Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A Response to a Readers Comments

I wanted to respond to one  readers comments, that among personal attacks was at least willing to engage on some of the issues I raised.  But it was too long for the comment section to accept.  So I am posting it here.  First I was inflamed when I became aware of the town's statement, so I will at the advice of a good friend try to tone it down as best I can!

First here is the readers comments.  They are listed as anonymous 2:55 under the post with the baby's picture

Anonymous April 24, 2013 at 2:55 PM

"Since you guy have spent any time in a court room or practiced law, I am not sure why you would profess that the town has given up their right for legal action if the process turns out not to be fair or partial.

To dumb it down for you, that’s like saying I thought my husband or wife, was fair and partial when the marriage took place, but now I want a divorce. You are espousing that a divorce cannot be filed, let alone won on the grounds that one or the other turned out to be unfair and/or unreasonable. That is complete and utter hog wash AND YOU KNOW IT. And if you don’t know it, you should keep your mouth shut when it comes to offering legal opinions.

Your line of thinking and the attacks you use to drive them home is very myopic and stated only to support your position. Now that is what I call unfair and unreasonable by any standard.

We all get it, you don’t believe the direction the Town Board is heading down is the right path, and you’re surely entitled to your opinion. But it is unfair and unreasonable to call the Town Board desperate, irrational, naïve, out of touch, or to state that they indulge themselves in an illusion to support their position, just because you think your methods are superior to the direction they are taking.

To quote one of your remarks to Julia Gosier, “These two town boards were duly elected by majority citizens of each community.” It is therefore unfair and unreasonable to viciously attack their character, acumen or their commitment to fight off the onslaught of industrial wind just because they don’t follow your advice or direction. It is therefore evident by your own words that you are a hypocrite. You might want to look in the mirror and ask yourself who is really out of touch with reality here.

I have taken the time to read over your blog and what I see is a narcissistic man desperate to have his opinion heard and prove to the world that he is right. I suspect it is by no coincidence that you ended up living in the town that was one time destined to be the home of Napoleon Bonaparte.

The good news with your blog is, that should the state read it, and that is a big if, they will realize just how astute our town board is and understand that being fair and reasonable is the right thing to do for one of the town’s they represent. If they don’t, then regardless of what you would like us to believe, the Town Board still has the right to litigate the matter in court."

Now my comments back to 2:55

Thanks for your comments and engaging in the discussion. Now go back and carefully read my post or comments and you will see you mis-interpreted something fundamental about what I and D.L, said.

Your right...I am not a lawyer, but in this wind battle I have had the opportunity to interact with numerous lawyers and their thinking both in the CV wind issue AND here in AZ. That would include making a case with others to one of AG Cuomo's top lawyers and making a detailed case with others to his investigators. It would also include following all the WPEG law suits and the resulting court decisions very carefully and adding information to some of them. That doesn’t make me a legal expert, but I think it is enough to form a reasonable opinion.   But keep in mind that ALL of the CV town officials are not lawyers either yet are making verty critical decsions on our future.  And yes I am aware that they get legal advice.   But that does not mean that advice will always be correct or solid.  Much of this legal stuff is nothing more than a crap shoot! It really comes down to what legal counsel thinks they can get away with.  And we KNOW that often they are just plain WRONG!  But that is not the point.

The point is I NEVER said the town had given up their right to litigation. So your divorce analogy is not an appropriate analogy.  What I said was I believed they had really weakened their potential legal defense if they chose a litigation direction.  I DID NOT say they gave up a right to litigate!

My experience says you can bet any lawyer worth their expensive law degree would drag out this fair and impartial statement against any litigation from the town. Why wouldn’t they? Consistency is one point a good WPEG lawyer one time drove home to us. He made the point he would not go into court with his clients all over the map in their approach!

If you go to court what are you going to go after? Seems to me it would exactly be about the system or rules NOT being fair and impartial in some way as an actual  basis. I mean isn’t that the whole point of going to court anyhow? If you thought everything had been “fair and impartial”…why would you go to litigation in the first place.

But let’s look directly at Art X law. Here is what it says about litigation and what the court can consider under Art X.

"2. The grounds for and scope of review of the court shall be limited to

whether the decision and opinion of the board are:

(a) in conformity with the constitution, laws and regulations of the state and the united states;

(b) supported by substantial evidence in the record and matters of judicial notice properly considered and applied in the opinion;

(c) within the board's statutory jurisdiction or authority;

(d) made in accordance with procedures set forth in this article or

established by rule or regulation pursuant to this article;

(e) arbitrary, capricious or an abuse of discretion; or

(f) made pursuant to a process that afforded meaningful involvement of

citizens affected by the facility regardless of age, race, color,

national origin and income.

3. Except as herein provided article seventy-eight of the civil practice law

and rules shall apply to appeals taken hereunder."

So what does all this essentially say?  Do you see anything about sound and bats and birds or setbacks??? NO. It says that the court is essentially going to look at the Art X PROCESS, or rules if you will,  and if they were applied correctly. That is a limited scope.  Just as the court did in two other WPEG cases, on utilities and the suit against the Edsall planning board’s final acceptance of the Acciona FEIS.

It was about rules regulations and the process, not the noise, birds, setbacks, and all that stuff.  And that is where I think the fatal flaw is in their approach. The way I read this and other court decisions I have been involved in is the litigation is going to have to address flaws in the process and rules. And that is what the appeals court is basically restricted too.

I have two WPEG court decisions right here on my desk that clearly show that the courts aren’t going to get into the detailed arguments of birds, bats, sound and health. It will be all about the process and even the Art X law above says so. So in my view it is very unwise to be up front claiming the process is already fair and impartial.

So if the litigation comes down to the court looking at flaws in the rules and regulations how does it help you if up front you have already declared those rules and that process is fair and impartial?

In their best interest the town instead of bending over backwards  to try to look “reasonable” and appease the State should have just kept quiet on this fair and impartial comment!!  And some probably don't think it is a big deal.  I think it is a REAL BIG DEAL!  Of course this all assumes the town would even go to court. I think it is just as likely they will throw up there hands and say we did everything we could, and it's not worth litigating!  
Note also that line ( e ) about arbitrary and capricious and abuse of discretion. Apparently our board has already consented by their comment  that before they have even set foot inside a court room with an argument that the Art X board will not be arbitrary and capricious, yet they haven't even been handed a decision to know if that is the case or not. That could be a defense to be used. So on one hand you are saying up front the rules were fair and impartial, and then in the next breath you are in court saying it was all arbitrary and capricious?????  Have our town official become so over confident in facing the extremes of political power and money in Albany they can confidently say the rules are FAIR in an attempt to appease those run amuck Albany powers who are running around removing community rights with the overwhelming support of both parties in the NYS legislature????!!!  Wow that is real bravado!!!

A couple other points on your comments. Where does it say that because I voted for elected officials and they are a duly elected board that I am suddenly required to not challenge their decision and do so with a hard nosed approach?  Funny thing that didn't see to matter to WPEG or anyone when I was doing it on their behalf against the previous conflicted govt! Not sure that represents the intent of democracy or even open and transparent govt.  And the scary part is that NO ONE in town except pro wind is challenging any of their decsions.  So you mean to tell me that with an issue as hot, critical and complicated as this , NO ONE has any alternative input other than me and Dave Lamora and a very very few others?  That doesn't even seem rational!
You are also correct that town officials have not taken my advice. In fact that would be the zoning committee completely and willfully ignoring specifically one citizen’s two 25 page detailed papers on my research about the alternative of banning wind development simply because they didn’t like my approach. You want to explain to me how an official town committee targeting and marginalizing one citizen adds up to the promise of open govt. democracy, and THEM being FAIR and IMPARTIAL!!!  Maybe they should not be so quick to make a judgment on what is or isn't fair and impartial!  In that case they were NEITHER!
And you avoided the real  question. 

Do you think that a system that was lobbied by inordinate corporate power and money and  influenctial political interests to  remove certain critical community rights is a system that is somehow "fair and impartial y any stretch of the imagination?  

THAT is the real question and the root of my gripe.  It is just beyond belief that a town that has been directly  stripped of it's critical right to create and enforce it's own laws by a big brother govt. would even consider saying such a thing and so many town officials would consent to sign such a declaration!

It seems that is just significantly disrespecting the vast majority of people, even who  support the current CV govt. but also clearly realize that Art X has been anything but fair  and impartial since it's inception. 

And let me give you a concrete example of what I mean.  At the Oct 23rd 2012  meeting the many people that turned out to protest BP and Art X and support the CV and Lyme officials against BP and Art X , they had a huge sign in protest of Cuomo and Art X...

...and it sure as hell did not say we thought the Art X rules were FAIR AND IMPARTIAL!!!

I was a particpant in that protest even with my objections to our town board's direction on wind zoning.  Had I known the town officials would do an about face and declare the Art X rules we were so vehemently protesting were  fair and impartial, then I would not have wasted my time.

To me if nothing else that is a siginificant slap in the face to people who clearly recognized Art X as a disasterous big govt over reach that could ultimately destroy our community.

It seems to me that with the town's unresearched and arbitrary support of an industrial solar project brought to us by BP of all companies, and now a declaration that the Art X rules are fair and impartial, somewhere they have come of the rails in their efforts to appear "reasonable"!
Their statement may have appearred reasonable to Albany and was just wht Albany wanted to hear.  But it was NOT reasonable to others...many who are probably too afraid  to speak up because of the trashing they see I get for any challenge to the current govt. 


  1. Two things to consider:

    1. You stated the following: "NO ONE has any alternative input other than me and Dave Lamora and a very very few others? That doesn't even seem rational!"

    You are very wrong about this. First of all you have NO input at all, at least not any input that counts, because the people making the decisions wrote you off as too toxic to have on the team a long time ago. All you really have is a blog (with very few commenters) used for the most part to attack the Town Board. So as it stands today, you have essentially been regulated to the sidelines

    2. When the Elected and Appointed officials who are working diligently to protect this town throw BP and big wind out of Cape Vincent will you have the balls to say “I am sorry, I was wrong and they were right? If the answer is yes, then press on, if the answer is no then you should just dry up and go away now and save yourself from a possible ulcer.

    When this is over you will either be right or wrong, there will be no ambiguity about it. If you are right (which I highly doubt) you can stand in the town center and beat on your chest and I will be more than happy to attend and bow down to your greatness. However, because of the high probability that wind is on its way out of our town due to the efforts of the elected and appointed officials, I would suggest you start learning how to be a little self-deprecating.

  2. I have considered your comments carefully and several possible responses. But I have made all those arguments before.

    But I can assure you that altough people may not comment frequently my readership is very good and up considerably especially since the town made the comment that the Art X rules are "fair and impartial"

    But it ocurred to me that if I am so "toxic", and I have been marginalized completely off to the sidelines, and I have NO input at all now.

    Then....why are you here on my blog????

    I mean...hey you are welcome and I appreciate your comments and readership, even though you are going after me...but why are you here????


    I find it really ironic that the blog of the person you hate and need to spew venom on, on behalf of and to support your town govt. is about the only place left you can actually do that locally, and not be censored and blocked, and this blogger is at least of an open mind enough to allow you to do that despite my strong disageements with the govt you support and the personal attacks.

    But why are you here???? What is your motivation????

    One blog no longer even takes any comments nor is he even discussing the extremely questionable idea that his town govt thinks Art X is "fair and impartial", and the other blog would probably block you even at the first mention of my name or the "fair and impartial" subject.

    Unlike the other blogs that appear to be the PR arms of the Hirschey govt (one who has a husband in that govt appointed by Hirschey) on this blog I actually try to practice open democratic discussion. I don't block comments unless they are way over the edge of taste or are vicious and have no pint at all. And I don't block comments to create cover for myself or anyone else.

    But as I consider your comments, and why you are even here something occurred to me. I think your reaction, is very likely that you are stuck between a very tough rock and a hard spot. I think in the end you are intelligent enough to probably be very uncomfortable with the idea that your town govt, went off the rails with this Art X is fair and impartial comment, and you don't quite know how to deal with the conflict that has created for you.

    Anybody in their right mind would have to question a comment that thinks the very system that removed our rights as a community and has thrown us into chaos, is somehow "fair and impartial"

    SERIOUSLY??? How could you defend that? Well actually you haven't yet, you have mostly just attacked me as a diversion and avioded the question!

    Which brings me to my last and most important point you have not addressed, but have cleverly tried to divert by questioning my character.

    Simple question.

    Do you support the town's statement that the Art X process and rules are fair and impartial?????

    Just answer that question. Somehow I am guessing that if you attempt that response to this question this will suddenly be the end of our debate!!!

  3. Fair enough, I’ll answer your question and then I expect you to respond to the rest of my post concerning your upcoming apology when your ideas and methods turn out not to be needed.

    I personally would not have made the statement that the Art X process is fair and balanced, however, I really don’t think it will hurt them and I believe it was a small item that gave you something to pounce on. I noticed you haven’t had anything to say about the states rebuke of BP or the fact it was likely done because of the Town Boards current direction and actions.

    Of course, it seems hard for you say anything positive about the board at all. The real story was and is the state rebuking BP, not the comment about Art X being fair and balanced.

    Okay, now tell me, when you are proven wrong and wind is driven from this town are you going to apologize to the people you offended with your personal attacks or are you going to just crawl under a rock and pretend all is well with the world?

  4. 2:50

    Thanks for your honest answer on the my question. Good God it is refreshing for at least once to hear someone say that MAYBE just MAYBE the board didn't use their best judgment. You sound like a reasonable person so maybe you should engage them in a discussion of the things they say in these letters ( See my recent post on Councilman Byrne and COAXNY for example)

    As a result I will gladly answer your questions, and will even provide some documenation from CV wind history on the one particular question of the State taking BP to task. Long story short it has happened before with Acciona...we got all excited and it meant virtually nothing in the end!

    At the moment I have other things going on. But I assure you I will answer if you are willing to be patient. Maybe tonight.

    However, it will probably have to be in a post since the comment section won't handle the length of my required comments to your questions. So look in the post section.

  5. I am not asking you to right a book. It is a simple question which deserves a simple answer. Yes or no. Sounds like you can't speak honestly without the and's, if's and but's you plan to put into your response.

    Just answer the question. Yes or No

  6. I intend to answer your question, and you might be surprised at the answer, but I am not going to do it in a dumb it down yes or no format. If you are looking for that then the discussion is over.

    I doubt you would even be happy with with a yes. Apparently that is not what you are after.

    What you are attempting here is to extract a pound of flesh, not have a discussion, and do it by an age old trick of simply setting a yes or no trap. I am not that stupid. An if you are the legal expert you claim, then you should know better.

    Although I appreciated your answer to my question you also did NOT answer it with a simple yes or no now did you! You did a dance. Nor did I require or expect you too. I was open to discussion. So in essence you never did really answer my question the way you are demanding I answer yours. I had enough respect to let you answer as you saw fit and not with an all or nothing restriction.

    Here is what I asked you.

    Do you support the town's statement that the Art X process and rules are fair and impartial?????

    And here is what you said:

    "I personally would not have made the statement that the Art X process is fair and balanced, however, I really don’t think it will hurt them..."

    So as long as you want to play this you support their statement or don't you...yes or no?

    You never really answered what I asked if YOU supported their comments yet I acceptted your answer. How about YOU answer that question YES OR NO...I doubt seriously you want back yourself into that box with no explanantion! So let's stop playing games!

    Sorry it is not a simple yes or no answer. You are attempting to extract a pound of flesh and dumb this down and do what many of the Hirschey govt and their supporters expect... absolute black and white. Either follow obdiently or you are going to be marginalized and attacked. Kinda like Voters For Wind expecting their members to sign a loyalty oath to support wind YES OR NO!!!

    Now I have an answer for you but it will take some thought and time. And I think it is a fair one addressing your concerns. Keep in mind you also asked me about the State comments supporting the towns concerns, and I have an answer to that as well. But this entire thing is a complex issue, and trying to cram it into a dumbed down yes or no is just plane ridiculous!

    So I will leave it up to you if you if want an answer or discussion or not.

    If you just want to play this yes or no game to get your pound of flesh...then don't waste my time. Go to the other blogs and attack me there in a forum you will be more comfortable with, where you will get sufficient protection from any response... and any response I have will be blocked.

    I have been at this wind battle for 7 years and there has very rarely been time when it is all yes or no.

    So let me know.

  7. I think you have already given me your answer, you wouldn't have the courage to say I am sorry, if the Town Board's current direction drives the wind companies out of town.

    Enough said.

  8. Ok...It's your call. Make whatever assumption you want about me with NO accurate justification to do so. You certainly don't want to break ranks too far from the "club". You very well may have missed what you were looking for. Too bad!

    What is it you are afraid of about getting beyond the absolute restriction of a dumbed down yes or no answer to avoid debate?

    Seem like you people work over time trying to shut down know with the blogs blocking comments and all.

    The real truth is you don't really give a damn about whether I apologize or not. You just want to take a chunk out of my ass and pound your chest if you are right, just like you claim I want. You are no different despite your "high road".

    And unkown to you you have neatly proven a crtical point I have been trying to make all along to my good friends who claim my approach is sometimes too acid and my ideas would be beter accepted if I was less agressive.

    I have said it wouldn't really matter, this is not really about approach, as much as it is these people just can't tolerate anyone who does not goose step with them and Hirschey.

    You just really effectively drove home that point for me.

    Read the the discussion we started. I was trying very hard to have a discussion with you with a reasonable tone. Yet it didn't matter. Your mind was made up, and apparently you are too afraid to get too far from the Hirschey mantra.

    Especially the one that Pundt is bad!!!

    I'm guessing when you got into it you found out the conversation was not going exactly where you thought it was in your preconceieved ideas about me. To the point where you want the discussion ended and won't even let me explain myself. Now that is an open mind!!!

    I'm sorry...that is really sad! I made an attempt to be reasonable, and as I figured it would still not be enough because it isn't the issue. I think the real issue for many on your side is with a long experience in this battle with many of your people, I just get too damn close to the truth sometimes!!!

    You need to get a grip and think about it real hard. Your town officials just made a very public declaration that the Art Rules are fair and impartial. And YOU damn well know that is just plain foolish. It's not just me jumping on some "little ' thing it's really quite frightning actually when you consider that the entire future of our community is at stake. I'm betting by the spike in my readership, that you...and a good number of other people are not happy about this little gaff and clearly realize the importance! Fair and impartial???/ YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING!!!!!

    You wanna talk about reasonable??? With what I know I am being DAMN REASONABLE!!! If I spilled some of the things I know about WHO is advising the town board it would get real real ugly...AND news worthy too!!! And even with the Hirschey supporter attacks on me I still haven't done that, and probably never will.

    And finally I think your frustration, and what your did admit to in my question indicates to me that maybe just maybe things aren't going exactly as planned in the Hirschey / town strategy to obediently follow Art X to fight BP. I'm betting you are starting to get it as we get closer to the finish line that it is very likely this approach is going to probably get us really HAMMERED by BP and the PSC and that is making you a just a little edgy. Wiley at JLL even admitted the region could get hammered by BP and Iberdrola. Gee you might think maybe we should do something different.

    Be it duly noted that YOU turned off or backed out of what could have been a reasonable fruitful discussion...NOT ME.

    Maybe you got a phone call or email suggesting you were venturing to far out on your own????

    Well anyhow...Thank you for making my point!!!

  9. Not one bit of what you just said makes any sense. You are truly f$%king bizarre. You go to great lengths to avoid answering the tough questions by making shit up in your mind and then formulating the opinion that it must be true.
    You said, “Ok…It’s your call. Make whatever assumption you want about me with NO accurate justification to do so.”
    And then you go on to make a shit load of assumptions about me that are clearly wrong. Why would you do that? I’ll tell you why. Because there is no way in hell you can bring yourself to even think for one minute that town board might be right, no F#$king way can you do that, because it would mean you might possible be wrong. And if you were wrong the civil thing to do would be to say you’re sorry.
    You don’t even have the balls to admit you wouldn’t say you’re sorry, so to protect yourself you make wild assumptions.
    Here are some examples using your own words:
    You said, “The real truth is you don't really give a damn about whether I apologize or not. You just want to take a chunk out of my ass and pound your chest if you are right, just like you claim I want. You are no different despite your "high road".”
    Wrong, there is nothing for me to pound my chest about, you haven’t been proven wrong and for all I know you might be right. All I wanted to know is if the wind turbines are driven from town by this board, would you accept that your acid tongue, accusations (some of which by the way are false), may have been out of line, and then apologize. That’s it, really simple. If in the end, you are right and Town Board screws this up, it will be very obvious that you were right along.
    You said, “And unkown to you you have neatly proven a crtical point I have been trying to make all along to my good friends who claim my approach is sometimes too acid and my ideas would be beter accepted if I was less agressive.

    I have said it wouldn't really matter, this is not really about approach, as much as it is these people just can't tolerate anyone who does not goose step with them and Hirschey.

    You just really effectively drove home that point for me.”
    Well in this case, you are right. In your mind, I have proven it to you! But no reasonable person would agree with your assertion on this. You are desperate for someone to prove you right, so you pretend in your mind that I have done so, in order to protect you own self-image. Nothing could be further from the truth. All I ask for was simple answer, you have ask people in this series of post to answer “yes or no”, and then when I ask you the same thing, you state I am trying to dumb it down and take a pound of flesh. Why would you say that, oh I get it, it is because that is exactly what you were trying to do with that “fair and unreasonable nonsense you were spewing. And the whole time you missed the real story about the state rebuking BP.
    Why wouldn’t you write about the real story and instead pick on something that is pretty meaningless in a court of law. Oh yeah, the real story make you look like a cheese head and the fair and reasonable nonsense allow you to puff yourself up.

  10. And here is the rest of my post, since the blog will not take the whole thing in one shot.

    You said,”Seem like you people work over time trying to shut down know with the blogs blocking comments and all.”
    Who are you referring to as “you people”. You make the assumption (same thing you accuse me of doing) that I am a part of some group and then use the very the very dangerous term of “you people.
    Why would you do that? Oh yeah, because you don’t really want to have this debate and you hope by being a bigoted smart ass I will go. Well it won’t be that is Pundt! I have ask you a simple question and before this over we will see if you are man enough to answer it, or if you are just narcissistic blowhard.
    You said, “Read the the discussion we started. I was trying very hard to have a discussion with you with a reasonable tone. Yet it didn't matter. Your mind was made up, and apparently you are too afraid to get too far from the Hirschey mantra.”
    Wrong again Pundt! It is obvious to anyone who reads this (accept you of course) that the only person who has made up his mind and refuses to even think he could be wrong is you. Why is that? Oh yeah that would mean as a civilized human being you might have to be a little self-deprecating and apologize.
    You said, “Be it duly noted that YOU turned off or backed out of what could have been a reasonable fruitful discussion...NOT ME.”
    Wrong again Pundt! You ask me for an answer and I gave it to you. I ask you for an answer and you have yet to give me one. Instead you run down every rabbit hole you can think of looking for cover.

  11. 5:31

    At least make up your mind. Yesterday you said that the debate was over and you said "enough said". When you say that it is reasonable to conclude that you are done with the debate. Now you are back.

    You seem rather confused. I am pefectly willing to answer your questions but as I said I am not going dumb it down to a simple yes or no answer.

    So do you want my answer or not?

  12. Also as you contemplate whether you really want my answer, think about this.

    Once again here are your words on the town's comment that the Art X rules are fair and impartial.

    "I personally would not have made the statement that the Art X process is fair and balanced..." Does this mean you don't not support the town's position that the Art X rules are fair and impartial?

    OK then what would your personal statement have been? As I said your answer above certainly is NOT a yes or no answer.

  13. I've got your answer typed up and ready to go. Still wnat it?

    Let me know!

  14. It's interesting how you keep siding stepping the issues I have raised. It appears you just in incapable of answering. I am not sure you could dumb it down any further than you already have.

  15. I am not side stepping the issue. I have an answer for you all typed up and ready to go addressing you question. So here is the simple question to you YES OR NO. Do you want my answer?

    I also have an addition answer for you on your question about the State agency's comments on the BP PSS, that appear to support the town.

    In fact on that one I had a post about ready to go anyhow.

  16. My answer will be a post. It will be up relatively soon.

  17. Thought it was already done. What's the story, feel a need to modify it already!

  18. Take your time Pundt and make sure you get it right. I am heading out to my daughters play in Manhattan and have a 60 minute train ride, so I have to go. I’ll read your reply tomorrow over what I am sure will be at least a pot of coffee.

  19. 2:31

    You obviously don't understand that posting something on a blog is not an instantaneous project.

    It takes time to copy and paste and work out any bugs.

    And BTW...How about you lend some credibility to your comments by puting your name on it.

    Put on two pots of coffee!!! If that is too long for you then no one is forcing you to read it.

  20. I understand computers and blogs very well. I also understand when someone says they have the reponse ready to go that it will take a whopping 10 seconds to post it.

    In regards to my name, I will tell you in person who I am soon enough, but I really don't want my name on any of the blogs.

  21. Now this last response is very confusing to me. You claim you are going to tell me who you are personally, yet you don't want your name on any blog, yet you keep coming back TO my BLOG over and over and over to press your point. You have the chicken shit luxury of cover so my readers can not make a full assessment of your arguments and the motivations of the person making them. If you want to tell me your name personally and don't want it on the blog, then pick up the phone, or get on the email, and do it PERSONALLY!

    But want cover and luxury of anonymity, and you want at least your comments ON the BLOG with no responsibilty or accountability which in my mind equates to NO CREDIBILITY, and a deeply confused argument. And as long as you are making school analogies like you did in another comment, this is like you need the protection of the school yard bully!!!

    Why don't you be credible and post your name right now? This isn't rocket science, you have an are trying to discredit either me or my approach or counter my have the brass to put your name on it. What are you afraid of and what do you have to hide? When someone works to keep their identity secret it appears they have something to hide, and that has a direct impact on their credibility, motivations.

    And here is an interesting statement you made in one of your comments. Now don't tell me I got this wrong too, because it is a DIRECT quote cut and pasted from your comment!

    "First of all you have NO input at all, at least not any input that counts"

    Ok...then why the hell are you here? Why waste your time on someone you has no input to effect the board, or their decisions, or direction? What is your point to spend all this time on someone you claim does not count. Again that would point directly to the idea I stated before...that all you really want to do is extract a pound of flesh. And that would be because in the end you DO think I have had an impact in some way that should be neutralized! Why are you spending so much effort on someone who as you say is "toxic" and been "relegated to the sidelines?" It appears apparently I have had a direct impact on you! Ya can't have it both ways!

    For all your supposed high logic arguments this makes NO sense. Unless of course there IS some reason for you to be here...and apparently there is.

    And what's to say when you reveal your name, as as you claim you will to me personally, that I won't post it. I suppose that would be under threat of a law suit? So is your identity THAT important, and are YOU that important...and if so if I don't count WHY ARE YOU HERE!!! If youare that important I am sure you have plenty of othert hings to occupy your time other than on some no account blogger who you say has been sidelined, and has no input status.

    And your comments about my teacher credentials in another post, and tests is nothing more than pure diversionary bullshit.

    I will decide IF I answer your questions, I will do it on my own time frame as I see fit, or if I decide to even answer them AT ALL.

    Maybe you forgot who owns the blog or the luxury you are being extended to go after me anonymously and I allow it even least for now.

    If you don't like that...then find another forum and STOP WASTING YOUR IMPORTANT TIME!!!
