Saturday, March 2, 2013

More Secret Meetings?????

Well OK...maybe not a "secret meeting" but just a quiet unannounced "consultation" between BP and our two most important town officers, and as far as I can tell no detailed accounting or record of what was discussed or decided at the meeting!

Recently  on the PSC website I noted BP's spreadsheet of PIP activities.  You can look at it at this link.  Right now it is the top document.

Among the PIP outreach items by BP this item caught my eye!
23‐Jan‐13 Stakeholder Consultation

Meeting with Town of Cape

Vincent Fire Department, Town

Supervisor of Cape Vincent, and

Planning Board Chairman of

Cape Vincent

So along with the CV Fire Dept. the town supervisor and planning board chairman were present in the "consultation."  This item also indicates that BP's project status and turbine array were discussed as you can see below from BP's spread sheet bullet point comments on the meeting.  If an updated turbine array was a part of the consultation I sure would like to know what they were consulting about!  Here is what BP says...

Project status update including
proposed turbine array

• Information regarding the
 Article 10 permitting process

• Discuss fire and safety measures and equipment/resources
available to address  

Now maybe I missed something while I was away traveling but I have caught up on most CV wind news since and I don't recall any notification or discussion publicly of this  little get together.  I checked the WDT, the minutes from the plannng and town board and the other CV blogs.  There is not a  mention  anywhere other than BP's brief mention  of this meeting on the PIP spreadsheet to the PSC.  So what project or turbine array details were discussed?  Apparently two of our most important town officers, Mr. Hirschey and Mr. MacSherry were "consulting" with BP, and were presented project updates and turbine array information as part of the discussion according to BP's spread sheet.  Was this a meeting with Chandler himself or some other BP rep?  Are there any detailed official minutes or notes other than the BP spreasheet on this meeting since two of our most important town officers were in attendance and details of the BP project and array were apparently discussed. Like I said I can't find anything about it except what BP put in their spreadsheet.  Was different information presented about the project status or the turbine array?   Funny that the town has been complaining that BP has not provided enough information  on the project or maps of the array etc.  But apparently Hirshey and MacSherry got a private update.

  So let me get this straight.  A private meeting occurred somewhere between our town supervisor Mr. Hirschey, and our planning board chairman Mr. MacSherry, and with some one from BP, probably the project manager from BP, Chandler.  And apparenttly according to BP's spreadsheet the project was discussed as well as the turbine array.  And apparently a very few CV citizens were aware of it and there is no information that I can find about it on a public level.    Interesting.

 Now I don't know about you, but based on all the bitching about secrecy and secret meetings in the past, and our current govt's mantra of open govt, I would be  a hell of a lot more comfortable if there is a need for BP and two of our most important town officers to meet that it be done in public and not in private, and there be public notification of it or a detailed follow up on it somehwere, and I don't care what the subject matter is about, but certainly if the updated details of BP's project and the turbine array are part of the discussion.

 In fact Mr. MacSherry as a member of a previous wind law committee should be more sensitive to this idea since he once met unannounced  and privately with Rienbeck and wind developers concerning one of our previous wind laws as the wind developers objected to it and privately, not in a public hearing as the public is only offered, and the developers  took that law  apart line by line in private.

Now why does this concern me?  Well for one there has already been enough secrets and deals and meetings in this town with wind developers and  because not long after Mr. Hirschey originally became our town supervisor he said this publicly in a town board meeting...

"To get through this very, very contentious and difficult issue about the wind turbines...Yes. no or where...And somwhere along the line, at some point  there will be compromises and there will be decisions one way or the other.  In my own mind.  I don't know if that's whether you agree with it.  Sometime. some where that is going to happen."

At some point there will be compromises?  Really?  So are we at that point now?  Well Mr. Hirschey, you wanna enlighten us to what those compromises are going to be with BP and when they are going to occur?  You have already told us there is going to be a wish list as to what to get after BP puts up their wind farm.

With this mind set I would much prefer any meeting between our town supervisor and our planning board chairman and  BP's Chandler or any other BP rep...that they be announced and held in public...not in a private forum were a discussion could start away from the public view on a possible compromise.  And there should be  a full detailed acounting of what was discussed and decided.  Now that may not be what the open meeting laws require, but after all we have been through on this issue it is just pure common sense!

Help me out here.  Did any of you know about this meeting and can you provide details of the discussion?
If such a detailed  account exists then I expect it be posted on the town website ASAP!  Or maybe Mr. Hirschey or Mr. MacSherry can enlighten us.


  1. CVCAT, cannot enlighten you with any details of said meeting, but agree with you it is disturbing to say the least. Was the CV Fire Dept. represented along with Hirschey and Macsherry?

    Hardly the same spirit that flowed from the OCT. meeting when the two townships -Lyme and Cape, vowed to categorically refuse to negotiate.

  2. 11:38

    Thanks... as I said Mr.Hirschey and Mr. MacSherry are both clearly recognized as important and influential town officers who will be making critical choices about the future of CV land use and the stewardship of the 1000 Islands regional environment and the welfare of its citizens on the industrial wind issue, as well as the high impact on another country, our immediate neighbors across the river.

    If these two officers or any officers meet with any officials of BP, especially Chandler on what is arguably the most important and volatile issue CV will ever face,with such tremendous wide spread impacts and the meeting included "consultation" and "updates" of the project, it's layout, or the turbine array, or if there is information indicating BP has made changes to to those items, these officers have an obligation to make it public, or better yet hold such meeting in public. And I don't give a damn if that is a legal requirement or is an ethical one. And that is even before we get into the fact that Hirschey and his crew have bla bla blahed on about open govt.

    It is even more disturbing in light of Mr. Hirschey's public, media, and off handed comments that are not exactly hard nosed against wind, or indicate the possibility of compromise. Then add to that that apparently some of our town officers are conjuring up "wish lists" to get what they can from BP as if this indicates a change in thinking that we are less like to really defend our law and stand our ground than we are to think we are screwed and start begging BP for gifts in the absurd attempt to try to mitigate the destruction BP's wind farm will have on CV and the 1000 Islands.

    In fact here is part of what the Hirschey candidtate's campaign platform said on open govt.

    . Open Transparent Government
    We believe Cape Vincent is best served by its government when the deliberations and actions of its officials are open, honest and transparent.

    I guess in this case we weren't "best served"!

    To me it is very disturbing that the 1st place we hear about a private meeting between BP and our important CV officials is FROM BP. Since when did we statrt getting information on potentially important meetings with our town officers through BP's filter???? One we clearly know is often badly distorted and finacially self serving. What the hell is wrong with that picture!!!???? Even if this meeting was only about the fire and safety issue...then make that information public.

    And keep in mind there apparently was no announcement of this meeting, no detailed record or minutes of what went on or who was there, or what was discussed and if any new information was presented by BP or if any conclusions of decision where made.

    Geees was Richie Edsall running this meeting?????

  3. FYI, as an attendee of the Jan.22 meeting with BP,and Towns of Lyme and Cape boards, I recall a request was made by BP to discuss fire safety and some other issues pertaining to roads etc. The boards response was that it was premature to discuss any of these issues. It is surprising to have BP reveal an actual consultation was held ,out of the public ear and view.

    Incidentally ,the BP submission also reveals a consultation with the Village board and the Village liason from the town, which to date has been councilman Byrne, on the same day .

    Seems rather a contradiction that the town would publicly take BP to task for what they consider improper activities during their PIP( i.e.offering donations to local groups) and then resort to consultations with the offender out of public view.

    Discouragingly, it appears there can be no completely honorable and above board deliberations relating to wind development, regardless of the level of government involved, or supposed claim of genuine interest of, or responsibility to, the electorate.

    I join you in asking for a complete accounting of these consultations by our local boards.

    Thank you for bringing this to the public attention. I presume one can speak freely on this blog, as it seems the only one exempt from civil lawsuits.

  4. Thanks...but I would be careful sugesting this blog will be free from lawsuits. I try very carefully to print what I can verify and what is the truth from documnentation and research or my own direct experience. Or I just ask questions on isue that don't smell right, as is the case here on this issue about these meetings.

  5. Of course the much bigger question 2:33 for me at least is why are we "consulting" on ANYTHING with this company who has a terrible environmental disaster record around the globe and the US justice dept. has labeled as felons, criminals and liars to the US govt and its people over the BP Gulf oil spill. Not to mention their flirtations with the negotiations to release terrorists to enhance their profits. And not to mention "consultations" in private. Everything in CV or concerning CV by BP or any meetings with them should be fully and carefully documented and monitored. Actually why bother...just throw them and the State that supports them the hell out of town and start really defending this community. We are talkig about a company that has been charged with CRIMES for God sakes!!!! THAT is what has its death grip on our community backed by the State.

    Oh wait I see long as we go through Art X it is OK to deal with criminals and felons and liars and the people they buy off in govt. That somehow makes it respectable and legitimate!

    And why in God's name are we "consulting" with a company with a record like BP AND worse in a system they bought and paid for and ensures that BP can remove our rights as a community officially sanctioned by Cuomo and the State.

    Step back and think about it and what some in the wind opposition in this community apparently have resigned themselves to put up with and accept.

    You don't make damn wish lists to present to felons, criminals and liars, and sympathizers to terrorism to see what you can get out of them in exchange for your community's destruction and removal of your community home rule rights!

    Ironic isn't it. This is what I am saying should be BANNED from our community, yet I am the radical...go freakin figure!!!

    Have we gone f!#*ing NUTS!!!

  6. Hey, I wasn't kidding when I said you should have stayed in the desert. I'm certain things made a lot more sense there, even the lizards.
