Thursday, March 21, 2013

Really Doesn't Matter Who Is In Power In Cape Vincent - It's Only An Illusion!

There is one commenter on my blog who is spineless enough that they are frightened to put their name on  comments and stand by what they are saying.  And what they keep repeating is that I am attempting to take Mr. Hirschey and his govt down.  I think this is in hopes they can embarrass me into silence as a traitor.  That strategy could benefit both sides, so these comments could be coming from pro wind or Hirschey supporters playing a game. 

Well either way people who know me know I don't fold up that easily, and know where I stand on the wind issue and that has not changed in 7 years.  Anybody who thinks I am somehow working to enhance the pro wind side must not be reading over the last 7 years, and must be illiterate!  They would also know that the last thing I want is any shreds of the old CV govt back in power.

But let's keep something in perspective. Even if the Hirschey govt were to go down, which I doubt they will then in a sense on the wind issue it doesn't make much difference now who is in power in Cape Vincent govt, either pro or anti wind snce Art X took over. That is why I have no hopes or expectations or desire that Hirschey and/or his govt "go down".  I just want them to make sure they abide by the law no matter what they do if there actually is an issue in that regard.

The decision is going to be made in Albany by Cuomo either way, and I believe it is already fixed. The question now with our board's willingness to succumb to Art X, the only question that remains in my view is not yes or no to turbines, but how many and where.  And that has little to do with our zoning, comp plan or who is in power.

 And the pro wind people who think they have it in the bag are completely politically deluded.  What I currently see in CV is one faction that wants as many turbines as they can get and another that will chase Art X and accept whatever they get.  In a broad sense you have two wind favorable longer a true pro and anti wind least as far as potential govt make up is concerned.  Hell...the current govt is now agreeing with the pro wind faction on "wish lists" they can get from BP!!!

What you pro wind people don't seem to understand is that you aren't getting all the 124 BP turbines you are desperate for. Somebody is going to get screwed and cut out. Why??? Because Cuomo has to be politically correct even with his rabid green agenda. His political future depend on being a popular politician who can bring everyone together on controversial issues.  If he gives it all to BP then his Art X legislation will actually look just like we have been calling corporate lobby community rights crushing bullshit. That doesn't sit very well politically in this day and age.  So I doubt with BP's reputation as well he is going to just let BP walk away with everything they want.  Especially since we are one of the first towns to go through Art X and a lot of eyes are on CV and Cuomo knows it.  

Cuomo and his Art X board and the NY legislature have to show that they are "fair" and the system works and the input was heard from all  us small people, and  that they will "screw us fairly" but for the greater good and the bigger cause!  That means a compromise as I see it, and maybe a significant one at that.  And I think Hirschey and his key loyalists know this already.  Their cover is they can walk away saying they did everything they could...sorry, it's not our fault it is all the States fault.

But the anti winds are foolish to think they can stop BP by playing in this Art X game. Cuomo after all does have an green agenda and  he told local communities in a speech last summer they have to be "reasonable"   That means compromise.  My guess is with the current board on the path they are headed to appease the State and Art X that we get about 40 to 80 turbines as a compromise shoved back as far as feasible from the river and lake.  And I think both BP and our board will take it!  I think there is a good chance they both have a pretty good idea what is about to happen anyhow and a lot of Art X as a result is just eye candy and hoopla.   Both BP and Hirschey are too well connected to Albany to not have a clue where this is going!  And there are other back channels operating too!  Maybe I will get into that at some point.  But it is not pleasant!

So here is the thing for the pro wind side.  Somebody is going to get screwed as a result.  If Art X comes in with a 60 turbine compromise, that is a full 50% reduction in the project,  and I'm guessing when that happens you will start devouring your own. The Hirschey side will probably try to convince us we avoided disaster and to walk away happy with the best we could get.

 Where I part ways is don't think it has to play out this way if this board and other local towns and environmental groups were willing to stand up for our rights as communities and a region and take on Cuomo with a nasty political fight in public.   Everything else is just appeasement and a path to a BP wind disaster, no matter who thinks they control CV now or in the future!!! 

If either side thinks this Art X path is some how going to work out well for their side  ... you better think real hard again and sit down and really think it through...because there are NO winners except those who would actually fight for our rights and self determination for our communities future.   Doesn't matter which faction is in power locally. 

We have all been relegated to the children's table while the powers in Albany and beyond  play the big game at the big table.  


  1. First,you submit four members from your community as prospective members to the Article X board. Next we will select two of the four to sit at our special table.
    Finally, if you play nice, there might even be a piece of pie for you.

  2. Glad you agree Hirschey doesn't matter. He and his buddies got fried. And Two council members buddies helped. Thanks Art.

  3. 6:51 If you contend that Hirschey (and his administration) don't matter, why are the pro-wind ,voters for wind, democrats,and other assorted idiots like yourself, working so persistently to embarrass, frustrate, and remove them from office?

  4. Oh, my gosh easy.

    You and Davie inspired us.

    Thanks Art

  5. It's for the pilot money and to protect bp from having to answer to
    any complaints. 7:42. Art has done OK for us.
