Tuesday, August 21, 2012

A Few Simple Questions

Do you think our new  zoning law  will hold up against Article X preemption?

What happens if our zoning law does not hold up against Article X and is fully or partially preempted?

What will the Town Board do next?

Will they be willing to defend our law by a legal challenge at the apellate level of the NY courts against the Article X decision?

I was told just the other night that our zoning and comp plan are THE BEST. OK, so will our board legally defend it if necessary?


  1. Well Art, I see you and rick kissed and made up! Can we see a change of heart with Kathy?
    More importantly, I would like you to map out YOUR plan to stop BP and/or NY State from over ruling the CV zoning law. I know you wanted the Town Board to ban turbines in CV. In either case, how would YOU stop them. We've all heard you piss and moan about how Urban, et. al. screwed up. Please tell us where are you going to find all of the money neede to wage a legal battle? Perhaps YOU would like to arm our citizens with maodern day weapons and station them all of the roads leading into CV. The minute Cuomo and BP show their faces, we'll kill them! What ever the plna is, let's hear it plain and simple. No more of your glowing generalities... If you can't do it, then get off your soapbox.

  2. There is a definitive option to the strategy being employed by Cape Vincent and other communities in New York who now face the possibility of corporate controlled ,state permitted wind development,armed only with their zoning laws. If you are serious about being informed, I would be glad to discuss it with you or anyone else genuinely interested..

    My number is 783-8744.

    Dave LaMora

  3. 3:42

    My comments are longer than the comment section will allow.
    Look above at my comments as a new post.

