Thursday, February 28, 2013

National Renowned Anti Wind Fighter John Droz Writes A Letter To The NYPSC On Behalf Of The Cape Vincent 1000 Islands Region - But There Is Much More Relevance And History To This Story !

Read on if you would like to see the real relevance of this letter and an inside view of John Droz's interesting history with the Cape Vincent wind battle.

As many know I am not a fan of writing the NYPSC, but below after my comments you can read nationally renowned anti wind fighter John Droz’s excellent letter to the NYPSC on behalf of Cape Vincent and the 1000 Islands. It is posted along with comments on Pandora’s blog as well. As with many things in the CV wind battle there are deeper stories and histories that many may not be aware of. Such is the case with John and his relationship to the Cape Vincent wind issue.

As usual John’s excellent comments to the PSC get directly at the meat of the issue about the industrial wind scam and its failure and why it doesn’t belong here. You will be hard pressed to find a more dedicated industrial wind fighter anywhere,or anyone who can present the wind scam in a clear scientifically backed easy to understand manner since John is a physicist . His presentations have enlightened many people…some very important as well. They have also upset some very influential people too. It is interesting to note that John’s effectiveness in exposing the industrial wind scam has brought threats on his life and nasty official attacks by the Sierra Club. Our town officials should be taking a lesson from Droz’s efforts, yet it is hard to believe after all this time and information from prominent experts like Droz that some still reject it even now as he writes letters to the NYPSC on our behalf.

Although John Droz tends to work on the national level on the anti wind issue, many may not know that he has an interesting connection to the Cape Vincent wind battle. I have had the distinct privilege to know John as many in Cape Vincent have not, and as a result there is some interesting history to tell. He very definitely had a hand in shaping my views on wind energy, although we may differ some on approaches to defeat it.

I met John back in 2008 after he contacted me about a letter I had written to the WDT rabidly against industrial wind and its supporters, and he offered some suggestions how to effectively fight our battle. I had the opportunity to visit with John and his wife at his home a couple times. He began sending me some of his writings and presentations to be critiqued. On one visit with John he presented me with a power point style presentation to comment on. I was extremely impressed with John’s simple clear scientific message about the lack of science to support wind energy as a climate and energy solution, and his overall clear explanations of the workings of the electric grid and how wind energy failed on many counts to be a reliable cost effective scientifically viable energy or climate solution. I was honored to submit suggestions to his writing and presentations. I immediately told John it was critical that he must bring this information to Cape Vincent and other local communities at the heart of the NNY industrial wind battle, and the sooner the better. He agreed to do that if he was invited. I assured him I would work hard to make it happen. If you were lucky you probably saw John’s presentation at the TI High School or at other NNY places.

But here is where the John Droz story has an interesting twist, especially to all of you who consider yourselves so “anti wind “ and see the credibility of his message now. I was still with WPEG in those days and immediately started heavily promoting John’s ideas and putting the pressure on the WPEG leadership to bring John to CV for a major presentation. I also suggested that John’s presentation be the ONLY presentation we support and endorse if they agree to invite him. I felt as the opposition group it was not our place to be providing venues to the industrial wind side as we had in othr presentations, and to BP and Acciona and their shills like VFW and Marion Trieste just so we looked “look fair and responsible” and not “against” wind energy. After what was happening in our community at the hands of industrial wind and its supporters, I could have cared less about being “fair” to them, and besides they regularly had informational open houses and we never were asked to attend with our information, nor did we even protest at those events. A few in WPEG agreed with this approach, to bring John and his message to CV. However, all this did not sit well with Urban Hirschey or his wife and a few others in WPEG and even a few in other local wind opposition groups. Hard to believe now isn’t it? Urban is now our town supervisor, but at that time was the head of the WPEG “wind opposition” group and he was oppsed to Droz and his message.

You see in those days to take any public unapologetic tough NO wind stance as I and a few others did was not popular with many in the “wind opposition.” as it is with some now. Now it is much safer to be publicly and socially anti wind. Well except for our town officials. But back then we had to be “fair”. We had to look like we were only “concerned”. We had to talk setbacks. We could not be “against” wind energy or renewables. To be anti wind was like a poison you didn’t dare talk about or touch. And John Droz was the credible scientist who dared talk about the poison and showed you why it WAS poison. That made John and his message dangerous, radical, and unacceptable to some in the CV opposition and WPEG.

Despite Droz’s clear precise scientific message about wind’s failures, Mr. Hirschey did not like John Droz’s hard nosed, scientific, completely unapologetic anti wind approach, and did not want him to come to CV with his presentation and he did not want a presentation that did not include the pro wind side. John is a very direct person with a very direct and pointed message, yet the Hirsheys and some in WPEG didn’t think Droz’s message was credible. Much like the same attacks I have received from the Hirschey camp for being so anti wind and wanting to ban wind energy in CV on it primary failures and scams.

Eventually we overruled Urban and John did come to make an excellent presentation in CV to a large audience at the TI School, which ended in a long long round of heavy applause. Like myself many people were very impressed and John’s presentation made the pro wind presentation look ridiculous. It was a hoot and a pleasure to see Marion Trieste squirm and make faces like a juvenile as she could see the audience accepting Droz’s message. She knew they could not credibly counter his message and it was driving her nuts!!!

So here we are today with John Droz’s letter to the NY PSC. Despite my great respect for John we don’t always agree, and have had our heated and detailed conversations on approaches. Seems to me John’s excellent efforts would be better aimed at our town board and other town officials who have written wind zoning regulations that could allow some of BP’s giant wind turbines, or are promoting the idea of an industrial solar project or other large commercial renewable project of some kind for CV, to which John clearly opposes as unreliable and a waste of time, energy, and money. Maybe he could straighten out our board that conjuring up “wish lists” to get what you can from BP is not the proper way to truly oppose industrial wind.

You see, believe it or not, unlike John Droz our board has never even addressed the real issues and failures of wind energy as a technology and climate / energy solution. They are all wound up in health safety and welfare and birds and noise and the PLACEMENT of wind turbines as if wind energy in some form is still a viable energy climate solution. Mind you these are all legitimate issues, but they skirt around the meat of the real wind problem. Wind energy is a destructive scam and failure and for those primary reasons it does not belong in CV or the 1000 Islands. Our town officials and zoning committee delicately skirted completely around the real issues in our zoning that John Droz confronts so directly. So why? The best they can come up with is that wind is a “bad fit” for Cape Vincent. Really???? No… it’s an unscientific political/corporate tax scam, and ineffective and unreliable and complete failure to address our climate and energy issues.

Where the hell is THAT statement from our town board…you will never see it.

What’s so ironic about John Doz’s PSC letter is that his clear statements on the meat of the issue about wind energy’s failures and scams are still like poison to our town officials even though Droz is expressing that view on their behalf to the Art X process. It is my belief that Urban and our town board still don’t really believe wind energy is a failure and may be a viable solution. Maybe you should ask them about the matter on this level some time. Thus we have wind regulations that will not ban wind because it is an obvious failure and scam, but skirts carefully around the real issue trying to avoid what John Droz has made so scientifically obvious.

If you support John Droz's letter and general message then the next time you see Mr. Hirschey or Clif Schneider for that matter ask them what they think of John Droz’s hard nosed, scientifically backed tough anti wind message. Then ask Hirschey why he didn’t want John’s excellent message in Cape Vincent back in the formative years of the wind battle when it really mattered. Ask him why he still rejects it, when many in his community have accepted it. I will get to that at the end of this post.

I noted some positive comments to John’s PSC letter on the Pandora’s Box of Rocks blog. But be careful commenters, and keep in mind who you are praising. This is a man who is staunchly anti wind and staunchly against the tax scams that support it, and has been for a long long time and dedicated a great deal of his life and time standing hard directly against industrial wind development, not appeasing it and it’s political supporters. This is a man who has many times tried to convince community leaders in many places like CV they should eliminate wind from their communities, not play zoning games with it. A position I have also held for a long long time in part from the education John gave me on the wind issue. You are praising a man that some top leaders on your town board are still at odds with over his very strong anti wind beliefs. Ironic isn’t it? As you praise Droz make sure you understand that and how it relates to Hirschey and some of our current town officials he lords over with his appeasement don’t be too controversial approach to BP Art. X and the wind scam.

That is some of the story of nationally renowned John Droz’s connection to Cape Vincent and how and why it mattered then….and still matters even more right now.

So it makes me wonder how John Droz would feel if he saw this link and Mr. Hirschey’s comments that indicate Hirschey after all this time is still rejecting John Droz’s clear scientific message against wind and that Hirschey is still dominant with his rejection of Droz’s clear credible scientifically backed anti wind message among many of his town officials. Be patient for the video commercial and for the video to load.

Seems as if Urban is still not connecting with John Droz's clear credible scientific anti wind message after all this time and evidence!  Instead Hirschey has a "wish list " as to what he wants to get from BP after BP's wind farm goes up!  Not exactly what would be on John Droz's wish list I'm sure!!!

Below is John’s letter to the NYPSC.

 Thanks John for all you have done and exposed! And thanks John for telling like it is! Tell it to our town officials who wrote a appeasement wind law and still want a commercial solar project and are now making wish list for BP!

“We need to waste money on allowing wind power in prime tourist areas like the Thousand Islands, like we need a hole in the head.”    John Droz

Hon. Jaclyn A. Brilling:

Re Matter: 12-02056; Case 12-F-0410

New York State is currently listed as one of the top three worst states to live and do business, in large part to our very high electricity rates.

We need to waste money on allowing wind power in prime tourist areas like the Thousand Islands, like we need a hole in the head. For more job and economic growth, we need affordable, reliable energy, not unreliables like wind energy.

Assuming that global warming is partly attributable to man-made causes, there is zero scientific proof that wind energy has any more than a minuscule effects on CO2 levels. Part of the reason is that there is no such thing as wind energy by itself, as it always requires full-time auxiliary power to be available, which usually gas.

Building gas-fired stations near New York City (where the electricity is needed most), would provide reliable, dispatchable, baseload capacity, that would be cost-effective for all New York State taxpayers and ratepayers. It would actually reduce CO2 emissions (over coal) and prevent the needless environmental degradation, bird & bat carnage, and human health impacts caused by the massive towers associated with antiquated industrial wind facilities.

By spending money and time focusing on trying to make unreliables like wind power a reality, we are wasting limited resources that we could be directing towards a real clean energy future powered by reliable, dispatchable energy sources - like natural gas, mini-nuclear and hydro - that will provide ALL New York citizens with reliable, affordable power, and which will draw jobs to NYS.

Please read this 2/20/13 letter [ ... attached] from Senator Maziarz (Chairman of the Senate Energy Committee) applies directly to this case at hand. There is no proven NET technical, economic or environmental benefit from locating industrial wind energy in any part of the Thousand Islands region.

I urge you to educate yourself (e.g. EnergyPresentation.Info) about reliable, economic and dispatchable energy sources of the future, and to stop wasting money on the scam of industrial wind power, which makes New York State an inhospitable place to live and do business.

Thank you for your attention to this important matter.

John Droz, jr.


Brantingham Lake, NY

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