Monday, February 24, 2014

Very Interesting Video On Wiley's JLL Blog - Even I Want to Thank Him For the Link!

Here is a link to Ricks blog where the video is posted.

Right away this leaves me with several  impressions, and I will probably have more comments on it later. 

Well good for Liz Brennen.  Really. She doesn’t want to leave if a wind farm comes but may have to because of health concerns. Me neither…I hear ya Liz!  But the PACE guy says you should have no problem with the health issues, they are of no real concern, just a lot of hysteria and hoopla!  Now he is a nice clean cut slick looking fellow so I know we can believe him.  Here is the 1st thing I have to say about the PACE guy!

SOSDD!!!  Same Old Shit…Different Day!

Too bad Mrs. Brennen’s influential voice has not been much more forceful on this issue. Does Mrs. Brennen understand that the CV town board actually wrote a wind law that allows some wind development???  And after looking at the video does she understand that by the looks of what the PACE guy is saying about Art X that the town board is following path to appease the state that is highly likely to bring us a wind farm if BP sells?  The PACE guy is Cuomo’s mouth in a different suit!

Well Mrs.Brennen  I have a solution for you.  You should go talk to CV councilman Clif Schneider in particular, and the town board.  He can solve your problem.   Clif previously wanted a Property Value Assurance plan in our wind regulations. He thought that was great idea!  It would guarantee people like Liz who would move away a bucket of cash from the wind company if their property doesn’t sell or at fair value. He once told me that it would at least make people “whole again”!!!! So what is the problem?

Now does Mrs. Brennen look like a person who would think a bucket of wind cash would bring her peace for having to move away from a community she loves and is obviously deeply emotional invested in?

She is the poster child for just how really stupid the  PVA  concept is!!!  Of course you can bet the BP lawyers would just run right in and give anyone moving exactly what they though their house was worth.   
Mrs. Brennen needs to understand that if she really wants to save this community from a wind Art X disaster. Then we will all have to do it ourselves and stop sitting around in complete limbo on pins and needles waiting with desperate hopes Art X or somebody else will do it for us.  That is a fast a deadly prescription for getting a wind farm.  Like a deer in the headlights hoping the car will stop and not flatten us on the road!

Now about John Byrne…first let me get up from the floor where I ended up after falling off my chair laughing my ass off!
What a performance! Hey, aren't the Academy Awards happening soon???? John is so concerned about the CV farmers????   Maybe Paul Mason could give him a job in the barn.  Because Byrne obviously knows how to shovel out bullshit!!!!  Here is a dollar John go buy a spine!  Anything else I might say on this subject I shouldn’t post on my blog!!!

Now what about attorney Curtin?  Very professional.  Really he was!  Good  presentation in many ways…well sort of. Not so much on the argument, but certainly on delivery.   Nice office BTW!  Problem is did you notice that Mr. Curtin completely contradicted himself on wind.

He starts out by saying that wind energy may be completely appropriate in some places and then gives arguments about subsidies and wind energy problems that would not make it appropriate anywhere especially in CV.  Then he advised our town to write a law to not prohibit wind, but actually allow some!  Yup…this guy is definitely a lawyer!!!  So Mr. Curtin are we against wind energy or are we for it???? Which side of the fence are we on today?

Then he talks about CV’s visual concerns, however, he fails to point out that while advising on our zoning law he didn’t support any direct language that would protect against purely the visual issues.  And in fact said he could not defend something like that in the law.

He says from his town he can see wind turbines and they are way off so they don’t bother him since they are about 15 miles away. Hhhmmm…another person advising the town who won’t actually have to live under the impacts!  It’s OK over there, but not in my back yard.  No you can understand why we have a law that forces the turbines into the CV interior on Lyme and Clayton!  They aen’t a problem over there awy from the people who pay the big taxes!

But then he said he wouldn’t want them in his back yard.  No kidding Mr. Curtin, I don’t want them in my back yard either my friend.  So how many times have you been to CV????   Because there is NO where in CV where a wind turbine would be 15 miles away from anybody and we already have Wolfe Is. That is only about 2 miles away.  So why the hell did you advise the town to write a law that would actually allow some wind development?

In my opinion this why when we follow the advice of people like this can’t take a stand seem to contradict themselves on the wind issue in an attempt to be “reasonable” on the issue, and communities get wind farms they don’t want!  It is also why our law is screwed up!

Then he indicates  how wind  might be bad in CV but  the town of CV wants to “embrace solar”. Oh yeah…they have embraced solar alright!!!  So much so their love affair with solar is all over the papers to prove it!

 It was the second time in the video I fell off my chair laughing!!!!  Now isn’t he the attorney they hired to advise on our zoning law???   Well then it is too bad he didn’t advise them well enough to write a law they could actually read and wasn’t full of contradictions on the solar issue so they didn’t have to embrace a zoning review committee to try to straighten out how to embrace solar correctly!!!  Maybe we should get a rebate from Mr. Curtin because of the solar zoning fiasco! We as tax payers were told repeatedly he was THE expert.  So add him to the list of “experts” who this solar issue completely slipped by!   And we paid BIG BUCKS for him to not catch this mess!

Now it occurs to me that we have attorney Curtin, and John Byrne… and Urban Hirschey and his zoning experts who can’t read our law…then we have the PACE guy telling us basically we are probably going to live with a wind farm one way or the other and we have no home rule to stop it as the PACE guy points out as well.

Now does somebody want to explain to me again how this is a winning combination against Art X?

Everybody should play the part with the PACE guy again and watch carefully what we are in for as he basically explains so nicely how Art X will screw our community’s rear end to the wall!

Now does somebody want to explain to me again how this is a winning combination against Art X?This definitely was a really  interesting video. and I am sincerely  glad Mr. Wiley posted it!



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