Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Well, Booo Hooo Hooo - What Do We Do Now????

As with many in Cape Vincent I have been watching with interest the letter exchange between the Cape Vincent govt. officials and the NYPSC concerning BP and their PIP and upcoming scoping process for Art. X concerning BP’s Cape Vincent Wind Farm.

Some of the quotes in these letters from the Town to the PSC are truly mind boggling and a bit frightening.

A quote from one letter:
“Our belief is that BP has no intention of being transparent and fully informative as they press forward with this project. Their past history with us suggests this will be the case."

Geee whiz…no kidding, how long has BP been ripping our town apart?

A quote from another letter:

“Mr. Cohen, the elected and appointed officials who represent the Town of Cape Vincent firmly believe BP and its representatives continue to pursue the PIP in an intentionally provocative manner. It seems clear that they perceive the Article 10 process as merely a pro forma exercise.”

SERIOUSLY!!! What the hell did they expect? Are they just now figuring out that this is what BP would do after the disaster BP has turned our community into right on their doorsteps for closing in on a decade? Jesus…what kinda bubble are these people living in? Do they watch TV or read the newspapers? Are they aware that the US govt charged BP as criminals, felons, and liars?

This letter has to be a joke right? It just can’t fathom that these town officers seriously believe that with BP’s record around the planet AND right in front of their faces in our community that BP was somehow coming to CV as a fully reformed company and ready to turn over a new leaf and play nice and fair by all the rules just as the town is willing to do. They even ASKED BP for a solar project!!! Yup..let’s ask a company that has one of the worst records on the planet, has been charged as felons, and liars to bring us a solar project so we can all feel better and green!!! Oh yeah, and let’s ask then for a “wish list”
They are felons…we should be able to get something out of them!

Or wait… I guess they thought that they were just so much smarter, and their logic and zoning was so overwhelmingly convincing that they could convince BP to role over and play nice and fair, and they could convince BP to just up and change the paradigm of its entrenched business model and environmental record used around the planet for decades.
Yup that must be it.

And BTW have you noticed anything funny in these letters?

I counted 14 CV town officials that signed one of them. So let me get this straight. You mean to tell me we have 14 town officials…virtually all of the town govt., and they are all thinking EXACTLY alike??? WOW that kinda pales to the attacks that Dave LaMora and I think alike at times. 14 town officers in lock step!!! In this day and age I didn’t think you could find 14 people in lock step on anything. Hell even in the old Rienbeck govt there were at least some dissenters. I guess this govt all are thinking that BP was going to play nice and fair in the Art X process despite its record and despite what BP has done to them right in front of their faces in our community ? What town have they been living in the last 10 years? Not to mention Cuomo’s green agenda and what he has done in our community…or has NOT done and his willingness to strip away our rights on behalf of wind developers like BP! Yup this going along with BP in the State’s Art X process is a brilliant idea and is shaping up real well so far!

And these are the people we entrusted our community to and were supposed to protect us from the industrial wind take over of our community and region? And they honestly think BP was going to play fair and not do everything it could to manipulate and distort the process.

Did it even register when they found out that a top NYPSC commissioner is the wife of BP’s CVWF lawyer? Oh I forgot … that BP and the PSC said everything was OK don’t fret about it and the town was good to go after that little love letter. Then when BP doesn’t play nice in their CV sand box Booo Hooo Hooo they are asking advice from the very process, and PSC, that has a commissioner with a CVWF BP lawyer as a husband that is helping to manipulate the process for BP….and they are asking that PSC for advice on what to do???

What the hell kinda pill did Hirschey slip into their water?

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