Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Don't Worry Mr. Pearson - The Odds Are On Your Side!

Cape Vincent citizen Dennis Pearson wrote an opinion letter to the Watertown Daily Times regarding who should be appointed to the town board seat left empty after the resignation of councilman Clif Schneider.  Mr. Pearson recently ran for office in Cape Vincent but was not elected.

Dennis Pearson shouldn't be too worrying about who is appointed to the Cape Vincent town board seat left empty when CV councilman Clif Schneider resigned.

Once again… before we get into a lot of hoopla over this , it is always instructive to look at the actual history. 

And history is actually on Pearson's side in this matter.  Actually by Pearson’s judgment that the current board should do the “right thing”  they already have numerous times if you look at it from Pearson’s pro wind view!

CV Supervisor Hirschey after his first election voted to reappoint Al Wood as Zoning Enforcement Officer.  That would be even after Wood made a laughing stock out of a very controversial zoning decision to illegally place a private wind turbine.

The Hirschey board recently appointed Dick Macsherry to a top position as CV Deputy Supervisor.  Macsherry campaigned and ran for a town board seat as a Democrat in 2009, right along and all friendly with the pro wind conflicted Rienbeck govt crew.  This would have basically been a run opposed to Hirschey and his candidates.  Yet Hirschey appoints him as Dep. Super.  Go figure on that one!  In addition Macsherry has held several important appointed town positions. 

In this particular case Pearson and crew are really missing the boat if they want wind development.  They should be sitting down in discussions with Macsherry, who was once a Democrat and apparently was not opposed to wind development in the past.  He is also considered to be a big negotiator…I’m sure they could work with  him for at least a compromise.

The Hischey board appointed  Karen Bourcy from the former Edsall planning board to the current CV planning board as an alternate.  Even though Mrs. Bourcy’s conflicted votes  did considerable damage when she was on the old planning board which advanced the wind developers agenda at crucial points in the wind battle.

The Hirschey board appointed Rochne Burns to the planning board who was a wind lease holder.  Burns was also appointed to the committee that revised the CV Comp Plan.

The Hirschey board appointed Bob Cardarelli, although he recently stepped down,  as an alternate to the planning board.  He is known to be pro wind.

Hirschey was apparently willing to appoint pro wind Paul Aubertine despite his family wind conflicts to the seat left empty by former councilman Mickey Orvis.  That would be at the same time Michelle Oswald was available who had no conflicts.

Mr. Hirschey as supervisor did not object when two previous wind conflicted councilmen participated in the 2010 wind law effort.  Said he had no problem with it.

So calm down Mr. Pearson…more than likely based on history you will get someone favorable to your agenda, or at least…. “fair”. 

Of course when readers judge the word “fair” they should also realize that the Hirschey board feels the Art 10 process which removed the home rule rights of communities to determine their land use futures…is also “fair” and a “welcomed relief!” (their words)

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