Monday, August 27, 2012

ACE NY On Pandora's Box of Rocks

K at Pandora's Box of Rocks has a good post about ACE NY.  She has a long list of the "Ace Coalition" which consists of renewable energy developers and supporters. 

However, one thing not discussed here is that ACE has been a big contributer to former Sen. James Wright  a REPLUBLICAN NY senator from our area. That means their contribution to Wright would represent all these renewable entities.   He was also the head of the senate energy committee. Along with ACE his contributor list reads like the whose who of wind energy including ENRON!!!. Also on  ACE's staff was  a legislative advisor to Wright... Laura Lyman.

  Remembering also that it was former REPUBLICAN NY Gov. George Pataki that open the flood gates to wind developers with the state's Renewable Portfolio Standard which requires the state to get 30% of it's power from renewables by 2015 or 30x15.

You know...just so we keep the partisan record straight!!!!

Under the comments on PBR was his comment

AnonymousAnonymous said...
"I see Carol Murphy standing behind Big Andy with a big fat grin. Must be she and the wind companies were all very happy with Article X. One thing for sure if the Cape had banned turbines BPs project would have been a done deal. However, with the towns new law it is uncertain."

Really????  Well what REALLY made Carol happy was big George's RPS so renewables like wind could run amuck with NYS small communities like ours.  Cuomo is working under the RPS created by a REPUBLICAN  that says 30% renewable by 2015.  That's only 3 years a way.  And WIND is one of the fastest ways to hit that RPS target.  Why do you think Article X has premetive power over local laws?

So all we have to do is pass restrictive wind laws like ours in CV and all these wind developers will just willingly walk away...right?    OK then where does Cuomo put up all his windmills??????  You think a man who will run for president want to have to say he couldn't hit NYS's aggressive renewable targets so we could help the nation off foreign sources of energy, and save the planet?

You better wake up from la la land my friend!!!   Cuomo was just here in NNY telling our communities when it comes to Article X we have to be "reasonable".

Well what the hell do you think that means???  Banned turbines???  What in effect do think this  new CV "defacto ban" wind law does?????  As far as BP is concerned our law is a BAN!

Or are you OK with a few turbines maybe 10, 20, 40 or more in your town???

You last statement  is the most accurate. "It is uncertain"  That's right, and your new zoning law was based exactly on that...a GUESS!!!  Nothing more than a gamble!!!

1 comment:

  1. Again it's there mess that they are in, their blog, their comments, they deserve what they get from the people drawing legal action against them. I will never support them, they don't speak for me. I live in the village, I don't care about the bloggers, their comments or anybody associated with either side of these arguments. Stand up and take your punishment, don't hide behind the welfare money of honest people. Good luck.
