Tuesday, March 19, 2013

An Absolutely Frightening Letter!!!

On the Cape Vincent blog JLL, and to Mr. Wiley's credit, there is a very disturbing letter from US Sen. Kirsten E. Gillibrand - D - NY who represents NYS.  I am not clear whether the letter is in response to a letter from Mr. Wiley or someone else, but it is frightening.  You can see the entire letter at Mr. Wiley's blog JLL.

However, one part of the letter stupefied me.  Is this actually coming from a supposed intelligent, well educated , experienced elected person, with a staff of  researchers,  elected to represent the best interests of NYS and all US citizens?  If so it is very disturbing since it has NO basis in reality whatsoever.  Here is the quote below.  Underlining emphasis is mine.

"Alternative energies, including wind, have multiple important benefits. These projects offset carbon emissions by displacing electricity demand from traditional fuel sources such as coal, and reduce our dependence on foreign energy, thereby strengthening our national security. These efforts are crucial to establish energy price security and to keep the billions of dollars currently spent every month on foreign oil and energy technologies, in this country."

Really Senator?????  I wonder if Sen Gillibrand has any freakin clue that basically everything she is saying here is nothing more than wind energy propaganda that has been dis-proven by credible scientific sources, yet she is still clinging onto this crap?   I guess wind energy lobby money can make you say amazing things!

There is NO science that says renewables can  offset any significant carbon emmissions.  And  I wonder if Sen Gillibrand can enlighten us as to how wind turbines reduce our dependence on foreign energy when they have virtually nothing to do with the displacement of oil, and therefore would have nothing to do with reducing "billions"even  spent on foreign oil.  I wonder if the Senator  has a clue that even the wind industry has moved away from this claim knowing that anybody with a little intelligence and ability to research has figured out this is a lie.

For Christ's sake Senator go on the Energy Information Administration website and get some FACTS, where you can clearly see that the electric we produce from oil hovers around 1% and as a result even if wind energy replaced that 1% it would have virtually no impact since on oil imports.  Which leads to another interesting question.  If renewables are so great, then why have they yet to even replace this paltry 1% of oil we use for producing electricty????   Seems at least that should be achievable right???  I mean. come on Senator, if we can't replace that paltry 1% of oil for electricity how in the hell are we going to replace the nearly 89% from those other fossil fuel sources?   You got a top hat and a rabbit magic trick for that one?

Here is a chart for Sen. Gillibrand to read!  Also look at how little electricity we get from those non-hydro renewables.  And that is after we have been throwing tax money at them for 30 or 40 years!  So Senator, how the hell is wind and renewables going to take us of foreign oil?????  And by the way Senator, you want to explain to us how that less than 4% renewables is going to replace that nearly 89% nuke, coal,and nat. gas?  Especially when wind energy produces only about 20% or less of it's rated capacity, and solar is about the same or less?  

It is one thing to support renewable energy.  It is quite another to be a supposedly responsible U.S. Senator representing millions of people and still be this ignorant!!!  How can she be so badly out of touch with reality? 

Not to mention that anybody with a clue knows that the major use of oil in the U. S. is in the transportation sector, not producing electricity, and the last time I looked we aren't running vehicles with wind turbines to replace foreign oil!  And it is a pipe dream to think we are going to run electric vehicles charged off wind turbines and solar.  One report I read by some US utilities says that if we all started using electric cars and plug in hybrids a typical US household could DOUBLE it's electric demand!!! That would mean we would need very reliable powerful souces of electtric energy that could produce 24/7, unlike wind for example that produces about 20% or less of it's rated capacity.   Here is another chart of energy realities for Sen. Gillibrand of how we use oil by the gallon in the U.S. and it ain't to make electricity.

Hey Senator...if enough unicorns run fast enough on a treadmill chasing butterflies, maybe they could produce enough electric energy to replace foreign oil too!!!!!     Yippeee!!!

1 comment:

  1. I hope you'll consider sending this to Senator Gillibrand. It chaps my ass that our elected officials don't do the research before they spew out lobbyist sound bites. Do you mind if I copy or attach your post in my letter to Gillibrand? It seems like a better use of my time to write letters to bean counters that still require a vote to keep their jobs, than to write letters to the PSC who will post it on a web site, but in the end will "thank" the public for their "valuable" input... "it's a tough decision",... yada yada yada..Slam Bam, thank you ma'am You end up with these damn turbines anyway, maybe a few less than the padded number BP provides and a few feet taller but certainly under 499.5 feet. Doesn't it make you feel great to participate in the corporcratic process knowing your voice is noted?
