Tuesday, July 31, 2012

WARNING - Community Under Threat - Do Not Tread On Us!!!!

               The Voters For Wind have had their signs...maybe this should be our rally cry!!!

Everyone needs to go to the JLL blog and read the excellent comments by Cape Vincent resident Jack Freislich.  And a  thanks to Cape Vincent  Councilman Clif Schneider for his comments as well.
 Thank you Jack, you have set an example for everyone to follow.  We ALL need to stand up now.  I want to reinforce Jack and Clif’s comments with my own as well.
The industrial wind assault on the small once peaceful Cape Vincent community has been ongoing and unrelenting.  However, in the last few days it has reached a new insidious level with the attempts to silence the JLL and Pandora  blogs and their commenters.  This is a direct threat to democracy and our ability to have one last effective political arena to have the average citizen’s voice heard. The effectiveness can be measured directly by the fact this law suit even exists and who is behind it.  Not long ago the US Supreme Court gave corporations the power to put unlimited sums of cash in the pockets of politicians.  As a result  the voices of the average individual  becomes more faint  every day.  The blogs and social media are among  the last few refuges for the average citizen to be heard and exercise power.  Now corporate and political power knows they must  control it  too through intimidation.
I have my differences with the local blogs, that is no secret, but that is in the realm of strong political opinions, nothing more.  Whether it be Mr. Wiley, or Ms. Muschell,  or me,  we all  have our right to participate in the democratic process with our ideas and opinions and approaches .  Actually that is the entire point that we now have to defend. 
But this law suit  is different.  This has escalated well beyond just opinion.  We are now ALL under threat, and the threat is an insidious attack on what we hold so  basic and fundamental.  Actually we have been under threat for some time, this is just another incident that vividly underscores  how ugly this really this is and will become and why some of us have been screaming that we should not appease the corporate backed NYS assault on our community and freedoms and why we have to draw a line in the sand.  In many ways this is what Dave Lamora was trying to get us to recognize in his actions at the zoning public hearing.  Appeasing Article X is appeasing the exact powers  which are now trying to silence our community.  As I said in a previous post…we as an entire community have been told that our three minutes to speak are now up…and the rules here are, either you do it our way or you will be intimidated and sued!!!
 Regardless of our differences,  I will always recognize the  tremendous impact and effectiveness JLL and Pandora’s blogs have had in defending our community against the onslaught of raw corporate power. 
At this critical point I stand fully with the CV blogs on this issue.  Despite what people say about me, or my political views  or beliefs, or my approach to make those views heard…I don’t care… this is too important and I stand with the blogs and will contribute to their defense fund and will encourage others to do the same.
For a long long time I have stood my ground on my no wind beliefs and my no appeasement approach,  and I will continue to do so. For a long long time I have tried to tell people how nasty and ugly this is and will become and the world wide importance and implications even though we are just a small rural community.  Many times it seems I have been alone.  But on this new direct assault on our democracy and our small community  it is time to stand up and nobody should stand alone.  People, enough is enough.   You either stand up now or you don’t.  And consider putting you name behind it to send a strong message that this time recent events have done nothing more than to energized us into a unified and  strong defense of our community and rights.
It is time to follow Jack’s example and STAND UP!!!!!
There is a legal defense fund for the two CV bloggers under attack (see below).  Even if you feel you must remain anonymous please consider a substantial contribution which essentially is legally defending YOUR rights and the whole community  as well!!!!

Legal Defense Fund:

Debra Sullar
1319 Wilson Point Road
Cape Vincent, NY 13618

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