Wednesday, August 28, 2013

So Where Are All These Ethical Do The Right Thing People????

There has been a lot of talk on the blogs about the  current Cape Vincent Town govt. being ethical, moral, and not corrupt or with a conflict of interest on wind issue.  They will do the right thing.  There has also been  a lot of talk about wind turbines impacting property values in CV.

Well..let's look at that for a minute, especially that ethical thing.

We have a woman,( Mrs. Mary Grogan), in our community that needs help.  Not because she is a woman, but because three times she has been badly screwed over by the people who administer CV zoning.  Once was by the old wind conflicted govt. and that ended in the now famous private dangerous and noisy wind turbine being placed too close to her property and home.  I am sure this has dramatically impacted her property values.  But this time it is by our CURRENT govt and their zoning geniuses who badly goofed up the application for a solar array on the property of Mr. Roger Alexander, next to Mrs Grogan,  using  our brand new zoning law that THEY WROTE, but apparently can't read or interpret correctly!

So where are the people in our ethical "do the right thing" CV govt to help Mrs. Grogan? Nowhere to be found apparently!

She has contacted the town Supervisor Urban Hirschey numerous times about her dilemma to no avail.  And that is over a period of 4 years!  That would mean Hirschey has been elected TWICE and done nothing about Mrs. Grogan's issue.

Mr. Macsherry the CV Planning Board Chairman and Mr. Brown the Vice Chair along with Mr. Millington the CV Zoning Enforcement Officer are apparently more concerned with scrambling around to help  Mr. Alexander site his illegal solar project.  They screwed it up under the new zoning so they got with the other town officials (admitted to on video) and then tried to shove it under the old zoning.  However, that didn't work well because that was real questionable too and the original permit was illegal.  They are also more concerned that Mr. Alexander has a big investment in the solar project so he can move on with it.  I have heard NO expression of concern about Mrs. Grogan's property devaluation or protecting her property and investment.

Bottom line is money talks.  You got big money...then you get favorable zoning!!!
Sorry Mrs. Grogan!  For big money the zoning mantra is different...

You build it, and then we will zone it!!!

Maybe when McCann the expert appraiser the town hired to help our defend law on property value grounds...maybe they should send him to Mrs. Grogan's house where a wind turbine is actually trashing her property values.  Geee maybe as an "expert" (they like experts)  he could report that back to the town who has done NOTHING about it even though the turbine was declared ILLEGALLY placed!!!

Most if not all of the CV town board know about this issue.  The planning board certainly knows, and according to Mr. Macsherry and Mr. Brown on video the town attorney  even knows.

So who's left?  The Zoning Board of Appeals.  Do they know?  Well at least three ZBA officials know.  One is the chairman Mr. Faulknham.  He doesn't seem real fired up about it either.  He told Mrs. Grogan he didn't know exactly how to start the appeals process before his own board, then told her he didn't think she could win it anyhow.

WOW...that sounds real encouraging!  The ZBA hears zoning complaints and is supposed to be a quasi judicial board, like a court.  At least stay neutral for Christ's sake till you have a hearing...well IF he can figure out HOW to have a hearing!!!

So by documentation it is established that the vast majority of the town govt knows of the serious zoning dilemma Mrs. Grogan has and the cost and stress she has suffered at the hands of town zoning screw ups!.

So here is the interesting thing.  ANY town official who thinks there is a serious issue with a zoning permit, or how zoning has been handled can make an appeal before the Zoning Board of Appeals. ANY TOWN OFFICIAL. Mrs. Grogan has made her own appeal...but  where are these town officials?  NONE have made an appeal as far as I know.   Do they care about Mrs. Grogan's plight? Do they care that this is a major zoning screw up and they themselves should set it straight?   More than likely they hope this will all go away conveniently before the elections and Hirschey probably has told them to keep their heads down and don't make waves!

And what about the Cape Vincent blogs who LOVE this "can do no wrong" CV govt!.  I doubt seriously they don't know about this by now. Pandora had her own  chopped up video of me speaking about it at a planning board meeting. Two planning board videos about this 7/10/13 and 8/14/13  are on Steve Weed video.  And Wiley sat right next to Alexander when he approached the planning board with his solar project and it was discussed in detail. He was even laughing and whispering about it with his wife in the front row.   I guess it isn't so humorous now!!!

So where are they on this issue and how come they aren't reporting it?  They of all people you would think might be sympathetic to someone who needs a little help, when they got caught in a jam because of the blogger's law suit they asked for help and received $$$$ help from many in the community.  But not a follow up WORD on either blog about this.

I betting Hirschey gave them the wink indicating to squelch it since it doesn't look real good in an election year that the Cape Vincent "zoning experts" who designed our zoning law to defend against BP, screwed it up so badly on this issue.

So once again Mrs. Grogan gets tossed under the bus for political expediency.  And that makes this zoning mess worse than the mess created by Al Wood the former ZEO and the former wind conflicted CV govt. over the Alexander private wind turbine!

So this election season when one of these town board officers shows up on your door step telling you how great and competent and ethical they are, and they are doing the right thing etc. etc. ... you might want to ask them why they and their supporters aren't saying a PEEP about Mrs. Grogan's major zoning screw up they created! And don't let them give you any crap that they don't know!!!

Then I would stand back because their nose might suddenly grow and poke right through your screen door!!!

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