Saturday, August 17, 2013

How To Legally Violate Cape Vincent's New Zoning! - Just Get a "Not Litereal" Permit!

What you do is get some zoning insurance... Let me explain.

There are two important warnings in this process.

1. Don't do this unless it is an election year in CV.

2. Make SURE when you apply for the CV building permit that you specify you want the NON LITERAL permit...not the LITERAL permit...that is critical!  They usually grant them more freely in an election year.

 Maybe you have a piece of Cape Vincent  property not big enough to build the dream house you really want.  But maybe the CV zoning would allow you to build a smaller house on that property.  Don't fret...That's OK, just get a permit for the smaller house, and here is how to make it all work out to "legally"  get the bigger house you want.

1. Hire an expensive contractor, and order and have delivered all the material for the entire job.  Bought and paid for on site and highly visible.

2. Only THEN submit the plans for a permit for the smaller house.

3.  Sit on the permit for a few months and don't do any construction. Let things cool down and no one will notice.

4. Then go like hell to build the BIGGER dream house.

5.  If no one complains you are home free.

6. Now if you do get a complaint, don't panic!

7.  When the zoning enforcement officer comes to check you out, here is what you do...

a.  Tell him you are really sorry, but you lost the plans and got really confused and built the bigger  house by mistake. He will be sympathetic to that!

b. If the house is not finished immediately show him all the material, fixtures etc you have paid for sitting in a big pile.  But don't show any receipt...say you lost them!  Just tell him you have about $500,000 invested and a lot of the building is completed.

c. Threaten to sue if he gives you any grief.  Have your lawyer on your cell on speed dial.


Tell him you talked to the CV planning board and the chairman and that you were informed by them  that in Cape Vincent the zoning law was not written  to be taken literally.  It is only sort of an intent type of thing, especially if is an election year!  Hand him the zoning law and show him the clearly defined easy to read table that has the setbacks in it for your zoning district and tell him you didn't build your house to those setbacks because they are not really literal setbacks according to CV zoning professionals.  Say you saw it on video too.

Tell them that because of the geography at your site and the trees etc. that nobody can really see that your house is too big for the small lot anyhow, and since the law is not literal you decided it would be OK to build the bigger house and you have made a HUGE investment!  Tell him that this is a precedent set by other CV zoning decisions and it would be unfair and arbitrary and capricious to single you out now!!!

e.  If your house is not finished continue to build like hell on it no matter what!

f. If it is finished, just sit back and chill...not much is likely to happen.  But have your lawyer on speed dial just in case!!!!

Maybe BP could do the same thing with their 500 ft. wind turbines.  Those wind turbine setbacks aren't really literal.  Of course if they do this they might want to hedge their bet and take a few NYPSC regulators on an all paid golf junket first like National Grid does!!!!


  1. You can not help yourself can you Art. You have become just what your buddy LaMpra warned you about doing. He told you that if you did not get comments and people talking to you on your blog that you would be nothing but a one man editorial board. You know,nothing but your opinion. Here we are, it is happening.Think about it.

  2. No you think about this...when the chairman of the planning board, a man that was one driving force behind our new zoning with no objection form his other colleagues on the board says we don't interpret the zoning law literally...then you have a real problem.

    If that is the case and I look at table 8 of the zoning law and it says a large solar project is not allowed, yet the zoning officials say..oh well we looked at it and actually it's ok. No problem. Then the law and any restriction in it like the setbacks for the river and other dists. are USELESS!!!

    Besides it is not within the authority of the chairman of the PB to make that call and interpret the law as such. The only board with authority to do that is the ZBA that until we put the PB on notice there was a screw up the ZBA wasn't even in the loop. Go look it up in the damn state laws on zoning!

    Now you say I am a one man editorial board...really???

    Well after I put them on notice of this screw up, and my opinion or analysis didn't count, then why after the fact did they run around, talking to everyone for hours on end about this screwup, and even according to them drag the town lawyer into the mess several times?

    They would like you to think they did all the due diligence on this right from the get go. That is nonsense, they only did that AFTER we got onto the screwup.

    And before you go off half cocked with out the details there is more to come on this story that no one saw!
