Sunday, August 19, 2012

It's So Simple - How Could I Have Possibly Missed It????

This is part of a comment left on the blog Pandora's Box of Rocks.

It seems that BP has awakened from their yearlong slumber and is finally getting ready for their 125 turbine assault on Cape Vincent. Didn't Chandler say as much when he wrote the PSC on May 29, 2012?

BP is coming at us and there only hope is that the Article 10 local siting board agrees with them when they say our zoning law is unduly burdensome and should be rejected. That may be a difficult case for BP and Chandler. It would have been so much easier for BP if Cape Vincent had only banned their turbines.

REALLY...Oh My God how did I miss that???!!!  Like the ad for the office supply company Staples says...


So you mean  all we have to do in community after community to defeat wind  all over NYS is to pass  wind laws that don't ban turbines but will restrict them so much based on the health, safety, and welfare idea that wind developers can't viably develop, and the Article X board will agree? Or if they don't and we challenge their decsion in court, the courts will agree, and it all goes away...that simple????.

Wow!!! How did I miss that!!!  So you mean to defeat rampant wind development in NY that is all we have to do is pass these "reasonable" wind zoning laws instead of bans?

It's  so simple!!!

 Cuomo and the State rabidly want wind power to meet their renewable  green agenda targets, wind developers are spreading money around Albany like candy, A-10 passed overwhelmingly with bi-partisan support,  Cuomo says we need power (renewable power) to futher his political agenda and keep NY open for business and jobs,and is telling communities right here in NNY a few day ago they have to be "reasonable",  and to defeat all this and his agenda all we have to do is pass restrictive wind laws in town after town after town all across NYS till there is no room for turbines, and Article X, the State, and Cuomo are going to just roll over for these "reasonable" laws and play dead?????

Geees how did I not see that???? 

Of course it does raise a rather inconvenient  question this commenter is not likely to   answer.  If that is all there is to it, and it's just that simple, and all every wind targeted area  in NY has to do is pass these restrictive wind laws instead of bans,  then exactly how does Cuomo and the State actually get  the wind turbines they want for their renewable and corporate wind developer agenda???

Ahhh...if it is that simple, and Cuomo recognizes that is all it will take to defeat his wind agenda, and his Article X siting boards in town after town are just going to fold up to all these "reasonable" wind laws that basically are  defacto bans on  wind, then what is the point of having his Article X law at all????? 

Geee I don't know do ya think that maybe the point is they get it and intend to use it...and they actually intend to overide ANY damn law, ban or not, that puts severe restrictions on the big money backed coporate political Cuomo/ State/big wind  agenda?

Which comes to another point.  The latest rumor is BP wants 125 wind turbines in Cape Vincent.  Well what if an Article X board says...NO but you can have maybe 20, 40 maybe 60, we consider that "reasonable".  And what if BP agrees?  What then?  Because that would still be in significant violation of our new law and comp plan.  Does our board cash  it in???  Will our town board decide not to defend our law and say"well foks we did all we's too expensive to defend our law against the State and BP."  If A-10 can site a "reasoanble" number of turbines in town after town, based on overiding even "reasonable" laws...then guess what YOU STILL LOSE ban or no ban!!!

You don't get it.  With even a restrictive law, if over ridden will still depend on our board's
committment to defend our law  likely in a very costly tax dollar supported law suit to actually defend our community rights and our health safety and welfare.  Some people are asleep!   It ain't over, just because we have wind zoning,  because at some point they ARE  likley going to have to take a stand, as I see it.  If they don't and simply accept a bad A-10 decision, then our elections of 2009 and 2011 are all but pointless.

We need to start considering all this because it is nothing more that a GUESS as to if A-10 will defer to our laws while the 4th largest corp in the world is breathing fire down their necks!!!

Considering all this I still say we should have banned turbines and made our point and went after what we really wanted...unless what you wanted was a compromise forced on us by NYS while at the same time trashing home rule.  But it's moot now and the town board owns the new let's see if they will actually stand up to defend what they own all the way if Article X doesn't think the restrictive law is so simple or "reasonable"

Maybe that is the question this commentor on Pandora's should be asking our town board members.

"What will you be willing to defend"

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