Tuesday, February 26, 2013

You Don't Defend Your Community By Letting BP Buy Off Your Comp Plan and Zoning For a "Wish List"!!!!

Back from another Mojave Desert 3 week adventure. Love being retired and traveling especially exploring the remote corners of the desert SW. As a result cell and data connections are limited so I am out of touch on the latest wind issues in Cape Vincent at times. But I did note at one point a video on the blog Pandora’s Box of Rocks and the comments that were disturbing.

The video showed an exchange between Janet Radley, who is pro wind, and Cape Vincent officials. She was suggesting that the town should be putting together a “wish list” of what they want to get from BP. She also indicated that no one liked the Article X process. I find that hard to believe from her side of the issue.

But what was more disturbing to me were the comments of our town supervisor Mr. Hirschey. He assured Ms. Radley that he understood and “when” (not if ) that time comes he and the board will very definitely have a wish list of what they want to get from BP.

So from the election of these town officers that was supposed to be an absolute anti- wind victory and referendum against industrial wind development in Cape Vincent (at least as the other CV blogs portrayed it) to now, where we are entertaining a wish list of what we want to get from BP. Anyone see a problem here in attitude and thinking? Of course there is that pesky little problem in that if you get what is on your wish list you also get a massive community destructive wind farm from one of the world’s most irresponsible energy giants. Now in any rational mind one should recognize that any wish list the town could conjure up will always pale in comparison to what will happen to our community.

There isn’t even a point to a wish list. You allow the destruction of a community and region to get the wish list, so what on the wish list makes a destroyed community better after that…what is the point?

So now we are talking trade offs and deals. So Mr. Hirschey and town board, what is the destruction of our town and the regional scenic and environmental resources worth to you? You have apparently put some thought into what our community represents as a bargaining chip. So what is the violation of our community rights by Article X and BP and destruction of our comp plan and zoning worth to you? What’s the bottom line here to buy you off enough to make you feel better? I would like to know and I think the community would like to know. In my opinion there in NO wish list or buy offs that makes it acceptable for what will happen or what the State and BP are doing to us. It is absurd. And by the way these were questions I was asking before the elections and no one would answer, and now here we are considering bargains.

Michelle Oswald our newest board member ran on a no wind platform. Is she going to sit still for this nonsense and not speak up, or was that another wasted vote?

This wish list thinking is real scary crap! The scary part is that anybody would even think in such twisted terms of rather than fighting all out for our regional environment and rights that there could even be a wish list or a buy off of our community and unique treasured scenic and environmental resources that could be acceptable or make it right. Have these people lost their freakin minds???!!! Especially after what BP has already done to this community over recent years.

It might be well advised for our board to remember that a pay back for getting really screwed is what the oldest profession in the world is based on. I’m not sure that is the appropriate thinking or actions we should be engaging in to gloss over the potential destruction of community and our treasured scenic resources.

For God’s sake get your damn heads screwed on straight…our community and region are not bargaining chips and should not be up for barter.

To even enter into that thinking is obscene!!!


  1. You shoulda stayed in the desert Pundt. You'd get more satisfaction out of talking to a lizard, than you will trying to understand the goings on in Cape Vincent!

  2. The life patterns of Mojave Desert lizards which I see on a regular basis make far far more sense than what is going on in Cape Vincent on both sides of the wind issue.

    Lizards live in one of the most hostile environments on the planet and survive and are very clever at avoiding predators. You might be well advised to take a lesson from a lizard when considering the predatory actions by BP against our community!

    Slice it and dice it and spin it any way you want. Our town board is now apparently to the point of trying to determine the trade away value of our treasured scenic and environmental resources. It is down to trying to figure out what compensates for the destruction of our community by BP. So 5:54 what is it worth to you? How much cash in your pocket makes it ok to plunder some of NYS's most treasured scenic environment? What makes it ok for you to turn you head...a new snow plow, a new fire truck, some new paint on the light house. Hirschey and Schneider have apparently put some thought into this based on their recent. comments. So I'd love to see this wish list. So why don't Hirschey and the board lay it out for us right now as to what their bottom line is for attempting to mitigate the trading away of our community and treasured resources. That way we could all be well informed. Let's stop playing hide and seek games and get it all out on the table.

    This is the same damn goofy thinking that brought about the property value assurance guarantee idea. As if somehow putting a wad of cash in peoples pockets makes them whole after the destruction of their community, and the cash ans emotional value of their homes have been detroyed aliong with the loss of their community rights.

    Funny after all the hoopla from Councilman Schneider and others about that property value idea, it never showed up in our zoning laws after all. Probably because the zoning attorney finally told them it was a goffy idea too and was not defendable.

    And now the brilliance continues!

    But one of the most interesting points here is...WHY does the town have a wish list or is thinking in those terms? Is it they have finally recognized the hand writing on the wall that despite their best efforts they and their zoning are screwed in the Art X process, and all that is left is to try to mitigate the ultimate damage that is about to come by sticking with Art X?

    Is the wish list the result of a severe wake up call for them on the reality of where this is going as BP gets closer and closer to an application, and their efforts against BP's PIP will likely fail?

    Is it possible that if BP and Art X screw us over as a community that there will be no true efforts beyond that to defend ourselves and our law, but the strategy instead is make a wish list and roll over.

    You better wake up to the reality that their isn't any wish list that is going to mitigate 124 - 500 ft industrial wind turbines sprawling across and industrializing our community and region, and the loss of your home rules right that will allow them to destroy our community.

    And anyone who thinks otherwise is selling you the same damn snake oil bullshit as the wind companies.
