Wednesday, March 6, 2013

WDT Takes a Slap at the Lafargeville Solar Project - But Wait the Cape Vincent Town Board Wants to Tinker With Our Tax Dollars and Put Solar on Its Government Buildings Too!!!

In an opinion piece by the Watertown Daily Times they take issue with the Lafargeville solar project. Some people, like Pandora’s Box of Rocks blog, and some of her readers are upset that the WDT is not taking a slap at BP and the wind issue in Cape Vincent.

You can see the WDT piece at this link:

Last spring about this time I said basically what the WDT is saying now about solar…especially in NNY.  I was saying it then because the Cape Vincent Town Board and their green agenda was asking BP to bring a commercial solar project to CV like BP’s in Brookhaven NY on Long Island.. Not to mention that solar project removed 42,000 tress!!! It is a pipe dream. And of all the companies in the world they were asking BP to do the project. But BP is no longer in the solar business. I guess they figured what our CV board has not figured out with their green aspirations.

As I pointed out on this blog last year, I know a little bit about this since I have lived in a passive solar home for 26 years here in the cold mt. climate at 7000 ft. above sea level in N.AZ.   We have about 300 mostly sunny days a year on average. I have also had the opportunity to visit many of the old and brand new massive commercial solar projects here in the desert SW, both thermal and voltaic systems. And those visits include projects under construction right now in CA. and NV. One that is now owned by Acciona in NV too.   If you ever experienced one of these projects first hand I doubt you would want it in CV any more than you would want industrial wind turbines. 

According to the Energy Information Administration solar still gets only about a 15% or so capacity factor and they are very expensive. With that capacity factor wind actually out performs solar in expense and production.

Now apparently the CV town board with its green agenda is considering solar voltaic arrays for some of its govt buildings. That is what the WDT should also be questioning. Believe me, it would be another green fiasco experiment with our tax payer money especially in cloudy NNY.

Look at the solar input maps this link.  It tells the simple story.

Heres on e for January

What also bothers me is that apprently our town board's green emotions have gotten the better of their thinking, research and logic on this green and solar thing so they can all look green and feel better.

One reader commented on the opinion piece and said solar was a green unicorn and rainbows fantasy. I guess that is where our board is on solar and perfectly willing to waste our tax money on the fantasy. Like asking BP of all people to put up a commercial solar project that would require BP get a PILOT taxing agreement to be feasible.

One commenter on Pandora’s blog wondered why the WDT isn’t taking a shot at industrial wind and BP in CV. There is a reason. Just start putting together the puzzle pieces of who is connected to who and friends with who!!! That should get you started toward the answer.  And keep in mind our town board has a wish list of things they want to get from BP...that should help you figure it out too.

I would have put this comment on Pandora’s blog, but I am sure she would have blocked it since it questions the solar and irrational green agenda of the Hirschey govt of which her husband is a town officer. So my comment would have been like a solar voltaic array in the dark of night. It would not have seen the light of day!!!

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