Wednesday, April 2, 2014

It Is Fantasy Time In Fairy Land!!!

Over on the Pandora blog I saw this comment regarding the letter of thanks the town of Cape Vincent just sent to the NYPSC concerning the Art 10 process with BP. 

AnonymousAnonymous said...

“This letter is an acknowledgement that there are honest public servants down in the trenches who are trying to do a straight up job. Such people get too little acknowledgement. They did not allow BP to make a joke of the process. They did their job well. Nothing wrong with saying thanks to them for that.” 

So is this person actually serious?  Were they actually coherent during the time the town and BP were engaged in the Art 10 process?  When we have to look back at the score and sum up the events it is incredible how some people will distort reality to support their fantasy of the events.

What the hell planet is this person living on!!!

“They did not allow BP to make a joke of the process???????”

For Christ’s sake, that is all BP did was make a joke out of the process, and the NYPSC refused to do a damn thing to stop it, and much of what the town did was sit by and bitch about how BP was making a joke of the process and to no avail. 

Not only that, even after BP indicated to the NYPSC they were done in CV the NYPSC still refused to shut it down, and even extended the time to see if BP could find a new  buyer and even then they were up in the air about whether they would make the new buyer start the process over, or just allow any new buyer to pick up BP’s bullshit and move on...and the town went right along with it.

Neither the town nor the NYPSC in the Art 10 process did anything to end nearly a decade of abuse the wind developers rained down on our community.

It was BP walking away on their own that finally ended it.  It is sad when the community and its leaders allow the community to be so victimized and helpless then bend over and are stupid enough to kiss up to the very agency who perpetuated the removal of our rights that allowed BP to inflict this disaster on us.

You people just don’t get it.  There was NOOOO end result here from the PSC or Art 10 and we have NOOOO clue what they would have done if BP had stuck it out or sold.

 We are damn lucky in the end that BP just decided to move on because it appears not  much else was going to stop them.

To be thanking the NYPSC for what happened in the Art 10 process in CV with BP is just plain obscene!



  1. Face it. You were wrong all along and are now embellishing a story and looking like a fool. Your are a crazy ranting man.

  2. Tell ya what...why don't you tell me exactly where I have been wrong. That ought to be good for entertainment.

  3. John of your CV councilmen recently declared he is not against industrial wind energy. He signed a letteralong with the CV town board that indicated he thinks Art 10 that removed our home rule rights was fair and a welcome relief. Yet the Democrat Addie Russell he wants to run against actually did vote against Art 10 partly on the grounds it removes communities home rule. She is more Rep. than both Byrne and Hirschey!!!! In 2011 your town supervisor Hirschey declared on TV he is not against industrial wind energy. Now this would be the same wind energy most people have now realized is has numerous invasive impactsand is an unreliable tax scam...yet these to goofballs are not opposed to it and support the Art 10 process that removed our rights to perpetuate energy scams like wind energy. Then they wrote a zoning law that actually allows some wind energy in CV!

    And you think I am crazy and ranting?????? Here is a dollar...go buy yourself a freakin clue!

    You want to try to explain all this to us?

