Sunday, August 26, 2012

The PROOF Of Why It's Critcal To Help Defend the Bloggers

It’s long but please read on if you want to know  the  critical WHY  to donate and  defend the two  Cape Vincent bloggers under legal attack.  Here is demonstrated the proof of why their defense is critical from my first hand experience.
Please clearly understand the WHY!!!
 They have rearranged their lives coming to OUR defense against the insidious industrial wind/ political infection of our community.  But that’s not all and may not even be the key point here.    These bloggers, like others are on a cutting edge technology frontier with a  new paradigm for attacking back  against the politically/ corporate  wind onslaught.
 I may have disagreements with them from time to time.  But that’s only  about the HOW  to defeat industrial wind, not the WHY or if we SHOULD!  I think all the bloggers in Cape Vincent  and many people  definitely agree on the WHY and SHOULD!!!!
We can have our heated debates and  in the end in a democratic society they are actually very healthy.  But what you have now is a direct attack on our ability to have any debate if it doesn’t conform to the script of other powerful  agendas who want the  debate extinguished.    It’s far too threatening to the status quo not to control information because in the hands of the average citizen it is like gasoline on freedom’s fire…it’s highly explosive, and can’t be easily controlled.  It’s direct fundamental POLITICAL POWER in the hands of the average citizens to push back against the corporate/ political level scheme.  Just like Cuomo’s Article X is trying to do to us on behalf of BP! 
 With blogs we don’t wait or ask permission or have to be subservient to some media source, or politician intent on controlling  the flow or direction of the conversation, or backing away from controversial subjects because they will lose corporate advertisers or donors.
And here is the other insidious problem that crops up repeatedly that Dave LaMora and I have been discussing.  That is the ability of corporations like BP to have corporate constitutional rights like people.  They equate huge powerful corporations to people just like  you and I the average small citizen.  Note the quote from the Article below on unlimited corporate donations to politicians.
Justices, 5-4, Reject Corporate Spending Limitose
WASHINGTON — Overruling two important precedents about the First Amendment rights of corporations, a bitterly divided Supreme Court on Thursday ruled that the government may not ban political spending by corporations in candidate elections.
If you’re interested you can read the rest at this link:
Now the court wraps this all up in “free speech”.  There is no debate on whether a corp should have constitutional rights like people.  The problem here IS NOT free speech.  I am not against free speech or even for the corps to have a say in what might impact them.
 The problem here is the corporations like BP with their inordinate influence through their unlimited wallets, can simply BUY one hell of a lot more  free speech than you and I can as an average citizen!!!   Though unlimited donations they can purchase the needed legislation for their profit margins.  They also have a lot more money to purchase lawyers to make sure your “free”  speech won’t exactly be free!!! It’s going to cost you just like our bloggers.   It’s not a level playing field.  In fact the field has been tilted so far on this corporate rights issue that you don’t even get to be on the field any more. They play on the big field and you get to play in the political sand box with your little political play school toys about what you think your political power and free speech rights are!!
Well folks…the blogs are the ticket out of the sand box and back on the field!!!
We in CV have faced  the destruction brought on by this corporate political inequity every single  day for the last 6 or 7 years. It’s the exact thing Cuomo, and the NY legislature and BP are confident they can ram right down your throat.  A key part of this scheme is that we and the town board can’t object because we don’t have the MONEY or the WILL to fight  becuase their corporate constructional rights are bigger than ours.  They know because they purchased the premium constitutional rights package we can’t afford!!!
In this case in CV they fully understand that the simple threat of Cuomo’s big corporate campaign money, and BP’s deep pockets are all they need to strip you, not of your rights, but first of your WILL.  That is all they need, the rest will follow.  They don’t actually have to strip you of your rights…they know we will do that all by ourselves living in fear  under the tyranny of unlimited power and money. In fact in most cases we are wired  to self destruct just like many of the other 1000 Islands and Golden Crescent wind targeted communities mayl do under Article X if they don’t change their approach.
So what do we do about it?  Well…our bloggers have already shown you the extremely effective path to your emancipation…TECHNOLOGY and INFORMATION…BLOGS!!!  That is the central organizational weapon maximizing other tactics that can be deployed against Article X.
So you may ask…this big talk all sounds real good in theory Pundt, but where is the proof?   
Well if you have been paying attention in the CV wind battle the proof is actually right under your nose!!!
Let me show you.  For one, the very fact the blogs are being sued at all, and it’s pretty clear in my opinion it has tentacles to BP directly or indirectly. That’s your  first example.  Not enough???  Ok then let give you another.
In 2010 when I and a few others met face to face with Cuomo’s big AG guns.  How do you think we got inside his door?   In large part it was the BLOGS and Internet!!!  How do you think it played when AG Cuomo saw our town officials on the blogs and Internet videos saying they could care less about Cuomo’s wind ethics code?  How do you think it played when they saw on the BLOGS a small rural NY govt running amuck and it involved a big black eye on Cuomo’s code and green agenda and a disgrace to the power of their office?  Well where do you think they got the bulk of that information???  THE BLOGS!!!!
Let me tell you from direct face to face experience EXACTLY how it played.  We were told by an unnamed player in the AG’s office that the AG’s office watched the blogs like hawks every day, and we should make sure we kept unmercifully hammering on the blogs on CV’s run amuck wind issue.  Also when I talked to Robert Freeman from the NY Committee on Open Govt. He knew of CV and what was going on before I even opened my mouth.  Why?  The BLOGS!!!
Cuomo’s own AG deputy chief of staff indicated to me in a personal phone call that he thought  there were some articulate voices on the BLOGS in CV creating an impact.  A  man two steps down from Cuomo, and one of Cuomo’s  top lawyers, and his investigators…and most likely  Cuomo himself were watching like hawks exactly what all of us here were saying, and it got us inside his door and a meeting with his top staff, just like any other big corporate lobbyist with billions of political dollars in his pocket.
And in effect it didn’t require us to spend one  political donation dime !!!!   In large part because while some of us were beating our brains out with research and information pounding and screaming outside Cuomo’s door, we had a very powerful technological weapon backing us, THE BLOGS and INTERNET that got us right past his door, right to the computer on his desk, and those of his staff and investigators, and they could not ignore it.
Now some might say…well Pundt that investigation didn’t amount to anything so all this was a failure.  Well I say you have completely missed the point!  In  large part the BLOGS helped us slam down Cuomo’s door, a powerful man who will run for President, at a time when he was desperately trying to keep it shut and keep us out.  And you think that is a failure,  or that you don’t see an incredibly valuable lesson as he tries to ram Article X down our throats?  If so you REALLY don’t get it!!!
The final evidence of the power of the blogs and Internet and why you should defend them is this. Why do you think Article X exists at all and was forced on us by Cuomo and the NY Legislature?  Because in NY community after community we were WINNING against the industrial wind onslaught.  Think about it.  Nearly every one of these wind opposition groups in NY  has a Website and some may have blogs. That is one of the places I started researching in 2006 to get the TRUTH about industrial wind I couldn’t get from anywhere else and while politicians weren’t  talking  trying to cover their asses on a hot button issue.  We can share critical or new  information at lightning speed.    Consider that even though they had their secret leases and were well ahead of us at the beginning, we caught up in a hurry and jumped ahead.  In CV that was in large part because of the BLOGS. State wide that ended in Cuomo realizing his green wind agenda was slipping away and to get it  back it forced him to expose his darker political side and  insidious corporate allegiances for the world to see, and they could observe his willingness  to quickly strip our community home rule rights away to get his green toys back.
It’s  all good to defend our blogs because they give us information and  ideas to defeat big wind locally. That is great!  But it is far far more important because the blogs and the Internet are an extremely powerful tool for the average citizen with little money to level the playing field against unlimited corporate and political bank rolls.
THAT is why it is critical.  The powers that be know this, and that is why this suit even exists.  They have to keep this fire under control. You have a chance to partcipate on the frontier of keeping your freedoms by protecting a new technological political information weapon that may be the last refuge you have to protect those freedoms because big corporate money has purchased the hijacking of the constitution, the  politicians, the upper elections, and the courts  You should donate to protect Rick and Kathy, that’s fine. ”  But you should consider what’s written above and also donate to make a  down payment on some insurance to protect your rights so corporations like BP and politicians like Cuomo can’t simply  illegitimately purchase the exclusive rights to define  the  meaning behind the words “citizenship” and “democracy”!!!
Now you have the proof…please donate to the Bloggers Defense Fund and make a down payment on the preservation of your rights.
The Bloggers Defense Fund
PO Box 8
Three Mile Bay, NY

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