Monday, April 29, 2013

More Comments - Same Stuff

The person who I was in the long debate with trying to get an apology from me has left two more attempts at a comment. They were  basically the same subject matter.

Now if this person wants to come on with a discussion that is not full of fallacy and loaded questions, and wants to discuss with my readers WHY they think I am wrong and the board WILL remove BP from our community using the Art X process I will be happy to post their comments.

If they would like to comment on my original post that raised all this controversy as to why they think the board is correct to say that the Art. X rules are fair and impartial and have a discussion on that, then that is fine too.


  1. One comment you deleted was from me not the other guy who by the way ate your lunch during the debate.
    I tried to make the point that your behavior was the very same on the other blogs and that is most likely why they got sick of you and gave you the same bootI was one of the people who begged both of the other blogs to get rid of your crazy and repetitive posts that became very stale. I think the other bloggers simply bent to popular opinion about your crazy rants.
    In closing, I can't believe that I wasted 30 minutes of my life reading your dribble only to see that you are stuck in the same dimension your were stuck in back in 2009 when you told us that Hirschey and others running for Cape Town government was a waste of time. You and Dave were wrong then and I believe you are still wrong.

  2. My behavior or "rants" on the other blogs actually had a POINT attached to them. If I took on Hirschey or the board I had a POINT, and often I documented it. Like I did below about what Mr. Hirschey said about there will be compromises in the wind issue...and said that on video.

    This person had no point other than "Pundt is bad" and used a trap question to try to box me in. Then in all this the person claims I have no input and am irrelevant. OK fine...but why spend so much time if I AM!!! That is not exactly an eat your lunch argument. It is completely illogical. Oh Pundt you are a no account irrelevant person with no input and a little prick with a puffed up ego, but geee I am going to spent three or four days debating you anyhow!!! Not only that his questions kept drifting around and changing to suit is singular need...make Pundt apologize now for something nobody knows will happen. You can't claim to eat someone's lunch in a debate when your questions are all based on fallicies as I pointed out below, and don't answer the original question in the debate.

    Which is my point. How come everyone is not addressing THE original question, about the town's statement that the Art X rules are fair and impartial? How about you?

    What I think is driving you guys absolutely nuts, and one reason my readership went way up is YOU and the other person KNOW the town's statement was way off base and you can't figure out how to defend it. So you have to divert it by spending several days OFF the question to distract readers. That is not eating anyones lunch, that is just dishonest and damage control

    Now you say I am stuck in the same dimension since 2009. You are wrong. I have been "stuck in the ame dimension" actually since 2006, and that is NO WIND belongs in CV or the 1000 Islands. And that was way back when the supposed anti wind people just couldn't muster the courage to say that truth. Now it is all fashionable since people have come a long way to MY original "ranting" stance...well except your town board and WPEG who STILL can't say it publicly but instead run around trying to be "reasonable" to the wind industry AND claim the rules they are using to screw us are FAIR AND IMPARTIAL!!!

    You have a board you have all claimed is protecting our, community, won't negotiate our laws, will defend of laws against Art X, will try to fight for home rule, will fight against BP who is using Art X to screw us...AND THEN this board says the rules that BP is using to try to take away our laws are FAIR AND IMPARTIAL!!! Actaully if they believe that then I would be right to question the actions of this board going back to 2009. And wasn't 2011 supposed to be the BIG anti wind election, with an anti wind mandate, and a new anti wind govt. And they think the Art X rules that are anyting BUT anti wind are fair...really???

    And you are probably right about the public opinion. There are not to be any questions of this govt.. And funny isn't it that even though those blogs blocked me, and even though I disagree with many of the people who supoort those blogs and the Hirschey govt. When they got themselves in a real legal jam I did step up despite all of that and donated to their legal defense. One blogeer never even thanked me. She weassled out and her husband decided to.

    Funny I guess they weren't looking at my "rants" or wondering if I was a "little prick" when I sent them money!!!

  3. If my readers would like to see an actual factual documented comment on 5:19's accusations and how off base it is...see the new post with the WDT conflict ad in it.

    You better HOPE an PRAY these town officers are right this time, because they have demonstarted some very WRONG judgment on very critical issues at very critical points in the wind battle in the past...and the accusations on me then were exactly the same as they are now.
