Sunday, April 28, 2013

Cuomo's Art. X Code Speak!

Hey pay attention.  Don't worry about that Art. X siting board.  Listen to me...
I'll tell ya how that Cape Vincent Art. X thing is goin down!!!!
Because I am Fair and Impartial!!!

Let's review from a WDT article some of what N.Y. Gov. Cuomo said about Art. X during an Aug 2012 visit to Fort Drum.

Underlining is mine. And my commentary is embedded in white.

"Local governments will have input under Article X, Mr. Cuomo said.  True, but that's about all you will have.  Code talk for "yeah we heard your input..thanks for your great participation...but you are getting a wind farm anyhow!"  You will get LOTS of input, it won't amount to much, but you can feel good that you got it!

“Unless we want to go back to candles, we need energy,” Mr. Cuomo said, adding later: “The Article X law is, I believe, an intelligent balance between local input, but still a process that can be done and can be done expeditiously.”

Balance is another code word.  How does a balance work?  It has equal weight on either side. This balance will be that BP will get something, and the community will get something until there is "balance"  This is a code word for compromise.  Cuomo is telling us we are getting a BS compromise.  Anything else would not be balanced.

Mr. Cuomo stopped short of endorsing a local government’s ability to veto a project during Article X proceedings, suggesting that opposition on the local level will be balanced against the merits of a project.

Well now he is getting more honest. You can't veto the project by participating in the Art. X process, you are getting a balance (compromise)  And Cuomo will have his heavy political foot on the balance scale!!!

“I think home rule is very important, where a locality decides their destiny,” Mr. Cuomo said.  Even though he took it away!!! There also has to be a reasonableness.

Ah yes...reasonableness!!!  But who is he asking to be reasonable?  Do you REALLY think he is talking to wind developers who will further his green agenda???  Balance, reasonableness, a community can't veto a project during Art. X.  Do a little political code speak math.  How do you think this "reasonableness" adds up for Cape Vincent????

We also have to remember at the end of the day that we need power. If you’re not constructing power plants or renewable plants or siting anything, you can’t power an economy. You can’t say no to wind and no to solar and no to biomass and no to power plants and then say, ‘I want jobs and a thriving economy.’”

Long story short you can't say NO...and the Art X system will make sure you can't say NO.  I also wonder if the BP lawyer being married to a NY PSC commissioner Cuomo  appointed is part of that "reasonableness"!!!

But now courtesy of our CV govt officials we can ad another couple terms to this code.  The Art X rules are fair and impartial!    I'm sure Cuomo would agree with that!

Mr. Cuomo must be so tickled  pink to see Cape Vincent officials conclude that his Art X rules are "fair and impartial" and we will be "reasonable". Cuomo obviously thinks his Art X rules are "fair and impartial"  So if the town officials agree that Art. X is fair and impartial, and agree to Cuomo's "reasonableness", which they obviously have by their actions and without objection to Art X, and in turn Cuomo thinks that "reasonableness" means you can't VETO a project in the Art X process...then what has our town govt signed onto?????

So CV...get ready for a BS COMPROMISE!!!  Our town board by continuing to operate under what they consider fair and impartial and reasonable Art X rules has set themselves AND YOU and all of us up for a compromise!   And they either knew this going in or they just plain don't understand it then or now!   Good God how else can you read this Cuomo bullshit!!!

 That is what BALANCE IS!!!  COMPROMISE!!!  What that means is that if you thought our zoning  law was not going to be negotiated by BP...well think again!!! becuase to get 'balance" and "reasonableness" your town zoning is going BYE BYE, and that is exactly what Art. X was designed to do.

I wonder who will have to live under the BP 500 ft. turbines in CV of Cuomo's compromise???? Certainly not Cuomo.  And I doubt seriously he will simply roll over to the idea that health, safety, and welfare should basically eliminate the States demand for renewable green wind turbines when he has said "you can't say NO to wind ."

Can you  read anything above that Cuomo said and honestly think that the town's obedient participation in Art. X is going to STOP BP!! 

So  exactly what frame of reference are these town officials working from????  Do they not understand what Cuomo's comments mean, and then their reaction is that his rules are FAIR AND IMPARTIAL?????

Fact is Cuomo in a couple hour visit to Watertown and a few brief media sound bites  just gave you your Art. X siting board decision for CV in a nice tidy code speak nutshell!!!  Everything else is just theater!

Bottom line.  Be nice, be reasonable, be balanced, play along and give us lots of input and feel good,  because you ain't saying NO to wind when I need it to create power and jobs, look green  and keep NY open for business!!!!

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