland habitats carefully before they run around and with no research or science or studies and start promoting a sprawling industrial solar projects from BP or anyone else.

 From Save the River: (STR)

"The upper St. Lawrence River valley has one of the most unique and substantial grassland habitats in eastern North America; a habitat that is home to specialized grassland bird populations, as well as a home and critical seasonal foraging habitat for a variety of winter raptors. The grassland habitat includes Amherst and Wolfe Islands in Canada, Stony and Galloo Islands in the U.S., as well as major portions of the US and Canadian mainland towns bordering the River. The importance of this habitat is accentuated by the scarcity of such grasslands in this geographical region. :

Photograph below of huge graders ready to scape the ground clean for an industrial solar project in Nevada
Geee I wonder if this is what Save the River had in mind as a way to save our grassland bird habitat??????

                                                  Bye Bye unique and scarce grassland habitat!!! 

Also keep in mind that the the town of Cape Vincent officials were at one time using  BP's Brookhaven solar project as a shining example to the PSC as what could be done in CV by BP as an alternative.  Really????
  The Brookhaven project removed 42,000 trees.  See link below


Now here is the real hoot about this solar nonsense in Cape Vincent. 

Like I said before in the town's scramble to appease Cuomo and Art X they have become desperate and irrational.  Our own CV Councilman Clif Schneider was at one time at least a  member of STR, and I believe was on their board.  It is my understanding that he also was influential in writting of the STR positions on wind development and bird studies and region impacts on birds.

Yet according to a conversation with Clif I had last fall he is all in on this commerical solar nonsense if it could put off a BP wind project. He would take that ridiculous trade off between these two nonsense industrial tax subsidized  renewables.   Yet the impacts to grassland habitat and birds could be just as devastating with a sprawling commercial solar project, and worse the town is promoting it for other NYS communities.  I guess that doesn't bother Clif.  Maybe he should start talking to the very organization he is, or was part of  trying to protect those grassland habitats before he tweeks off on this soalr idea AND promotes it for the whole damn State!!!!  Oh...and that would be one of the least sunniest places in the US.

Like I said.  Rather than face up to the facts that Art X is a disaster and we should not be appeasing it or participating in it, and we should fight it politically by taking a full public anti wind and Art X stance, instead they are running around with one hand not knowing  what the hell the other hand is doing, and looking like irrational fools to try to keep playing Cuomo's appeasement game.  Seems like Councilman Schneider and the CV board he is trying to promote commercial solar too  is badly out of sync with STR's efforts to save grassland habitat!  You are either going to save this grassland habitat or you aren't. 

So let's try to stop wind turbines with more and more studies on bird impacts.  But is an idea, let's just put up a sprawing commercial solar project instead and destroy what STR says is unique and scarce grassland habitat!    Don't you people even talk to each other and try to get on the same page at those STR
wine and cheese get together fund raisers?

Geee whiz it seems to me we shouldn't be running around in environmental circles covering ANY of this habitat with solar panels OR wind turbines.

Anybody with a little intelligence at the NYPSC and BP must be laughing their ass off over these town officials and environmental groups running around like chickens with their heads cut off desperately trying to appease the system, and appear "reasonable". 

What a freakin circus!!!

Cuomo's Art X legislation has these people so far on the run they can't even think straight!  Probably just as the Art X scheme was intended to do!

                                          Yup...let's save that grassland bird habitat!


  1. Art, I know you are upset about this solar proposal, but what do you think of the Town's assertion that the rules of the ART.X process are fair and equitable? It would seem to me that the town just sealed its fate as far as taking any legal action now or later to challenge any pre-emption of our local laws ,with that declaration.

    What judge would rule against the state, when the plaintiff has stated publicly that the rules are fair?

    The town, the DPS, the DEC, STR, etc. etc. are providing BP with all the shortcomings of their PSS. If BP addresses all these issues in their application according to the rules, what recourse will be left?

  2. 5:06

    There is so much to look at I guess i missed that. i'll go back and take another look. But for the town to suggest that ArtX is somehow fair certainly seems absurb.

    Is this the new politically correct appeasement scheme as a reaction to having your fundamental communitiy rights talen away.

    Oh geeee thanks NYS for removing our rights on behalf of your large corporate clients...we really think that was fair!!!
