Thursday, April 17, 2014

Pundt Doesn't Agree With Mr. Hirschey...It Has To Be A Huge BP Conspiracy!!!

Why does the president of an anti industrial wind group, knowing all the serious negative impacts or industrial wind... go right out and buy a piece of property nearly in the middle of a large proposed wind farm????? 

                               WHAT?????  Good Question!

There have been some really odd things, names, connections, “coincidences” and events in the long Cape Vincent industrial wind battle... like the one above.  Most of them have gone almost completely unnoticed and unmentioned.  I think there was a definite purpose for that.

Let’s look at a one.

But first you have to understand that readers over at the CV Pandy blog are still pounding in desperation on their lunatic fantasy that I was somehow in a secret conspiracy against Hirschey and his govt to help BP, simply because I won’t lock step with Hirschey.

They don’t have one shred of evidence to support this lunatic accusation.  But they need to desperately cling to it because of their inability to explain numerous pro wind leaning events and odd events surrounding the Hirschey govt.

Their conspiracy is based on one singular premise, and only one.

 Pundt doesn’t agree with Hirschey!   That’s it!  This means there is a huge sprawling BP /pro wind / Pundt conspiracy afoot!!! 

The democratic process by which I have a constitutionally protected right to disagree with any govt including Hirschey’s is the sum total of their lunatic conspiracy.   It has to be a BP conspiracy!  It has to be!!!!  

Apparently these people have a bit of difficulty grasping the democratic and constitutional process and what it means!

And now they have completely lost touch with reality and are now even comparing me to the Hollywood movie fantasy “Promised Land” 

                             Yooo hoooo la la land!!!! 

                            So you want a conspiracy?  OK!  

                                Or maybe it's just a "plan!" 


 What  I am going to present below is all based in FACTS anyone can research and verify!  The rest is my opinion ( if any) as to what it might mean. Mainly I will let the reader decide.  But at least there are actual underlying FACTS to support any opinion.

So let’s see who might is far more likely to be assisting wind development in CV.    If  they want to persist in their lunatic conspiracy and lies …I can play that game too… but with actual FACTS.  And you watch carefully.  These are facts they will have a damn hard time explaining away...or of course they WON'T or can't explain them away... or just attack me again with goofy conspiracy nonsense to distract and cover for what they can't explain!     

If they want to continue they are going to end up a lot more uncomfortable about the actual facts than what they are trying to use to make me shut up with their lunatic conspiracy that has no  facts! 

And if Hirschey supporters (and blogs) want to keep pushing this lunacy and lies about me, I guess I can just keep upping the ante.   It's up to them!

 Because my files and emails are very FULL of FACTS!!!!  Lot's of them!

Believe me if they persist with their lies you will want to stay tuned here …because it will get REAL INTERESTING and the fanatic Hirschey supporters won’t like where it ends!!

I don’t like lies!!!  The wind companies lied to us…now those same tactics are being used against me or anyone who dares speak against the Hirschey govt.  Or bloggers who insist on perpetuating those lies, when they know better.  That is reckless.  And frankly I am get a bit tired of this nonsense!  So I guess the game is on...better get your facts lined up and something better than your Pundt disagrees with Hitschey BP conspiracy.

OK…So let’s start here.

 It has become clear that sound emitted from industrial wind turbines can be detrimental to the health of people living close them.  This was one of the major concerns of the  the current CV govt and “wind opposition”  used to support their new industrial wind zoning regulations.

It is also clear that properties near industrial wind farms can see significant reduction in value.

This would be due in part to the sound issues, but also simply an obvious aesthetic issue as turbines would be an invasive disruption of the viewscape.

WPEG and their Hirschey candidates and their “anti wind” blogs have understood  these invasive impact issues well for a very long time.  In fact the  Hirschey favorable CV blogs have pounded on these issues repeatedly for years.  And renowned sound expert Dr. Paul Schomer even teamed up with the town and WPEG and received BP intervenor funds in the Art 10 process to debate  BP’s wind farm  application.

Another situation that could cause a reduction in a property’s value might be its proximity to a major power line. It has also been suggested that living in close proximity to large electric power lines may not be good for one’s health.

In 2008,  Acciona, in addition to BP, had a major wind project planned for CV.  And in 2008 the old wind conflicted CV govt was in power and was moving the wind agenda significantly forward. 

In other words in those days it looked like there was a significant probability that two major wind projects were going to be sited in CV.  Two…not one!!!!  The negative impacts on property values was likely to be significant if both projects, along with projects in Lyme and Clayton were approved.  Based on local realty information even in 2008  it appeared the CV wind issue was already having a significant negative  impact on local property sales.

In fact at one time the BP  project even spanned both CV and Lyme.  So the prospects in 2008 were real grim to say the least!

Now, knowing all this, here is what I find really odd.   Is it a conspiracy??????

In the summer of 2008, knowing perfectly well the impacts  brought on by the scale of industrial wind development outlined above, and WPEG, the wind opposition,  and Mr. Hirschey their  president were using those impacts as a prime wind “opposition” defense, Mr. Hirschey  (now our CV town supervisor) goes out and purchases a piece of CV property nearly in the center of the proposed BP CV wind project, and in a town that looks like it is about to soon be overrun with industrial wind impacts! Actually the region looks like it is about to be overrun and real estate sales are sagging!

 Apparently those invasive region wide  impacts didn’t seem to bother Mr. Hirschey much, even though he and WPEG knew full well what the impacts were and how bad they would be!

Go figure…but that is FACT!!  You can look the property up on the Jefferson County Website property locator.

But that’s not all.  It just so happens that this property also borders the DANC regional water line that comes out of CV toward Watertown.  On one complete side it has roughly  .4  miles bordering the water line right of way.

Now as you might remember the DANC water line right of way is where both wind companies wanted to put major power lines to connect to a Nat. Grid substation in Chaumont.

So this property Mr. Hirschey bought would be nearly in the middle of the proposed BP wind farm, and in addition could be bordering a major power line all along on one side! 

Not exactly a piece of property that would have “Location, Location, Location” attached to it if the wind farms and power line were built.  Location in the traditional  real-estate sense in large part refers to the beauty of the property, and view among other things. 

Just seems like a very odd purchase if you factor in all the variables and Mr. Hirschey heading the CV  “wind opposition“ group WPEG at that time. 

It’s funny that pro wind never picked up on this fact.

Here is the president of the major wind opposition group in CV, whose prime arguments against industrial wind are significant property value reduction and sound impacts, yet their president marches right out, and out of the blue and buys a large piece of property (33.79 acres to be exact) right smack next to a major proposed wind farm and it’s power line, in a town over run by wind development proposals!

Seems like pro wind and the developers would have been all over this, saying that even the president of the “wind opposition” was buying property in a proposed wind farm, and apparently he isn’t even worried about the supposed impacts on his investment!  Even though he and WPEG  have been harping on these impacts for a couple years!!!   The same guy who says he isn’t opposed  to either industrial wind  (on TV and in the WDT) … or the Art 10 process that removed our home rule rights to help the NYS wind energy agenda!

Of course the pro wind side has never been led by the sharpest knives in the drawer when it comes to politics, strategy, and tactics to promote wind!   

When Hirschey bought this property on Burnt Rock Rd., it’s almost like he was trying to secretly negate the entire WPEG and wind opposition argument on reduced property values and sound from wind farms!  Like he was early on trying to undermine their message that was taking hold locally and in the region to expose the industrial wind mess and potential impacts.

Why in the hell does someone in the supposed wind opposition, who knows all the significant negatives about wind development, go out and buy a large tract of land nearly right in the middle of a large proposed wind farm, and almost right under a wind farm power line????  Is this a "plan" to help the wind developers and water down the WPEG wind opposition message? 

Even if it isn't... it doesn't seem like a real smart move to buy property so close to a proposed wind farm and power line, not to mention the question  it leaves regarding how seriously dedicated he might actually be to the wind opposition message.

And I would think Mr. Hirschey,with his longtime family business,… a “green” business the NYS retirement fund even invested in,  …. (that also has to be a conspiracy...right?) … and with his county  JCIDA experience, one would think he would not be a stupid investor!   Of course we have to keep in mind, according to Mr. Hirschey’s own words on TV and in the WDT , he is not opposed to industrial wind … just the improper siting of turbines. 

Let me get this straight…

…one of your main concerns (on TV) is the improper siting of wind turbines?  You even get elected as the town supervisor on that premise, and you campaign to draft a wind law to site wind turbines properly, and then you previously bought a piece of property nearly in the middle of a proposed wind farm where you as president and your wind opposition group have been very clearly fighting the improper siting of the wind turbines!!!!!   Seriously?  So does he think proper siting is if they site turbines near (or on) HIS property???

AND THEN write a wind law that shoves the turbines back two miles from the CV shoreline and right toward your new property!!!   

And this is proper siting!!!   

In my opinion it is almost like he is shoving wind turbines away from his shore property where he lives, and toward his CV interior property at the cost of other people in the CV interior, some who do not want wind turbines near their property!

Or maybe he was just trying to say to those people…

“ Those wind turbines we allowed in our new zoning won’t be so bad!   Look I even bought property back there too, I’m not worried!!!”

Or was he trying to convince pro wind he was just another "good neighbor" and right there with em! 

And also, what did Mr. Hirschey tell the WDT when he declared to run for CV supervisor in 2009.e

Mr. Hirschey, who is a member and former chairman of the of the Wind Power Ethics Group, said he is not entirely against industrial wind development.  However, he said, the town and wind developers should "come up with a sensible" site plan and setbacks to "spread out" the wind turbines if they were to build a wind farm in Cape Vincent.”

To me this doesn’t sound like a guy really opposed to wind , and not even near his own property!!!    Just spread them out???   You mean like spread them all over town?  What is he saying????  A few giant wind turbines here and a few over there is no big deal, but a good siting plan???? 

Seriously???    He was kidding right????  And then he has property nearly in the middle of the large BP  proposed wind farm and right next to its proposed power line??????   

 And the fanatic Hirschey supporters think I am the one helping

Now here is another real odd part.

If the pro wind side even so much as farted, the other CV blogs would be giving every graphic detail and ripping them apart.  Pandy’s blog gained a reputation for great in depth research and investigation.  Yet I guess she just happened to miss all these rather odd details.  So did Wiley at JLL.  It just slipped right by their razor sharp “anti wind”  investigative minds!!!!

Every other frickin pro wind minutia in the CV wind battle sticks to their brains like glue…that is except this really  odd event involving Hirschey’s property that somehow slips right off like them Teflon!!!

Those blogs, even today, go on and on and on and on about industrial wind’s negative impacts on property values and the sound issues, and the president of their favorite wind opposition group in 2008 buys a property right next to a large proposed wind farm nearly surrounded by turbines and power lines….and not a single word about it from those blogs!!!!  Something screwy about this picture!!!

What was Hirschey thinking???    Considering the location of his property next to the DANC water line, and proposed BP/Acciona power line, and the BP wind farm…he could have been one hell of a “ good neighbor”  if he wanted to be!!!!

So is that the conspiracy????

And what about that DANC water line???   What about Mr. Hirschey’s good old Republican friend and colleague former NYS Sen. James Wright, who once represented the CV area and is now the Exec. Director of DANC?    A person Mr. Hirschey has even given campaign donations too.  Nothing illegal or unusual about that. They are just  good supportive Republicans scratching each other’s backs and probably know each other well from Hirschey’s associations with the Jefferson County Industrial Development Agency, (JCIDA) (note that part about “industrial development!”).  The JCIDA who even had a mission statement in 2008 proposing the development of the county’s renewable resources like wind. 

But it is interesting to see who, other than Hirschey  contributed to his Republican buddy’s campaign when he was in the NYS senate AND sitting as chairman on the powerful NYS senate energy committee.  A committee apparently very favorable to renewable energy in NY, just like Hirschey’s JCIDA.

Some of Wright’s campaign donation list reads like the elite of wind energy development, AND the CV wind issue!

Below are only a few! These aren't exactly small players in the wind business!!!

GE Wind

American Wind Energy Assoc.

Enron…Enron…really????  Yup!

Flat Rock Wind Power (Maple Ridge Wind Farm)

ACENY – Remember Carol Murphy the renewable wind zealot who came to CV on behalf of BP and VFW!

Florida Light and Power – Largest wind developer in North America!

And these are just a few of Wright’s numerous campaign donations from BIG WIND and other real interesting connections and characters that pop up in the CV wind story and around Hirschey and Wright!

Oh geeees…I almost forgot…here is a very interesting campaign donation to Wright…

...AES/Acciona!!!         What?????

That would be the same Acciona that was proposing a large wind farm in CV and wanted to use the DANC power line corridor for their power line. The same Acciona that BP eventually took over in CV.  The same DANC where Wright is now the executive director.  The same DANC water line that borders Hirschey’s  property for nearly ½ mile.  Hey I’m just telling ya the FACTS!!! 

That must be a conspiracy…right…I mean Wright?

And the other CV blogs?????  Not one stinking word about Wright…or his donation connections to the elite of BIG WIND and his relationship to Hirschey, who has stated he is not against wind, and the JCIDA who isn’t opposed to wind either.   

And I just showed a few Wright donations above.  It gets A LOT more interesting if you dig into the NYS Board of Elections Website!!!

For example,  did ya ever wonder how Rochne Burns who held a wind lease with Acciona/BP and has obvious wind conflicts gets appointed to the CV planning board by Hirschey and his board?  That doesn't seem to make sense from a town board who ran on ethics and claims as a campaign platform to want to eliminating wind conflicts of interest.

Oooppps...Imagine that,,,Mr. Burns is also a significant contributor to  Hirschey's Rep. buddy Wright.  Gotta be a conspiracy their, right?  Well maybe not.  Maybe  it's just more good old Republican boys scratching each other's backs again!

A lot of really odd stuff you could build a conspiracy on to help BP and Acciona  if you wanted to!  But no lies … the events themselves are all  FACT!

And some Hirschey fanatics still think I am the one  in a conspiracy to help BP??????   I guess, just like the blogs, they missed some interesting facts!

Seems like I would have a lot more to go on than the fanatic Hirschey supporters and blogs if I wanted to conjure up a REAL CV BP wind conspiracy!

Oh… it gets a lot better!!!!  If the lunatics want to keep going…we can go on!!!  Like they say ... just follow the money!

Tick, tock!!!




  1. Wow! What a long statement, You are terrific Art,...Thanks for letting us know how smart you are . I rest easy tonight because of you, You might want to see a Doctor about you health,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  2. Just as I predicted:

    My quote from above:

    "And you watch carefully. These are facts they will have a damn hard time explaining away...or of course they WON'T or can't explain them away... or just attack me again with goofy conspiracy nonsense to distract and cover for what they can't explain!"

    Didn't address anything in the post...all they have are attacks.

    So back to my original question:

    "Why does the president of an anti industrial wind group, knowing all the serious negative impacts or industrial wind... go right out and buy a piece of property nearly in the middle of a large proposed wind farm????? "
