Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Comments to a commenter

I  posted some basic questions to the community in a post below.  Commenter 3:42 posted this as a reaction to my questions.

"Well Art, I see you and rick kissed and made up! Can we see a change of heart with Kathy?
More importantly, I would like you to map out YOUR plan to stop BP and/or NY State from over ruling the CV zoning law. I know you wanted the Town Board to ban turbines in CV. In either case, how would YOU stop them. We've all heard you piss and moan about how Urban, et. al. screwed up. Please tell us where are you going to find all of the money neede to wage a legal battle? Perhaps YOU would like to arm our citizens with maodern day weapons and station them all of the roads leading into CV. The minute Cuomo and BP show their faces, we'll kill them! What ever the plna is, let's hear it plain and simple. No more of your glowing generalities... If you can't do it, then get off your soapbox.
And since my comment section won't accept the length of my comments here is my reply.
If you have been paying attention and used some independent thought you should already have a pretty good grip on what my strategy might be.   I have been talking about it for 6 years and not in generalities. And are you asking me to outline my strategy because you are realizing this perfect zoning law idea may not hold up like you have been told?  Having some doubts now, and at the last minute looking for a plan B?
First…any relationship I have with any CV blogger is our business.  The only things I will say about this is that I stand behind both blogs in their defense against this ridiculous law suit.  The other thing I will say is the people behind this law suit have no freakin clue what they have unleashed…and if you were paying attention in the last few days you would have already picked up on something that verifies that.  See my post on this subject below.
Next I noticed my questions have apparently upset you.  What…maybe in your support of the new board and the “perfect zoning”  mantra you hadn’t thought this far ahead?  More importantly I noticed you didn’t address ANY of my questions.  They are perfectly legitimate questions you, me  and this community should be asking of our  town board.  This is not an attack or criticism of our board or Hirschey.  Anybody with a slight bit of intelligent thinking  who would be smart enough to want to think ahead about alternatives should  be asking these questions.   Have you dug yourself a illogical thinking hole so deep when it comes to this board and their zoning law that you are incapable of even recognizing there may be consequences beyond the zoning law. 
 Would you find it acceptable after all the election hoopla, after all the debate about zoning, and all the work that went into it, that the end result is we shouldn’t even challenge an A-10 decision preempting our laws?  That is so absurd.   If that was the case why didn’t we just go to BP and ask them to write our law so we would save ourselves having to defend it?   Geees Louise !!!!!  
If you or the board won’t defend our law after all this it makes the entire election efforts of 2009 and 2011 absolutely pointless if the board just rolls over and plays dead.  Is that what we elected them to do????    Wake up and smell the roses pal.  Article X has a preemption clause that essentially makes your zoning law powerless and nearly irrelevant if they think it’s overly burdensome.  And wake up to the fact the new law is so restrictive it might as well be an overly burdensome  BAN as far as BP is concerned.   Why do you think A-10 even has preemptive power?  With all this starring you right in the face you are telling me you aren’t even going to consider it?
 Also I noted you tried to make this out as a pissing match between me and Hirschey.  He was never even mentioned in my questions.  The question weren’t even  addressed to him.  They were directed to the entire board and community.  So why are you making this about  Urban.  Is it that you think the other members can’t think for themselves????
And finally do you think I am that stupid to lay out in detail on this blog my entire game plan in detail?  Nice try!!!
If you would like to discuss it call me.  I would be happy todiscuss it.  I am in the CV phone book, or call Dave LaMora at 783-8744.  Once we determine who you are, and that you are not just a shill for pro wind digging for information, if you are serious we will meet with you face to face and explain what we think should be done to take a stand to defend our community. As Dave points out…there are alternatives. Of course you will have to give up being anonymous. At least when I propose a plan you  have the luxury of know who it is from and where to go to talk about it. Do you think you can extend to us that same courtesy????
We are right on the edge of our community being stripped of our rights to determine our future. The legislation is already in place to help BP strip those rights away, and you are telling me it’s not acceptable or reasonable  to defend those rights?  You are implying that your rights can be bought off by BP or the State as long as they make any legal challnge expensive enough!  So what are your rights actually worth to you other than making a few comments anonymously on a blog?
I'm guessing you would put up more of a stink to defend your right to drink a beer if BP tried to take that away too!!!
In fact this type of thinking to just roll over to whatever A-10 decides is exactly what BP and the State are banking on to enable them to strip our rights away without objection.   It’s why they are confident they can get away with legislation like A-10 that can preempt our community rights…simply because they think they can and get away with it.
And they read this blog and see your comments and it makes them just that much  more confident they can get away with it!!! If you are not pro wind why are you so willing to just give it all away so easily? If they are going to take our rights and destroy our community make them actually have to TAKE them with a fight...don't just give it to them on a platter.

These are the things I wanted to know about our new town board BEFORE the elections, not find out after the fact that they have no backbone to defend our community.  That is why I was asking so many pointed questions then.
BTW...what's your plan????


  1. First of all, Art, my plan is to follow the town officials I voted for.
    After carefully reading this post, I had a knowing. This posting is a modern-day script for the very old but funny T.V. show, “Get Smart”. Art, I can just see you in the role of Maxwell Smart. His sidekick is Agent 23 played by David L. MAX is trying to win over Agent 99, code-named Pandora's Box of Rocks and on-again, off-again Secret Agent, JLL. All of these Agents are working for the same goal, to rid the town of the dreadful organization, BP. The main organization responsible to fight BP is CONTROL lead by Chief, UH. Chief is assisted by competent Special Agents, BROOKS, JOHN AND CLIF. Chief got rid of the dirty rat Agent MICKEY. Try as he does, Chief can't rein in MAX. Over the years, MAX has made numerous doomsday predictions and none of them came to fruition. But now, MAX has a very secret plan. Only Agent 23 and MAX have the plan. It is so secret, they will only discus it while kayaking on the river under the mysterious “Cone of Silence”. Anyone who wishes to learn about the secret must give up their Anonymous status and become a full fledged Secret Agent.
    MAX and Agent 23 are convinced they can outsmart the entire legal departments of BP and NY State. Go MAX!

  2. Twice you have responded and NOT answered the basic questions. Neither have the town officials you are following. You must have something better than "because the baord said so" Instead all you can come up with in a matter this serious is this inane analogy. It's no wonder this town is in trouble. Actually Dave and I have talked to a number of people in CV. We know them all and they were at least responsible enough and willing to hear our ideas face to face with out this kind of inane comment bullshit.

    BTW Mr. Hirschey and our town baord before they were elected did nothing to outline their plan on wind in any detail either. At least we are willing to do that in specifics face to face with people. Your anonymous issues are not my problem. When you give your support to your town board are you anonymous to them too. Wow I'll bet that is effective.

    In the end this is not about Dave and I against the board or the new law. In your ignorance and unwillingness to discuss it with us you have completely missed the point that our plan takes nothing away from the new zoning. It's not about setbacks vs banning turbines at all. It's a strategy to truly defend the the law we have whether it be a ban of a setback law. It is about having the right as a community to pick the plan WE want and not have the State or some corporation like BP strip our rights away to OUR choice whatever it might be. Get It!!! Or are you against that to.
    THAT is what you should be discussing with our board. Are they willing to defend that idea?

    But in your efforts to post some inane comment thinking you are a comedian...I guess you missed all that.

    Now once again if you want to have a discussion where you can comment itelligently....then pick up your Get Smart shoe phone and call us!

    Otherwise step aside and don't get involved in an intelligent conversation where you are grossly misinformed and can't keep up!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. To the person whose comment I removed. You have had your chance to add to the discussion with some intelligence. You have nothing to offer except pointless dribble and insults so I see no point in wasting my time and my reader's time.

    You did refer to my anatomy below my belt. The other day some commenter put a whole comment on about how I might pass gas. I'm not sure where your bizarre facination with my body parts is coming from, but if you want to examine anatomy, examine your own and see if you can find your spine, and if there is anything left of it try using it to back your comments with your name next time, and engage your brain in some intelligent solutions to the NYS and BP attack on our rights as a community. You are lucky that you can follow the town board along in to make your decisions. Because it is obvious that when you are taken off that leash and are allowed to run on your own, all you have is pointless insults and dribble.

    Now if you want to pick up the phone and call us and have an intelligent discussion about alternatives, then do that. If you can't find our numbers then get somebody on the town board to help you with that!!!

  5. Do not waste your readers time responding to this moron. The blogger is unable to grasp that there is a backup plan necessary. Perhaps the moron has been able to understand the concept of a corporation willing to do anything to BURY Cape Vincent. The fine levied on Kadafi was paid by the BRITISH oil companies including BP. And this idiot thinks the comp plan and zoning will stop BP? The moron does not grasp what CV is up against. I thought the re-surfacing of BP's discraceful behavior was spot on. Asking our Town Board to be ready to fight Article X seems like a logical step, since many of us believe NYS and Cuomo were paid for long ago.

  6. Art, it appears the general sentiment in Cape Vincent,and the greater North Country area, of both the pro-wind faction and the more opposed-to- wind faction, although for entirely different reasons,is to sheepishly follow the process outlined by Gov. Cuomo and our legislators to allow corporations the right to over-rule our local land use laws. Even though the county has expressed official opposition to Art. X they have no strategy in place to challenge the eventual pre-empting of our law. Nor does it appear our local government even has an interest in resolving to officially oppose the legislation,much less develop a strategy to do so, other than pitting our law against the criteria to be established by the Art. X siting board.

    In spite of the horrific history of BP, and that of other major corporations , who recklessly neglect and abuse the rights of communities and in spite of the patronizing ,insulting, arrogant essence of the Art. X legislation implied to every citizen and elected,and or appointed official at the local level, it seems there is no collective will to demand, and assert our rights to govern ourselves,in the spirit of the autonomy our Constitution,and its authors provided us.

    The only resolve that shows a public face is the resolve to follow the rules, regardless of who establishes them , what basic principles they subvert,or who and how they benefit.

    We have labored tiressly for six years only to submit to state-corporate totalitarianism, and a lack of will to oppose it.
