Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A TOTAL Defense!

I encourage everyone to make a contribution to the Blogger's Defense Fund.  It's a down payment on preserving your rights.

We should defend the bloggers...but it makes no sense to defend the bloggers and then for the community or our town board to not take  strong decisive measures to  defend our new zoning law and comp plan against Article X as well so all the bloggers sacrifice and efforts are not wasted.!


  1. Why brother, they put themselves in that mess, let them get out of it. I lived in the village of Cape Vincent for thirty- five years, you don't speak for me.

  2. 10:01

    The are not in a mess at all. What they are doing is defending our rights (mine and yours) to state our opinion just as you have stated yours.

    I would suggest you send them a few bucks and support their efforts to combat free speech and the right to vote without intimidation.

  3. Fat chance they'll get any money out of my pockets for their defense. They started this blog and they deserve no help from me. It's their blog and their mess to clean up. good luck to them.
