Thursday, August 29, 2013

New CFG Signs

 Driving along Sand Bay Rd. in front of the 1000 Islands High School I thought I was back in AZ on Old Historic Rte. 66 looking at the old Burma Shave highway signs. 

Remember them????

New CFG campaign signs.

Seriously!!!  How do these people put this bullshit up and keep a straight face???

I love the Mis-managed Water Districts..that is a hoot!

The previous wind conflicted CV govt puts in the waterline to nowhere on Pelo Rd. and their buddies hookup an illegal water system.  And these geniuses  are claiming this govt. mis-managed water districts...seriously!!!!


  1. Art, they do not know any better.

  2. In actuality, despite the CFG's unfounded accusations that the town mismanaged water district 6, the establishment of this district is a very positive and proactive move by this board to help offset the loss of property value incurred by the residents of the Tibbets Point Rd.,and those on the Western end of the village, due to the siting of industrial turbines directly in their viewshed on Wolfe Island.

    Add to that, the simple convenience and security of having municipal water, anyone should think all residents of the town should be pleased for these residents.

    Small-mindedness, and political motives however, seem to rule the day over a collective sense of good. Thus, this ugly display.

  3. When Water Dist. 1 came out my way years back I initially didn't hook up. But this summer we decided to hook up. I guess I should have just run an illegal water line from my neighbor's meter but decided to do it legally!!! hhaaaaaaa

    Anyhow the town did good work on their part of the job.

  4. Just got my school tax bill after the reassessment - it is LOWER than last year!!!!

    What "higher" taxes are they talking about?

  5. My school tax bill is lower too!

    Had enough? I have. I've had enough of these damn signs. I'm sure that SOME intrepid soul can go out at 3 am and take em all down. :-)
