Monday, May 21, 2012

More Appeasement of Article X - Please NY PSC, Don't Spank Our Town, We Will Play Nice!!!

The Town board of Cape Vincent has decided to play this insane political game and has submitted a comment letter to the NY Public Service Commission regarding Article X.
You can read the article in the WDT by Jaegun Lee at the link below.

Here is a quote from that article.

“In a draft letter to commission Secretary Jaclyn A. Brilling signed by Supervisor Urban C. Hirschey, the board asked the state to amend Article X to require wind farm developers to assess low-frequency noise impact — a component, town officials argue, that will be “most annoying and unhealthy.

Yeah, really!  Well what about the fact that wind development is a complete tax scam on the American public, and a complete failure as an energy / climate solution, or that Article X perpetuates all that and more!!!  No problem there or no mention of that just as long as the developer assess the sound?  You can’t be serious. What is most annoying and unhealthful is the complete Article X law and what it is going to do to our rights as communities and citizens, and that our Town Board won’t really try to protect us by strong unambiguous opposition to the entire A-10 law.  Instead they are pitifully begging the PSC to be nice to our new zoning laws.

They should have been more honest and written,   “We will be a good town….Please, Please, Please PSC, don’t spank us with your Article X law!!!!” 

You have got to be kidding me!  Amend Article X.?????  Article X is a complete disaster. It’s a blatant egregious stunt by politicians and corporations taking away our rights as communities to be able to direct our own futures.  It’s an attempt to shove the wind disaster down our throats because some nit wit politician like Cuomo thinks “green” is a good idea and is going to force you to eat it.

Amend Article X?  You can’t be serious.  This law should be outright OPPOSED not tinkered around with and given tacit endorsement as if it is legitimate. Our local towns should join together in a unified voice of opposition to Article X, not go running to the PSC with our tail between our legs begging for mercy. Then councilman Byrne is running around endorsing this approach to other towns like Lyme.  I can also see Councilman Clif Schneider’s finger prints all over this approach as well based on my past experiences with him and his thinking.

This Town board letter is the same thinking that has been embedded in the WPEG brain since 2006.  Don’t actually stand up and fight, play along, write letters, and be nice, don’t offend anybody, study everything to death. . I’ll tell you what, why don’t we sit down and have a glass of wine and discuss it with the PSC, that should solve our problems!  

 It is exactly like the last law suit they did.  Don’t actually address the fact that the entire Acciona FEIS environmental study is completely corrupt, and was handled by a completely corrupted process making the study a worthless piece of paper,  Oh no let’s give it legitimacy and fight the sound issues we can’t win anyhow as if the study was legitimate. And worse as I posted before, apparently they are now being advised by the same damn lawyer who used this approach and lost their last law suit on a simple legal mistake.

This is more absolute brilliance!!! Why don’t we just send Cuomo and the PSC a Candygram and blow them a kiss like good little obedient sheep and tell them how much we just love Article X if they will just tweak a few clauses and concepts.

This is like having someone point a shotgun right between your eyes and then asking them if they would please use a 10 gauge instead of a 12 gauge.  Jesus, why doesn’t the Town Board just pass a resolution demanding all of us get some shovels and help BP start digging the foundations for their freakin turbines too!!!

                      The BP archeological study.  The next time BP stops by they aren't just going
                            to be plowing up a few fields looking for arrowheads and bones!!!
                        They will be coming to TAKE our community, with Article X behind them. 
                                                   So why don't we just blow them a kiss!

The problem with this entire wind fight in CV has always been and continues to be that we have never believed we can win it.  We started with this absurd compromise position from day one (even though they never grasped we had no power to compromise) as the wind developers were driving a bulldozer through the social fabric of our town.  Now after all this time and all this fight we have super majority power on our town board, and we still won’t use it effectively.  We will pass a zoning law that gives tacit approval to wind development, we will more than likely weaken the protective language of our previous Comp Plan and zoning to accomplish that in some misguided attempt to not be too “overly burdensome” on the wind developers.  Then we are running around begging the PSC to treat us nice with their new law.
And we wonder why the wind developers and giant corporations keep winning and can keep right on destroying communities time after time, and why our rights keep disappearing.  It’s because WE are our own worst enemy with our brains wired for only this appeasement compromise approach that we have been brainwashed with by our politicians, and the political corporate system that keeps them alive…and keeps you wishing and hoping and begging.

With this letter to the PSC our Town Board sold us out to  Article X and the idiot politicians  that support it, and to the wind developers themselves...pure and simple!

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